
Scarlet Warlock

(I do NOT own neither Harry Potter nor Marvel) Harry saw the world differently, maybe that´s why he was feared later on his lifetime, or maybe it was due to his powers, destined to be greater than everyone else. From the start of his life he was smart, he saw people as they were, even the disgusting family he had. So what happens when a smart child, with a destiny like no other, and a demon, who saw potential on the child and decided to teach him what she knew? Just one word. Chaos

joq_tdd · Bücher und Literatur
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4 Chs

How time flies


I wanted to include the fact that Harry was going to go to a normal school until he turns 11 but I completely forgot about it, I just think that he will need it, as I don´t think you can magic everything so maybe he will learn a little science to put into his magic

Thank you for reading, and hopefully you will like this chapter <3


Time is really interesting, or at least our perception of it, the happier we are, the quicker it ran away, and while in our darkest moments, it walks right with us.

Right now time was flying, running and a little less that teleporting for Harry.

He was having the time of his life learning magic. As it turn out he was great at anything magical, and to Harry having a little talent was great.

He took witchcraft like a champion and made steady progress, and according to Tamar, he could be one of the strongest magic users in the world. And he desperately wanted her to be serious.

As any other kid, Harry wanted to be strong, and learn lots of magic, but he also wanted to be like his mother someone that protect others, yes that would be good.

On the other hand, there was a little bad news for Harry, and that was that he had to start school, something he had never done.

While Harry was great at magical things and loved learning them, he was not great at everything and even despise some. History was boring to him, and the same with music. He hated P.E but he knew he had to be fit so he did his best. The only subjects he liked were math and English.

Without mattering if he liked or disliked the subject Harry endured, hoping to achieve excellence and pass with the best mark possible, and he was no perfect machine, so he did fail to pass everything with flying colors but he tried and more importantly from those failures, he learnt.


Harry was currently on school, doing some simple math, which to harry was really easy. Finishing the exercise he looked around and found that some kids were struggling and some other were done, and then his eyes locked on her.

Elizabeth Myers

She was interesting and kind.

He liked her, he thought she was smart, and kind of wanted to date her.

This was not even consider a crush, it was a little want to date her.

Time passed as he stared at her and her beautiful dirty blonde hair and he didn't seem to realize that it did, well he did realize but only when she looked back at him, something that made him blush and look elsewhere.

Moments after that, the bell rang, and kids made their way to enjoy their break. But one stayed behind, one who decided to go and ask something of harry.

The sounds of little steps sounded as she approached Harry, who was looking for something in his backpack, and once she got to where he was she decided to ask something "Hey Harry, Elizabeth wants to see you, outside"

Harry stopped looking through his backpack in shook and followed the girl, named Monica, to where Elizabeth was.

Once he reached there he found Elizabeth, sitting under a tree, looking expectantly at him.

She stood up and look him right in the eye.

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

Harry´s eyes widen he didn't know what to say, what does one even say in this case, yes he did kind of like her but at the same time he was six, and he knew that if he said yes to this relationship that would mean that they were going to be together at most for a week, so did he want to put himself in this mess, no he didn´t.

"I´m sorry but I don´t want to" He told her flatly, of course he didn´t want to sound mean, but he did in the end, just because everything about manners was a mess to him, he needs to work in that area, a lot.

"Bu-bu-but" She said as she let out began to cry, like hard, and before Harry could do anything, she ran away, right into the classroom of the third years.

Making a sigh he decided that needs to be better at handling this kinds of situations, What is going to happen once he´s older? Well he will find out about it when time passes.

The rest of the day went on quickly and some of his classmates glared at him from time to time, the rumors about what happened had already went through most of the class, and some didn´t like him, other didn't care and two hated him, Monica and Elizabeth.

When the bell rang and everyone was leaving, Harry saw three eight year olds, one of them being closely similar to Elizabeth, as they both have that dirty blonde hair

"I heard that you make my sister cry" the one in the middle talked

"Yes, and I am sorry about that, I should have apologized but I didn´t get the chance, anyways I´m going to leave " He tried to go around the kids but found himself unable as he was pushed backwards.

"Look at this guys, he thinks he is leaving without a beating" The one on the right spoke "Yeah, yeah, I say we punch him until he bleeds" the one on the left spoke

"I will give you a chance to leave before I make some drastic actions."

"I think we should let him go" Spoke the one in the middle.

"WHAT?" (X2)

"Yeah, I think he got the point" The one in the middle grabbed both of his friends and made his way out of the school.

Sighing, he the little blue energy that had made in the palm of his hand disappeared, and Harry smiled.

