
scar possession

This is a story, a story about a scar, what could have cause such a huge scar on such a tender skin no one could ever tell but how huge and beastly the scar was, everyone could tell even strangers. A cross shape scar, rumors have it that scars like that are the mark of the pain and torment the ones you killed come back to hunt you, could it be the mark of the devil himself

Josie_Thomas_4421 · Horror
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17 Chs

First kill

" Hope you having a good time " it was a man with rounded wrinkled skin, flat shaped nose and ugly irregular body, he had unshaved beard which made his face more bolder and his stomach swollen, he was shirtless, wearing only boxers with girls young girls wearing panties and bras with chains tied around their throat and leg so there won't run, he was holding a lit with expensive Champaign scatter all around and a big box of gold beside his bed " shake it more bitches " he laugh, hitting them " com'on do more " he was already reaching his limit but he just puff smoke off his lips laughing " you like that " the brown skin girl that was touching his chest bitting his lip " yeah " he was having the time of his life as he went on and on then the candle light went off and the ground vibrated " who is there " he ordered but there was no reply " baby where you going to " the brown skin girl held his wrist romancing his wrinkled skin " oOoOO oOoOO " his croak voice filled the room " baby is this real gold " the brown skin girl asked romancing his hair " y..yes " he scream in excitement " and your house is as big as a castle "

" Yes foolish people they labour all day while I sit here and enjoy my life, getting bathed with beauty queens ohohohohohohoh " his laugh sounded like bizarre clause " and the people " the girl question going down toward his lower abdomen " yy.yyeesss baby am almost there " he scream in excitement, his eyes full of lust " how do u get enough money to turn this house to real gold " the brown skin girl asked in a seductive tune " forced them to pay, increase the taxes, and bribe the police to remain silent and baby the more people u able to influence the less enemies you have in this dirty games of politics " he said in a dramatic tune " and people that couldn't pay " her tune was mocking and seductive like Jezebel in the bible " you kill those scum" he was becoming irritated by the question " who dare question me like this " his asked with lip full of saliva and eyes blinded with lust " jezebul " she smiled as he chuckle " jezebul like the one names Jezebel " he chuckle was evil as he held her chin and squeezing her lip " now baby hold me and fill me " he chukle holding her chin tighter " you hurting me " he held her cheek till blood start flowing swiftly from her cheek " why the tears baby don't cry " he hit her across the face " now pull it " he smiled looking at her perfectly carved shape " I would do anything for you cuz you my Lord and king " she smiled seductively as the other scoof at her " do it, come on, I have taken a liking to you " he hit her across her waist in a seductive way " com'on pops " she smiled bringing her tune out and going down his waist while he chuckle lustfully " Good, you finally serious " he smiled as he closes his eyes while she open her mouth biting him on the groin " ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Christ, are you crazy " he moan " hope you love that baby " her lip was stained with blood and her body stained in her own blood " do you like that " she laughed hysterically not minding the wound she do have on her face " g... get away from me crazy bitch " he tremble shouting at his voices " security, security " he do turn to the girls he do chain around him just to satisfy his sexual urge but they were with knives as though an evil spirit suddenly enter them " securityyyyyyyyyyyy " he scream at the top of his lungs but none answered while the girls he once tortured finally rebel against him