
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


Moore couldn't shake off the intrigue surrounding the purple bull. "Did you create it?" he asked, cutting right to the chase. Sky, momentarily lost in thought, realized he had forgotten to inform Moore about a crucial detail.


"Leave us," Sky ordered his assistant. Once they were alone, Sky disclosed, "Yes, I created the purple bull. It's infused with Clara, my assistant. She will act as our pawn." Moore, appreciating the cunning strategy, nodded in approval. The cosmic chessboard was set for a high-stakes game.


With purpose in his stride, Sky left his cabin to conduct a class on nano-tech. Meanwhile, at Rubik's High, Zede and Kylan were engrossed in Andrew's lecture. The class came to an end, and Clara, Sky's assistant, appeared at the door to fetch Andrew some water.


As Clara entered the classroom, Zede's attention was immediately captured by her vibrant red hair and striking beauty. The magnetic pull was undeniable, and Zede found himself captivated. Unbeknownst to him, Diego, the humanoid bull in Zede's hoodie, picked up on the heightened heartbeat and stepped out to witness the unfolding connection.


Clara, focused on her task, approached Andrew to provide the much-needed water. Yet, there was an unspoken energy in the air as Zede and Clara locked eyes. The intensity between them grew.


Diego snorted with amusement, observing the unspoken language shared between Zede and Clara. As the two gazed at each other, time seemed to slow, creating a moment of unexpected connection. The air was charged with a mix of curiosity, attraction, and the unknown.


Andrew, oblivious to the undercurrents in the room, continued with his work.


After the class, Andrew directed Clara to take a stack of project files to his cabin. The sheer volume of files proved too cumbersome for a single person. Sensing the opportunity to assist, Zede stood up and offered, "I'll handle these, Mr. Andrew. I can take them to your cabin."


Andrew, grateful for the help, agreed, "Thank you, Zede. I appreciate it. I need to get ready for the next class." With that, Andrew left the room to conduct his next lecture.


Clara, attempting to maintain a professional demeanor, walked in front of Zede, who was carrying the hefty stack of project files. Zede, feeling a sense of responsibility, hesitated for a moment before gathering the courage to strike up a conversation.


"Uh, hey," Zede began awkwardly, trying to initiate a casual conversation. "I didn't catch your name earlier. I'm Zede."


Clara, focused on the files and attempting to keep the interaction formal, replied, "Clara. Now, if you don't mind, I need to concentrate on this task."


Despite her attempt to maintain a businesslike atmosphere, fate had other plans. In an unfortunate twist, Zede accidentally stepped on the back of Clara's shoe, causing her to stumble and the files to scatter across the floor. The once neat and organized stack was now a chaotic mess.


Quickly realizing his mistake, Zede moved swiftly to help Clara. However, in the process, an unintended and awkward physical contact occurred. Zede, in his attempt to assist, inadvertently grabbed Clara from the area beneath her breast from the back, and their proximity left them in a complicated and uncomfortable situation.


Clara, her face turning red with embarrassment and frustration, swiftly extricated herself from the awkward encounter. She turned around, her eyes glaring at Zede, and delivered a resounding slap across his cheek. "Pathetic," she muttered, frustration evident in her voice.


Without uttering another word, Clara gathered the files, shooting one last disapproving look at Zede, and briskly walked away. Zede, left dumbfounded and nursing a reddened cheek, watched as Clara distanced herself from the unexpected and cringe-worthy interaction.


The echoes of the slap lingered in the air as Zede contemplated the implications of his unintentional blunder.


Zede, eager to clear the air after the awkward encounter, rushed into Andrew's cabin. He found Clara diligently arranging the scattered files on the desk.


"Clara, I need to explain. I didn't mean to grab you like that. It was just a reflex, an instinct to prevent you from falling," Zede stammered, attempting to convey his intentions.


Clara, focused on her task, replied with a curt "Okay," signaling that she acknowledged his explanation but preferred to concentrate on her work.


Undeterred, Zede carefully placed the files on the desk as instructed by Clara. He hesitated for a moment, observing her, before deciding to address the elephant in the room. "Hey, I noticed a scratch on your neck. How did that happen?"


Clara, now visibly irritated, turned around and shot him a stern look. "Move outside," she demanded, her voice carrying a tone of authority.


"Okay," Zede complied, stepping out of the cabin and closing the door behind him. He pondered the mysteries surrounding Clara and the scratch on her neck, realizing that there might be more to her story than met the eye.


As Zede walked down the street with Kylan and Diego, the atmosphere lightened, and the tension of the previous encounter began to dissipate. However, Kylan, ever the playful companion, couldn't resist teasing Zede about his encounter with Clara.


"So, Zede, what's the deal with you and Clara? Diego here says he heard your heart racing like a turbocharged engine back there," Kylan chuckled, his mischievous grin widening.


Zede, blushing at the mention of his accelerated heartbeat, retorted, "It's nothing. Just an awkward moment. Let's focus on the mission instead."


Just then, Aayam's call interrupted their banter. Kylan answered the communication device, and Aayam briefed them on a mission. "We've detected something suspicious in the high radioactive area near Chernobyl. I need you to investigate and provide a detailed report. Be cautious, and report back as soon as you find anything."


As the call ended, Kylan shared the mission details with Zede. The prospect of uncovering mysteries in the radioactive aftermath of Chernobyl added a layer of intrigue to their already eventful lives. The trio set off, ready to face the unknown and confront the challenges that awaited them in the radioactive shadows of Chernobyl.