It´s not everyday you get to use your magic in this sort of ways.

And that day he realized something.

He loved messing with the mind


Time flex some more and now Harry was seven years old, old enough to start learning about magic, well the wizard kind.

He had been reading about theory for a long time so now, now he was thrilled, well a little more than thrilled.

This was the holy day for Harry, he was about to start a journey so great, the true begging of the path of the grea-

"As you know today we will start learning about wizardry" Spoke Tamar with confidence and a warm tone, one she had developed through teaching Harry. The last thought he had, had flown out the window "Wizardry is different that witchcraft, some rules exist for both, or one exists while in the other doesn´t" Now Harry was getting more excited, break rules? Now that´s something enticing for anyone who seeks power, to protect or to harm, and even to a kid who likes to break every kind of rule.

"But I have some bad news, we won´t be using wizardry magic"

"WHAT, WHY?" Harry was completely shocked, he had read many books about theory and even some on wandless magic, which by the way were on Latin because no one uses wandless magic anymore.

"Harry, I´m not a wizard, and I can´t teach you something so hard as wandless magic, I can only help you in those that don´t require magic, those that do, you will have to learn on your own, but to do that you will have to wait until you´re nine"

"That, that makes sense, but it doesn´t mean I´m less angry about not being able to do magic, not mad at you, mad at not being able to learn"

"Well if you´re mad, just study all you can this two years and then you can learn as much as you can when you turn nine" Tamar spoke with a little grin, she was a little scared of what she was doing, she had only challenged him once, she said that he would had to be way older to be able to enter her mind, but he took it seriously, and learn as many tactics as possible to try to enter it and even used some, less moral ways, such as faking a head injury and then entering her mind, while saying something about his last breath, God she thinks about it and realized how dramatic Harry was.

"What subjects are we going to learn?"

"I don´t want to teach you faulty theory so we will only work around potions, herbology, ancient runes, arithmancy, care of magical creatures and history" She spoke with her eyes closed, pretending to be a professor who was imparting the most important information

When she opened her eyes and look at Harry she was surprised, way too surprised, because staring her wasn´t a human, no, that face, it looked too much like....

No, he is not he, he is not even related to him, and if she was able to, he never will be.

She was scared because staring at her eyes, were not the green full of the essence life, no, there were a green full of greed, eyes full of drive, eyes which were seeking knowledge first, and weren´t taking no for an answer.


Tamar was sure she knew how smart Harry was, she was wrong, until now Harry was learning without a true motivation, now however, she was teaching a genius monster, he learnt in three months the first year of everything he had to learn, he even started going to a gym, but that wasn´t slowing him down at all. The worst of it it´s that he was still learning witchcraft and got closer to becoming a disciple.

In the next six months he devoured, the next year of magic, and shown to have a great talent in potions, ancient runes and arithmancy. He could be consider a savant about runes, hell he was close to the third year, that be the fifth in Hogwarts terms, and he didn´t spend that much time in them, in contrast to history or arithmancy.


Three months had passed and now Harry was just about done with his fourth year runes knowledge, and was halfway there with everything else, but today, today was a special day.

"AAAAAA HARRY PLEASE COME" Tamar said way too loud and Harry was beyond shitless, he ran through the whole house with his hands full of magic and as soon as he entered the living room he summoned a sword and was prepared to attack, and the enemy was right there, with a..... cake?


Harry stand there looking, shocked? He was too engrossed on the path of learning that he had forgotten of the special day, his birthday, but Tamar didn´t forget, hell she never forgets, and without wanting to, a little tear dropped from his eyes, Tamar cared for him, she really did.

"And here, I got you a present" She moved her hand and a book came flying from the wall, it seemed that Tamar loved hiding presents in rare places. "It one of my best creations, just in case" She looked at Harry and finished in her mind 'Just in case I don´t stay for too long'

Harry broke off the wrapping around the book, and then he read what the cover of the book was "Carving runes with magic 101"

"Wait, this is supposed to ancient knowledge" Harry was shocked, what he had received was probably the best gift ever. Useful and also thoughtful.

"I don´t think you forgot that witchcraft also has runes"

"Omg mom, I love this" And then he hugged her.

This wasn´t the first time he had called her mom, but each time, it made her whole again, it made her feel younger, even if she was just getting older.

The rest of the birthday went amazingly, full of fun moments and great food.


Another six months passed and Harry had now finished the knowledge about ancient runes that was taught in Hogwarts and was now learning about how to carve runes with magic, he was getting close to being able to cast them in a solid ground, but was nowhere near as close as to being able to carve them in the air.

