
Scales of Imprisonment

An overpowered dragon has nothing new to do. Till one day a young girl ventures on her territory w/ her little group. The dragoness was just going to kill them quickly. But when young teen sees her she's prepared to defend her companions. She miraculously beats the dragon. But this has some dire consequences she wasn't prepared for.

Flame_Ice_5470 · Fantasie
Zu wenig Bewertungen
26 Chs

Conquer and kill

Like I predicted when Hades woke up. Mad and confused.

We had someone go and fetch her. When she got to us she was confused and hurt. But in her eyes she had a small glint.

"Ok now that you're awake let's get this over w/ give us your title and land and everything that comes w/ it. After that you 3 can kill yourselves." I say.

"What?!" Everyone but the party asks.

"Great no questions. Now chop chop." I say.

"That's unreasonable!" Hades roars.

"The rules that you all said you would obey are you must obey the winner of the fight." Broadway states.

"But come on! These are my and my mates people! They are used to us and are loyal to us! Can't you demand something else?!" Hades asks.

"No I can't. Listen if I just have you guys die then your people will have no ruler. Then if we take your people in but don't get the territory then we can't provide for everyone. So it's either this or all your people die and we get your land." I say.

"Or you can just not kill us!" Sky yells.

"You guys had your chance. You didn't take it. The others there had died and died for real. I'm not letting you 3 escape." I counter.

"Hey why not ask some of the people involved that you've ignored?" The male says. I turn and look at my mates.

"Sorry I forgot to make sure you guys were ready for the added responsibility but I figured I could take the majority from the new arrivals." I say.

"It's fine but we were shocked because that land could hold all of us and have room to spare." Rose states.

"I'm glad I'm making the right call then." I say.

"Hey! I meant us!" The male says.

"Why would I talk to you?" I ask.

"Because I'm one of their subjects! So I feel like I should represent not all but some of our people!" He says.

"Listen. You are not my main concern till you become one of my people. And right now you're not. So why should I concern myself w/ you?" I say bluntly.

They look stunned and so did our people.

"I have a couple of conditions." Sky says.

"What?" I ask.

"1 You can't harm our people. 2 You must treat them equally and fairly. 3 Let us die together and in your arms." She says.

"Yes, yes, and who the fuck do you think you are?! I'm not letting you die in my arms! But the rest is fine." I say then quickly make the adjustments to the demand so that, that which was reasonable was now a part of it.

"Wow you really did take everything from us and wouldn't grant us 1 small request." Sky says.

"Dumb ass I'm not letting you guys any closer to me than I have to." I say.

Stormy suddenly threw something on me.

"Now if we die you won't be able to have kids." Sky says.

"The hell did you do?!" The party roars.

"Don't worry if she has our kid or kids then she'll be able to give birth to theirs." Stormy says.

"Do you have another one?" Sam asks.

"No why?" Sky asks.

"Oh because I don't want to have anymore kids!" She says.

"Shoot thanks for the gift." I say.

"What do you mean gift?" Hades asks.

"They had me give birth to 2 dozen children so yeah no more kids!" I say

"You let them have your first time and gave birth to their kids. Not only does that not work if you're not a virgin but you wanted to rob us of anything and everything. Even if we won and got you when we mated you would have traces of them in you still." Stormy say.

"Just go get ready to die and give us your titles." I say and they were soon lead out.