
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


As the third day of detention drew to a close, Zede and Kylan found themselves reflecting on the unusual nature of their confinement. Sitting together in front of a large glass window as the evening descended, they couldn't shake the feeling that something was amiss.


"It's strange, isn't it?" Kylan remarked, breaking the silence. "This detention hardly feels like detention at all."


Zede nodded in agreement, his gaze drifting out the window. "Yeah, it's like we've been given free rein to do as we please."


Just then, Kylan's question about Harris was interrupted by Zede's ringing phone. "Zede Project Greek sol.... Ze.. " With a sense of urgency, he answered, only to be met with garbled words and static on the other end. Before he could make out anything coherent, the call abruptly ended, leaving Zede and Kylan puzzled.


A sudden alarm pierced the air, jolting them into action. Without hesitation, they sprinted towards the control room, their hearts racing with a sense of foreboding.


Upon arriving, they found the room abuzz with activity. The Metalloids, Maxine, Mendle, and Kaal were all gathered around a holographic screen, their expressions grave as they studied the data before them. Aayam stood at the forefront, his features etched with concern as he monitored the unfolding situation.


"What's happening?" Zede asked breathlessly, his eyes darting between the faces of his companions.


Aayam turned to face them, his voice tense. "There's trouble in the city," he replied, his tone clipped. "Reports are coming in of a dangerous presence roaming the streets. We need to act fast."


Aayam's words struck like thunder in the room, sending a chill down everyone's spine. "This person was seen around Kylan's home just a few minutes ago," he announced, his voice taut with urgency. "He was jumping and destroying everything in his path."


Zede and Kylan exchanged alarmed glances, their minds reeling with the implications of Aayam's revelation. Aayam continued, informing them that he had dispatched a team of assassins to deal with the threat, but he awaited their report before taking further action.


As Aayam displayed a picture on the holographic screen, he zoomed in, scrutinizing the image closely. His gaze then shifted to Kylan, a hint of recognition flickering in his eyes. "Isn't this person your neighbor, Kylan?" he inquired, his tone laced with suspicion. "He met me the day I visited you."


Zede and Kylan leaned in to examine the image, their blood running cold as they realized the truth. The person wreaking havoc in the city was none other than Alex. Shock and disbelief washed over them, their minds racing as they struggled to comprehend the gravity of the situation.


(Half an hour ago, at Kylan's house)

As Harris injected Alex and watched him slip into unconsciousness, he felt a surge of relief wash over him. With a determined resolve, he turned his attention to the hidden floor plank door leading to the basement. With cautious steps, he opened the door and descended the stairs into the dimly lit space below.


As Harris reached the bottom, his eyes widened in disbelief at the sight before him. The helmet of Alexander the Great was glowing with an otherworldly light, casting an eerie aura in the room. Harris hesitated for a moment, his mind struggling to comprehend the inexplicable phenomenon unfolding before him.


Summoning his courage, Harris reached out to touch the helmet, feeling a strange vibration emanating from its surface. Suddenly, the vibrations intensified, resonating with a deafening intensity that reverberated through the room. But this time these sound was also audible to Harris. Harris clutched his ears in pain, his senses overwhelmed by the overwhelming sound.


To his horror, the sound roused the unconscious Alex, who awoke with a start and joined Harris in closing his ears to shield themselves from the cacophony. As they watched in awe and terror, the floor beneath them began to crack, the sound shattering every glass surface in the vicinity.


With a sense of impending doom hanging in the air, Harris and Alex braced themselves as the ground trembled beneath them, uncertain of what chaos awaited them in the depths of the basement.


As Alex crawled through the open floor, he found Harris standing nearby, holding a strange helmet. The moment Alex entered the basement, the unsettling sound ceased, leaving an abrupt silence in its wake. Alex, now feeling normal again, approached Harris with a newfound curiosity about the helmet.


"Can I see that?" Alex asked, pointing to the helmet. "I want to understand what's been causing all this chaos."


Harris hesitated, reluctant to hand over the mysterious artifact. "I don't think that's a good idea, Alex," he replied. "It might not be safe."


But Alex was determined. "I need to know," he insisted, gesturing to the shards of glass strewn across the floor. "Look at what it's done."


As Alex reached for the helmet, Harris's grip tightened on the papers he had snatched from the floor. "You shouldn't be meddling with this," Harris cautioned, but as he tried to maintain his hold on both the helmet and the papers, the helmet slipped from his grasp.


Alex seized the opportunity and swiftly lifted the helmet, examining its intricate design with fascination. Placing it aside, he turned his attention to the crumpled papers in Harris's hand. With a quick maneuver, Alex managed to snatch them away, his curiosity driving him to unravel the mystery.


As Alex read the contents of the papers, his eyes widened in disbelief. The revelation that he was a clone of Alexander the Great sent a wave of astonishment through him. Despite his initial excitement, he couldn't shake the weight of this newfound knowledge and the implications it held for his identity.


As Harris desperately tried to reach Zede, his fingers trembling with urgency, Alex seized the opportunity to snatch the phone from his hand. Before Harris could react, Alex ruthlessly crushed the device under his foot, rendering it useless in an instant.


Harris stared in shock at the shattered remnants of his phone, his heart sinking as he realized the gravity of the situation. With each passing moment, Alex seemed to transform before his eyes, evolving into a tyrant of the new age.