
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


One day, while attempting to contact the Eridani, Zymon experienced an unexpected interruption. A sense of foreboding enveloped him as he hurried to the source, fearing the worst. He rushed to his uncle and saw something that was not meant to be good.

His mother, father, and grandpa were running from a giant. He hated them and knew that this was a manifestation of his uncle's power. He ran to find his uncle, who was drinking the fluid his uncle had given him while running.

On the battlefield, Eridani was roaring loudly. Ferric and Pitch Blade tried to reach Cosmic man to help him, but within the circle of Eridani, more and more people were transforming into giants. Ferric and Pitch Blade were tangled in the situation, and Kylan was struggling with his suit.

Under Eridani's leg, the Nakshatra form of Cosmic man started to blaze. He said, "Nakshatra of Bharani," and kicked the giant Eridani high into the sky near the chilling surface of the ozone. He divided himself into three. His armor was pitch-black, but his appearance was attractive, resembling a flying death. He flew near Eridani, touched him with his finger, and said, "SuperNova."

At least half of the Earth witnessed an ear-deafening explosion, emitting light as bright as hundreds of suns. When the explosion subsided, everyone saw that Alcor was falling from the sky. Kylan barely managed to fly and caught him in the air.

"It's no use, boy. Nobody can save me now," Alcor spoke to Kylan in a faint voice. "My body is meant to travel through the universe, a star. Now, I can finally become a star." "Stop talking like that; you're not going to die. Please, hold on," Kylan struggled to speak through his tears.

Zymon reached the arena, realizing his uncle was nowhere to be found. He was aware that his uncle was no more, and his eyes raged with the emotion of revenge. The ground shook, and two hands emerged, pulling a red giant from the ground.

Kylan, Ferric, and Pitch Blade looked at the giant. A sudden vibration went through Zymon's brain. "I am Eridani. Bite out the nape of this body, and you'll become as powerful as me," a telepathic message hummed in his mind. "What is this?" Ferric and Pitch Blade moved forward. "Stop there. I am Eridani; your fallen warrior's final blow was impressive. But the pieces of my body are still moving in the atmosphere. So, I can still control giants everywhere," a loud voice came from the giant.

Zymon jumped, climbed the giant's leg, and reached its shoulder. A soft place on its nape awaited him. Zymon bit into it, absorbing the entire giant. The giant's body disappeared into his mouth, and he smiled and screamed as if losing his mind.

Aayam and Kaal arrived. "Ferric, stop. Let me end this in just one blow," Aayam said. "Aayam, look after your son. We will handle it." Ferric and Pitch Blade moved forward. "Looks like the work is not done yet. Sorry, Dad, I couldn't manage to end this," Alcor panted, and his skin shed. "What are you saying, son? Move to the hospital," Aayam urged. "No, Dad, nobody can save me. All of my 28 maternal grandmothers are calling in the abode of my grandpa, the Moon god. Before going there, I want to leave my powers there." Alcor looked at Kylan and removed the stone on his forehead, placing it on Kylan's forehead. "Now you will bear my responsibilities. Alcor is dying, but Cosmic man isn't. Be a good Savior," Alcor said.

Zymon summoned three giants and moved towards Alcor to take revenge on his uncle. Alcor said, "Are you looking there? Go and save this city and the world." "Please let me sit there; let me sit there beside you, Alcor." Alcor left his body to embark on the journey to his Grandpa's house in the spiritual abode.

Kylan stood up, wiped his tears, and manifested the Cosmic man's suit on his body. He went forward and blew Zymon off the top of a Giant. The giant caught him. "Let me go there; I'll kill..." Kylan flew up and cut down one of the giants. "He is already dead," Kylan moaned loudly. "You are nothing more than a beast." In his anger, Kylan mercilessly struck Zymon. One of the giants emerged from the ground, took Zymon in its palm, and ran rapidly. Kylan, burning in the fire of anger, chased him.

Aayam blocked his way and said, "Calm down, Kylan. We will find him, and you will take my son's revenge. But this is not the right time. We need to perform the last rites of Alcor."

Kylan's backstory concluded. "This is how I got my powers, Zede. That day, we burned Alcor's body at the cremation ground, and I joined the Savior Society. Zymon, in his mental state, attacked my home while Grandpa and I were away and ate his own mother and father. Are you happy now?" Kylan finished explaining his rise to prominence and rank in the Savior Society. He noticed that Zede and Diego were crying. "Forgive me, my friend, for treating you this way," Zede said. "It's already dawn, Zede. On the way, I got confirmation from the SSHQ that Zymon is the one who killed Agent Morris and Nelson on Juichi Islands. We need to hurry. Come on, Zede."