
Scandal Modeling

"Let's forget about last night's events, and go back to our respective activities. Please don't let anyone know, especially the media, because that will complicate my career," said the woman The man looked at the woman with a cold expression because he wanted her too so nothing agitated would happen. But he still has to be careful with this woman because she could sell high prices even though there are other things hidden. *** "What you are carrying is my child," said the man with a sharp gaze The woman frowned and she realized that the man realized what she was hiding. The woman was silent and did not answer because she was confused about what to do and what to say to her. He was sure this man would not easily talk about it if he didn't find out first, and he was quite grateful for that. "I want us to get married, because I don't want my child to be born without a clear bond," continued the man. ----- United because of a scandal and end up loving each other, winning is weird but that's love, you don't know where to lean on or to whom you are sure that love sometimes seems selfish because you have to have it.

Fiia_1602 · Urban
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17 Chs


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The next day, Queen told Berta and Lili about her meeting with Archard, who asked her to marry him. The news is certainly good news, but not for Queen, who is worried because Archard doesn't know if he is pregnant with his child. Queen is at a loss for words, especially since they don't know each other.It makes him worry if Archard doesn't want to accept the baby in his womb.

"Try to talk to him about the baby you are carrying. You can get to know each other as time goes by, so I think it's best to try this relationship first, "suggested asked

"All right, I'll try to discuss it tomorrow," the queen said.


After meeting with the queen, he had a meeting with his parents today to talk about the annulment of the betrothal. Incidentally, his parents also wanted to discuss the matter.

"So how far have your engagement preparations gone?" asked the father

"I want to cancel this match," Archard said

"Hah ? Why do you suddenly want to cancel, everything is being prepared" said the worried mother.

"I've found a woman I like. So I want to cancel this match, Archard said

"You can't, surely that woman is just a rental ?" asked the mother in disbelief

"No, we've known each other for a long time. But we just met again a few months ago, and we feel that we are compatible, so we are in a relationship, "explained Archard

"Who is she ?" asked the father

"Father will get to know him the day after tomorrow, I want to invite him to meet you," Archard said

"How is this dear, that your son makes us ashamed of the Gerard family?" worried the mother

The father immediately massaged his temples because of the behavior of his son who could not follow the wishes of his parents. They are now in the father's study where after dinner took place, they immediately chatted about the survival of his eldest son.

"A good daddy will give you the opportunity to prove that the woman deserves to be side by side with you" said the father

"Ok, dad, thank you" he said

Archard immediately left the room because he was happy that his parents didn't oppose his wishes anymore. Then he immediately left the mansion to return to his apartment because there was a problem with his work abroad, so he had to have an online meeting.

"Are you sure about your son's choice?" asked the wife

"We'll see tomorrow, if that woman is capable enough to control archard properly, then I will talk to Mr. Gerard to cancel this match"

"Fortunately, I haven't told the others about this match, if it happens we can't cancel it," said the wife

"As I thought, our child must have a way to reject this match. So we have to be even more careful not to make things worse," said the husband

Even though they were betrothed, not many people knew about it, because of a request from the archard family who did not want to be exposed before they actually legally became a family. So canceling an ongoing matchmaking isn't too difficult, but they must be prepared if it causes new problems later.


"Hoek.. Hoek.."

As usual in the morning, the queen will feel very nauseous, and while she continues to vomit liquid, she also strokes her stomach so that her child can understand if her mother already knows her. Lili came over and gave them warm water, then made milk and breakfast for them.

"Lili, today should be your day off right?" asked the queen while eating her breakfast

"It's okay queen, I can accompany you" replied lili

"Relax, I can do it myself, you go home. You've been living in my apartment for one week, I'm sorry your family wants to be visited"

"Then who will accompany you queen?" ask lily

"Don't worry, I can go home alone. You've been living in my apartment for one week, I'm sorry your family wants to be visited"

"Hahahaha.. yes queen, then I'll get ready to go back to the apartment first. The day after tomorrow I will return to my hometown" with a smile

"Okay, say hello to your family. Later I will transfer your bonus to you to buy souvenirs"

"Thank you very much queen" said lily


"Erick, I will go now. Please take care of the rest," Archard said

"Okay sir" Eric replied

Archard immediately got ready to leave from his desk to pick up his girlfriend to talk about his meeting with Archard's parents. He wears more casual clothes but still looks polite. Previously, Archard had received the news that Queen was now at the mall, so he told Queen that he would pick her up.

"Are you ready to meet my parents later?" asked Archard

"Yes, but before that there are a few things I want to convey" said the queen

They were walking in the mall because apparently Archard arrived first so they planned to walk around the mall while talking and preparing themselves before meeting Archard's parents.

"Okay, then let's stop by the restaurant first" Archard replied while holding the Queen's hand.

