
Scaramouche meets Rin

Scaramouche was doing his bounties when he saw a group of scientists working on a new portal. When it gets turned on, he gets hit and dropped hard, and the EMTs find him and take him to the hospital. He gets dropped in Japan in 2023. In this world, people have different powers and are classed with jobs that your strength can help with. Rin can summon two water dragons. Soon his parents find out how to travel to get him, and when he gets the option to go back, Ren thinks he is getting taken and goes after him.

RoseMaddox1990 · Videospiele
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3 Chs

A New World

Scaramouche was doing his bounties he came across some Futi working on something he said and didn't come back home, and Itachi and Sasuke went looking for him. Scaramouche was fighting, trying not to get pushed into the portal. When he got kicked hard and flew inside the doorway, it felt like he was falling forever when he landed. Scaramouche hit the car; the force knocked him out. When the EMT's got there, Rin climbed into the car, and they gently got him down. Rin was looking over his body. Scaramouche eyes slowly open, and they see Rin leaning over him, hooking him up.

Scaramouche reached, trying to hit him. Rin grabs his wrist. "Okay, calm down. You hit a car. Your back is badly bruised, and you got the wind knocked out of you. My name is Rin Kimura. I am an EMT. My team found you are fine. Just let me finish," he said sternly—Scaramouche's eye twitched. He couldn't speak his ribs were broken. Rin was writing his vitals down on his glove. They get to a hospital, and they hand him off to the doctors. Rin told them what happened and how he didn't know anything. Rin hands him the paperwork. He heard fighting.

He rushed to see Scaramuche and forced himself up, and Rin picked him up and laid him down. "Relax, let the doctors help your hurt," he said as his voice deepened. Scaramouche looks. "I don't know you, so fuck off, take me home," he said. Rin looks. "Okay, where is your home, fancy hat man," he said. Scaramouche stops when his eyes focus. He sees he isn't on Mondstadt. "Where am I," he asks. Rin sat down. "Tokyo Japan 2023," he said. "Fucking Futi and their time bullshit," Scaramouche said. "Mom is going to kill my dads," he said, laughing. Rin looks. "Listen, if you have no family, you have to stay here until we get that all worked out, and there are shelters and such," he said. Scaramouche looked at him like he was crazy "Me stay in a shelter. I don't think so," he said proudly. "Okay, big man, well, once the king comes to get his princess, let me know," Rin said, standing up and leaving.

Scaramouche sat there pissed off. He spoke to the people. He stayed until he was healed, and a social worker helped him get a job at hot topic. It took him a minute to get the hang of the money difference, but he soon got it. Scaramouche saw everyone with cell phones. He sighs. "Money, of course," he whispered as he finished. Scaramouche clocked out. "Know a home," he said. Rin was on his run. He saw him and stopped. "Did the king forget his princess?" he asked. Scaramouche slaps Rin's hand away. "I am not a princess, so stop calling me that. Also, my dads aren't kings, and my mom isn't a queen, so fuck off," he said. Rin laughs. "Someone is feisty," Rin said. "Alright, princess, see you around," Rin said, knowing it bothered him as he left. Scaramouche made a fist. "If I had my vision, I would kick you into another country," he mumbles. He went to his group housing. He hated sharing.

As his time there went on, he saved up enough money and got his first cell phone and Apartment. He was moving what little he had in. He pulled out his phone and downloaded the apps he needed. "Fucking bullshit," he mumbles. He heard his stomach. "I miss moms cooking," he said, seeing the small kitchen. "So need a bed and sofa and something called a TV," Scaramouche said. He lies down on the floor. "Rin probably has a nice apartment," he mumbles. "Stop it. He is an asshole" Scaramouche went to shower. The following day the mall was busy like always until someone got caught stealing.

Scaramouche was eating and walking back to Hot Topic when he got stopped. The cops saw it was an older woman and saw her last name "Call Rin," he said. "Don't call my faggot son. He is worthless," the woman yelled. Scaramouche was getting angry. About 30 minutes pass, and Rin walks up, holding a motorcycle helmet, and sighs, seeing her. "My one day off," he mumbles. He was signing the papers as his mother insulted him none stop. He leaned in. "Listen, women, you will not speak to me that way; I am a grown man, so please keep your fucking mouth shut," he said; only some offers heard him.

The women shut up. Rin hands the cop the papers, and they take her away. Rin rubbed his eyes together and walked past Scaramouche. All he could smell was pine and smoke. Scaramouche looks as the cops take the women away. Rin was sitting outside smoking. He pulled his phone out and looked at his ex's number. He sighs he tilts his head back. Scaramouche walks out holding some shirts he thinks he would like. "I have never given a gift, but it looks like you need one," he said, putting it down and leaving. "Thanks," he said. He opens the bag and smiles, seeing the band shirts. "Thank you," he said. Scaramouche nods. "My name is Scaramouche Uchiha," he said.