
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


On the other end of the cosmic arena, Sky of Antarctica seethed with frustration upon learning about the demise of his clones, Sky of Deca-Deca and Sky of Amazon. His icy fortress echoed with the reverberations of his anger as he unleashed a thunderous scream, causing the very walls to shudder. In the aftermath of his outburst, he clenched his fists, plotting his next move with ruthless determination.


Collecting himself, Sky contacted Ether, his voice crackling over the call like the frosty winds of Siberia. "Where are you now?" Sky demanded, the urgency evident in his tone.


Ether responded with a stoic demeanor, "I am in Siberia, attending to the mission at hand."


Sky interrupted Ether's report. "Listen to me, Ether. Change your course. Head to Deca-Deca town immediately. I need you to assess the situation, gather information, and report back to me promptly. We can't afford any more setbacks. The Savior Society is proving to be more formidable than anticipated."


Ether acknowledged the order with a curt nod. "Understood, Sky. I'll redirect my efforts towards Deca-Deca town. I'll contact you for further updates once I'm on the ground."


The call ended with an eerie silence, leaving Sky of Antarctica alone in his frigid command center. The demise of his clones was not just a setback; it was a direct challenge to his authority and plans.


As Sky awaited Ether's swift response, he contemplated the intricate web of alliances and conflicts that unfolded across the cosmic arena. The fate of Deca-Deca town hung in the balance, and Sky knew that the next moves would shape the trajectory of the cosmic struggle between the Savior Society and the forces aligned against them.


In the heart of Siberia, Ether swiftly adjusted his course, his eyes reflecting a determination matched only by the freezing landscape around him. The mission in Siberia was temporarily put on hold as he set his sights on the unsuspecting Deca-Deca town.


The day dawned with a promise of adventure as Zede, Diego, Paige, Clara, and Kylan gathered in a lively group chat to plan their outing to the city carnival. Messages buzzed with excitement as they shared ideas and suggestions for the perfect day.


Paige, always one for spontaneous fun, suggested, "How about starting with the Ferris wheel? It has the best view of the entire carnival!"


Clara, chiming in with her own enthusiasm, added, "And then we can try the roller coasters! I heard they've got a new one this year."


Kylan, recalling childhood dreams, suggested, "Zede, Let's not forget the classic carnival games. We used to dream about winning those giant stuffed animals when we were kids."


Zede, reflecting on the day's plan, couldn't help but feel a twinge of nostalgia. "Sounds like a plan. Let's meet at my place, and we can head to the carnival together."


As they all met on Zede's doorstep, the air was charged with anticipation. Paige, sporting a playful smile, seized the opportunity to inch closer to Zede, playfully nudging him with her elbow. Clara, catching onto Paige's antics, shot her a good-natured look of amusement.


"Ready for a day of carnival fun, Zede?" Paige teased, her eyes sparkling with a hint of competitiveness.


Zede, smirking in response, replied, "Absolutely. Let's make this day unforgettable."


The group set off towards the carnival, the city bustling with energy. As they entered the lively atmosphere of the carnival grounds, memories flooded back for Zede. He couldn't help but reminisce about his first visit with Dahlia, a bittersweet memory that lingered in the corners of his mind.


Paige, seizing the chance to draw closer to Zede, engaged him in conversation about the carnival's attractions. Clara, feeling the friendly competition, joined in, creating a lively banter that resonated with camaraderie.


The Ferris wheel offered a panoramic view of the carnival below, triggering a wave of nostalgia for Zede. As they ascended, he shared snippets of his past visit, including the betrayal he had experienced with Dahlia. Kylan slapped on Zede's back "Forget about her now, look how Paige is trying to catch your attention."


Paige, sensing the change in atmosphere, tried to lighten the mood. "Well, today is about making new memories, right?"


The group continued their adventure, tackling roller coasters, indulging in carnival games, and relishing the vibrant atmosphere. Kylan, caught in the whirlwind of laughter and shared memories, couldn't help but reminisce about their childhood dreams.


"Remember when we used to dream about coming here together? Look at us now, living that dream!" Kylan remarked with a grin. Zede laughed.


As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting a warm glow over the carnival, the group found themselves in front of the carousel. Paige, seizing another opportunity, challenged Zede to a race for the best horse.


The carousel spun with laughter and competition, the colorful lights creating a whimsical backdrop. Zede, Clara, Paige, Kylan, and Diego fully embraced the joy of the carnival, leaving behind the weight of memories and embracing the present.


The day concluded with a stroll through the carnival, sharing cotton candy and soaking in the lively atmosphere. As they gathered to watch the fireworks, Zede couldn't help but feel a sense of fulfillment. The carnival, once tainted by betrayal, had become a place of joy and camaraderie.


Underneath the bursts of colorful lights in the night sky, Zede turned to his friends. "Thanks for making this day unforgettable, everyone. Let's do it again sometime."


As they parted ways, the echoes of laughter and shared experiences lingered, a testament to the strength of their friendship. The city carnival, once a symbol of betrayal, had transformed into a place of cherished memories and newfound bonds.


As Zede and Paige made their way to his home, the city lights casting a warm glow on the streets, a sense of tranquility settled between them. In a moment of connection, Paige reached out and gently grabbed Zede's hand. Zede, pleasantly surprised, stopped and turned to her with a questioning smile.


"What's on your mind, Paige?" Zede asked, his curiosity piqued.


Paige, her eyes reflecting a romantic mood, began to express herself. However, her words trailed off as her gaze shifted toward Zede's house. A sense of unease crept over her as she spotted a wolf-like figure engaged in a fierce battle with Diego.