Harry had also learnt the fourth year of the subjects, and had started to like herbology a little more, as it began to be more related to potions, because he started to learn the effect of certain combination of plants, so he also started to draw his own conclusions.

On another note, Harry was beginning to worry about not reaching the level he wanted before starting magic and because of that he began obsessing a little and losing touch with eating and everything.


Two months and six days later Harry had finished with learning the fifth year of what´s taught in Hogwarts, he was happy, he also had some time to spare and everything.

He was beyond excited, who cares that he had to miss meals, skips days of school or even leave behind some witchcraft training. Well his body care, and once he was released of all the tension, it passed out.

It took him two days to wake up, and as soon as he did, he saw a red bubble break, and with that a little alarm went off. And he didn´t have to wait long as Tamar ran in and hugged Harry.

"You little shit, you scared me, too much!" Tamar practically shouted, she was beyond worried, if your kid passes out for two days, it´s only logical to react this way.

"I´m sorry mom, I didn't want to"

"Of course you didn't want to, but that doesn´t make it better"

"I´m sorry, I really am, I just-"

"You were too stupid, that´s what you were" Tamar was speaking loud and she had risen her voice too much, and then she realized, that it could be a little triggering for Harry. "I´m sorry Harry, I´m not mad, I´m just worried, I didn´t mean to yell but I hope you understand, that what you did was too much." Tamar hugged him hard, trying to explain that everything was alright.

"Yes mom, I´m sorry"

"I know you are, I know you are."

After around on minute of wholesome silence, Tamar ended it by saying something.

"And no more learning wizardry until your birthday"


As it turns out, Tamar had done a big deal about his birthday, but since he had no friends, nor family, it was easy to cancel the plans, however she wasn't going to cancel her gift, she wanted to, however she had made a deal, and she stuck by deals.

So when Harry´s birthday came they didn´t do much, however after eating lunch, which was some interesting curry, they went on his way to a shop, a what shop you may ask, well a pet shop, a magical one at that. It wasn´t on diagon ally as that Tamar was reserving for his eleventh birthday.

The shop called "Hermit´s pets" was an interesting place, as it was made of wood and looked more like a cabin than a shop, and in this shop he found the perfect little companion, a horned snake. Which had talked to him. He was quite sassy and also really arrogant even for the small size it had. But he was perfect for this family, blessed be oh great Cudic


Harry now found himself in his room, meditating he was trying to feel magic, it had been a couple of days since his birthday, and he spent every night around three hours meditating, trying to find his core and cast magic, but was having lots of trouble

$Have you tried meditating while casting magic$ Cudic told Harry in a matter of fact tone

$If I was able to cast magic I wouldn´t be doing this$

$I wasn´t talking about wizardry$

$But witchcraft is totally different$

$Do you not use a core for both in some instances$ Cudic was basically spelling out how to solve the problem at this point

$Oh yes of course$ And with that information Harry focused again.

This time he cast a spell using personal energy

"æstus me" From Harry hand heat started to come from him, and focusing of how magic was being drained he noticed where the core was.

'Yes now only need to figure out how to use it for magic'

It took him a little over an hour of constantly trying to give up.

'I´m not making any progress, huh, it´s not going to be easy so I´ll just blow some steam and then come back and aced it'

Harry went and tried practicing some spells and after the first one, a elemental fire ball, came out particularly strong he began to think.

'Why was it stronger, I use the same magic as every other time, I´m just a little- HOLY SHIT'

That was the moment Harry realized, he was using his core the right way, he was only lacking intent, emotion and will. So he once again sat down and began to think aspects of fire, and how badly he wanted it to happen.

'It's not working" He soon got frustrated and began shouting.


"WATCH YOUR LANGUAGE HARRY" Tamar voice echoed trough the backyard where Harry was.

"SORRY" With a sigh he decided to use it for a last time.

He put everything, all his rage, feeling, will and magic, and spoke out


And with that a little fire sparked on the floor.



"SORRY MOM!" Harry shouted back without feeling sorry at all. But he also whispered in victory "I did magic bitch"

And that way the year where Harry began learning wizardry magic


AN: Uff such a fun chapter to write but also kind of boring, if you think that nothing is happening in the story, in the next chapter we will have some action, something that scares me a lot, if you have any ideas of what you would like to see, they are more than welcomed.

Did you like the chapter?

Who would you like to see Harry end up with? Or would you prefer if he stayed single?

Anyways hope you enjoyed and we will see each other very soon, have a fantastic day <3