Seeing the cakes in this restaurant made the queen want to taste them, so she ordered two slices of cake and a fresh juice drink. As for Archard, he just ordered a drink, because he had already eaten at his apartment.

"I'm pregnant" said the queen while drinking her juice

"Hah ? By whom?" Archard asked surprised in a loud voice

"I last had sex two years ago, then did it again 3 months ago with you. I forgot not to take birth control pills because of my busy work schedule so I forgot about it" explained the queen after being silent for a long time

A sigh of relief came from Archard's mouth, then he responded in surprise

"So that's my son?" he asked in disbelief

Queen nodded doubtfully, and Archard was at a loss for words.But his little heart suddenly beat fast, whether happy or afraid he did not understand.

"I have accepted and will keep this baby, so if you don't want to know her whereabouts, then stay away from me immediately. Look for a woman who can fulfill what you want, I don't think it's wrong if you are matched right?"

"So you no longer have to hire a womanizer for you, you just have to do it with your future wife," he continued

"You think I want a woman who is often used by many men?" asked Archard

"It's not that you also often use a lot of women, what's wrong?" asked queen

"We're getting married soon" he replied after a pause

"I don't want to marry, but I just wanted to let you know that one day there might be a child with a face like yours and I'm gone; at least he knows he has a father," the queen replied while eating her cake.

"Tomorrow we will meet my parents to introduce you as my future wife" Archard stated that he disregarded Queen's words.

"Whatever" replied the queen, still eating the cake that only a little more

The sound of restaurant patrons enlivening the atmosphere was only heard because the two people at the same table were thinking about something that was in their heads.

"Would you like to add more cake?" asked archard when he saw that his cake was finished

"No, I just want to go back to the apartment" replied the queen

"Okay, I'll take you home"

Archard saw the beautiful face of the sleeping queen on the way she fell asleep because she couldn't sleep well the night before because she was thinking about this problem.Arriving at the basement, Archard didn't wake Queen, he got out of the car and carried Queen's body who was sleeping in his arms.

Of course, the information he had paid off because Archard could now enter Queen's apartment with the help of a confidant.

When Archard is interested in someone, even if that person is already his, he will be very possessive of that possession. This applies to the Queen, who is interested in him so that all information and access that can be reached by Archard will be found out and obtained.

After laying Queen's body on his bed, now it's Archard's turn to be tired because he hasn't slept since last night, when he came home from his parents' residence because of office problems overseas. So he undressed and hugged the Queen while lying down.

The Queen woke up feeling hungry, but when he opened his eyes, the thing he saw was the chest of someone hugging him. He saw Archard sleeping in his sleep; he didn't want to disturb him, so he tried to let go of the hug. When he got out of the room he headed for the kitchen to cook something because the baby needed to be fed.

"Is my decision right ? He wants to marry me. Although I'm not sure why he wants to marry me. But what about his parents ? Will they accept the baby she is carrying ?" thought queen

Even though her mind is a mess, the queen can still cook properly because she actually prefers to make her own food rather than buy it, but somehow lately she always wants to eat at a restaurant.

Archard woke up because he smelled the food, which aroused his appetite to be able to taste it. He opened his eyes and gathered his soul before going to wash his face and go to the kitchen to see what smell was going on.

"It smells good; I want to try it," Archard said while sitting at the dining table.

Queen didn't say much; he simply took a bowl from the kitchen, poured the food into it, and handed it to Archard. Even though he almost failed to focus because Archard wasn't wearing his upper clothes, he quickly controlled his expressions.

"Hmm, delicious," Archard praised.

"Are all these made by you?" he asked while continuing to chew the food served.

"Hmm.. Quickly finish your food and leave my apartment," said the queen.

After eating, they were immediately busy with their activities, starting with Archard, who went straight to the queen's room to take a shower, and the queen to clean up the dining table they had used.

"I really want to marry you," Archard said,

"So get ready to meet my parents tomorrow."

"Why?" the queen inquired.

"I want to be responsible for the baby you are carrying, and I really want you to be my woman," Archard explained.

"Fine, let's just make a deal; we are married because of this child, and we will divorce after this child is born," said the queen.

"Why should there be a divorce?" asked Archard

"Because I want to marry someone who genuinely loves and loves me for no reason," Queen explained.

"We try to make this relationship work," Archard said.

"I'm not sure; you're only interested in me. If later you find another woman, then you have to let me go" said the queen.

"Hmm, okay, but we try each other to be able to go through this relationship, okay?" asked Archard.

"Okay for the sake of this baby," replied the queen.

Queen did all of this to protect the baby she was carrying because she disliked Archard. Archard is a man who enjoys playing with women's hearts, so it's better for him to guard his heart than to be hurt frequently.


The Queen is a cool lady who understands the importance of protecting her heart. Will he always be able to keep his heart? Or even later, was he trapped by his own heart ?

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