
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


As our saviors were coming to SSHQ after winning a chaotic battle with werewolves, they saw two suspicious looking men were waiting for them on the helipad of SSHQ. Zede narrowed his eyes and took his new mask from the side and jumped from the chopper without any prior warning. "Blaster outfit" Zede said in the mid air and the Diego equipped him with that suit. "Zede" Maxine was calling him.

Then Zede tried to attack them. But before the attack of Zede a portal opened in front of Zede and then he fell in it. On the other end of portal there were the blades of the chopper in which he was travelling. Just before he was going to get hit by the blades of the chopper a mechanical arm caught him in mid way took him back on the helipad of SSHQ.

Zede came into his normal form and was panting heavily. "Who are you?" said Zede in a faint voice. While Maxine and Mr. Bali were walking down to the copper, the huge man in the black outfit asked Maxine "Didn't Aayam tell about anything us?" Maxine bowed down to them and said "My apologies Mr. Kaal and Mr. Mendel. He is new in our organization" Maxine grabbed Zede's head and bowed it down. "They are the brothers of Mr. Aayam. Show some respect" said Maxine in a lower tone.

"Is that so? So they are the wier…(to Maxine) Oh sorry I didn't have any clue that you are the brothers of Mr. Aayam. Please forgive me if I made an offence" said Zede.

Kaal and Mendel looked at each other and laughed. "We are glad to have such attentive saviors in our organization. You have our respect young... What's your name by the way" asked Mendel (The skinny guy with long hairs and scientific instruments) "Oh its Zede Blake sir. But officially people call me Blaze" Zede answered in a hurried tone.

"Ok so, who is this shining creature?" asked Kaal. "Let me introduce him sir. He is Mr. Bali who is changed after a science experiment. But his mediation and mindfulness helped him to get control over his body and he is working with us."

(Inside the SSHQ)

"We are still getting reports from our town of werewolves transformations. The werewolves that were left to get enchanted are still roaming in the town. All thanks to Mendel that he found an anti were wolf serum. Our crew members are injecting each and every werewolf left in the town" said Kaal.(The one with all black outfit) "Maxine would you like to show us what you have found on that terrace?" asked Mendel.

"Yes sir. Here is the mind device which was worn by the Mr. Beowulf Harley. Currently he is in our custody now. He is still unconsciouss. But our team is trying on him" said Maxine. "I think this information (walked towards Zede) is still in complete. Am I right Mr. Blake" said Mendel in a suspicious way. "Was there any other person besides Harley?" Mendel continued.

"Sir according to the scene a scientist named Moore, the one who changed Mr. Bali into a crow, was helping Harley. And he chose his disciple Adam to wear mind device to control wolves" said Zede. "And then Adam ran away from the crime scene with that Moore named guy right?" asked Kaal. "Our apologies sir. But I assure you that we will catch him as soon as possible" said Maxine in a confident tone. "So why did you let that cat like girl run away from that place?" asked Mendel. Before the answer of Maxine Kaal looked at Zede and Crow and asked "Why are you two are so amazed?" "Nothing sir" said Zede. "Don't tell me that you are thinking that how do we came to know all the things happened there, even the secrets one." said Kaal. "Ye… yes Mr. Kaal"

Then Kaal and Mendel looked at each other and laughed again "These newbies there" said both. "You will come to know about it, but the question is still here, why did you help that cat like girl run away?" asked Kaal. "Sir because she helped us in…." "Enough is enough Maxine, this organization is created to protect this planet from alien invasions. And here you are not even efficient in protecting people from inner dangers. I'm dethroning you from the post of senior manager until Aayam come back." said Kaal in a heavy voice. "How could you sir?.." Zede objected the decision of Mr. Kaal.

"You didn't even listened to her. Dahlia helped us in werewolf incident, so Maxine just gave her a chance to change" said Zede in a loud voice. "What if she remains as she is, or let's assume if she change, who will for the price of the lives of the people who got killed by the group of Mr. Moore, She was also involved in it back then. You can't run an organization with emotions Zede. Think about it." said Mendel.

"Door is there" said Kaal. Maxine, Zede and Mr. Bali left the cabin. "You should focus on the work Zede. Mr. Aayam will return soon" said Maxine and separate her way.

While walking down on his way to home Zede was discussing to Diego, how bad he felt about Maxine. But then his phone rang, "who is this?" said Zede. "umhhh.. So you forget me right?(male voice)" a person on the phone said. "May I ask you what's your name?" Zede asked "Will you attend your school tomorrow" asked that unknown person. "Yes but you are you moron?" asked Zede. "You will come to know tomorrow." Call ends. "Was it a joke" said Zede in a comical way and Diego was laughing on him.

It was the time just after the sunset and Zede saw that his house's lights are on. He ran towards his house and went inside; it was all clean and fragrant. When he explored further he got himself surprised.