
scar possession

This is a story, a story about a scar, what could have cause such a huge scar on such a tender skin no one could ever tell but how huge and beastly the scar was, everyone could tell even strangers. A cross shape scar, rumors have it that scars like that are the mark of the pain and torment the ones you killed come back to hunt you, could it be the mark of the devil himself

Josie_Thomas_4421 · Horror
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17 Chs

The little demon story Shabriri ( Demon of blindness )

When I was younger, still in mother's womb as the story goes, the one she always tell me when the thorns start attacking the roses and when the weather is cold and lonely and the rain stop wetting the land, and the night owls and ravens and bats reproduce and the land is dry " Child, you belong to the devil " she do always stated whenever she see me going near a church " you are the devil's child " she do repeat combing my long straight hair while I stare at the mirror " look at the mirror child " she do always say while I laugh staring at the huge shining thing " me mamma " I was a black and back then black were object of mockery " you are my precious child and I won't let them take you away " she do always weep pecking my hair and I do laugh as though mocking her , the candle was always lit giving light to our little mansion " I know we were desperate, I wanted a child, it hard listening to people and putting my trust and hope in a being I couldn't see and my husband wanted fame, he was always a big talker " mom do always say laughing remembering the memory and the first time she noticed my nightmares when I was just a year old, I grew up so so fast and so wise that when I was two I do look like a ten years old kid " sheeeeeeeeesh there are here again " she do cover my lip and my eyes but this time they wanted dad, and the air grew stuffy, and stinkier and harsher and wilder " honey take her and run away " dad do always say wherever he was and we do always come out together and then move out for five good years of my life but this year own was different, before he could run out of our little mansion the house do collapse one on top the other, the house was gone and so was dad, but mom and I was still alive and then I heard it, the voices clearly for the first time since I was born " you can never cheat a cheater and lie to a lair foolish men " then there was this hand that stretched toward me, pulling my eyes off and taking something off me my voice and every year I do lose something crucial to me until I kill people and drink their blood I do never gain what I lost and to gain my leg back I had to end her miseries, my mother " good, shabriri " for that was the name of the demon that possess me, the demon of blindness.