
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


As Kylan's frantic search yielded no results, a faint noise interrupted the tense silence—a muffled click, followed by the creak of a refrigerator door. His heart leaped with a mixture of confusion and relief as Zede, Harris, and the cloned Alexander emerged from the fridge, blinking in the sudden light.


Kylan's eyes widened in astonishment as he beheld his creation for the first time, his excitement palpable. Cloned Alexander stood before him, twisting his tongue in an awkward, almost primitive manner, reminiscent of a caveman. Despite his initial surprise, Kylan couldn't help but feel a surge of pride at the sight of the young clone.


"Oh, I see," Kylan exclaimed, his voice tinged with excitement as he approached Alexander, patting his shoulder with enthusiasm. "Welcome, Alexander. We're going to have quite the adventure together."


Turning to Zede and Harris, Kylan's expression softened into a smile. "I think it's time we got to work," he said, his tone determined. "Zede, Harris, let's teach him. He may have the body of a warrior, but his mind is that of a teenager. With your guidance, I'm confident he'll adapt quickly."


Zede and Harris nodded in agreement, their faces lighting up with anticipation as they embraced the challenge ahead. Together, they embarked on a journey of teaching and learning, patiently guiding Alexander through the intricacies of human behavior.


In the weeks that followed, Alexander made remarkable progress under their tutelage. From mastering eating manners to learning to walk and speak like a human, Alexander blossomed into a well-adjusted member of their group. And as he grew accustomed to his new life, they affectionately began to call him Alex—a fitting name for their extraordinary companion.


The warm afternoon sun bathed Kylan's backyard as he, Zede, Harris, and Alex engaged in a spirited game of catch ball. Laughter filled the air as they tossed the ball back and forth, enjoying each other's company and the simple joy of the game.


Alex, still adjusting to his newfound strength and abilities, was playing with remarkable skill and precision. However, as the game progressed, a moment of excitement led to an unexpected display of power. With a sudden burst of strength, Alex swung his arm to catch the ball, but instead of a gentle catch, he struck it with such force that it soared through the air like a projectile.


The ball hurtled through the backyard, leaving a trail of whistling wind in its wake, until it collided with a nearby tree with a resounding thud. The impact was so forceful that it pierced through the trunk, leaving behind a gaping hole.


Zede, Harris, and Kylan watched in stunned silence as they approached the tree to inspect the damage. Peering through the hole, they exchanged concerned glances, realizing the immense power that Alex possessed.


"Such strength," Zede murmured, his voice tinged with awe and apprehension.


Harris and Kylan nodded in agreement, their expressions reflecting a mixture of wonder and concern. It was clear that Alex's abilities were far beyond what they had anticipated, raising questions about how to control and harness his power responsibly.


As they stood before the damaged tree, a sense of responsibility settled over them. They knew that with great power came great responsibility, and it was up to them to ensure that Alex's incredible abilities were used for good.


As the afternoon unfolded in Kylan's backyard, a sudden interruption startled the trio. A car came to a halt near the edge of the yard, and as the figure of Aayam emerged from within, the trio's heartbeats quickened with apprehension. Hastily, they scrambled to conceal Alex, their clandestine creation, amidst the foliage.


As Aayam approached, the trio attempted to maintain an air of nonchalance, though their nerves were palpable. With practiced ease, Aayam smoothed out the creases in his attire and greeted them with a genial smile.


"Ah, what a pleasant surprise," Kylan exclaimed, his tone carefully casual. "Zede, look who's here."


Zede echoed Kylan's sentiment, though his eyes betrayed a flicker of unease. Meanwhile, Kylan subtly motioned for Harris and Alex to keep out of sight.


Observing Harris and Alex standing nearby, Aayam inquired, "And who might they be?"


Quick on his feet, Kylan replied smoothly, "Oh, just our neighbors, dropping by for a visit."


Satisfied with Kylan's explanation, Aayam followed him inside, his attention momentarily diverted from the hidden presence of Alex.


Meanwhile, Zede seized the opportunity to discreetly message Harris, instructing him to take Alex for a walk to familiarize him with human behavior. With a nod of understanding, Harris led Alex away from the yard and onto the bustling market road.


As they strolled along, Harris pointed out various sights and sounds, explaining them to Alex, who listened with rapt attention. From the lively chatter of passersby to the vibrant displays of merchandise in shop windows, Alex absorbed it all with childlike wonder.


Under Harris's guidance, Alex began to grasp the intricacies of human behavior, his curiosity piqued with each new discovery. And as they continued their leisurely walk, Harris couldn't help but feel a sense of pride in helping Alex navigate this unfamiliar world.


As Harris and Alex meandered through the bustling market, they encountered a myriad of fascinating sights and sounds. Alex's eyes widened in wonder as he absorbed the vibrant tapestry of the marketplace.


They passed by colorful stalls brimming with exotic fruits and fragrant spices, the air alive with the mingling scents of cinnamon, cardamom, and freshly baked bread. Alex reached out to touch the glossy skins of ripe fruits, marveling at their vibrant hues and unique textures.


Next, they ventured into a crowded square where street performers captivated audiences with their mesmerizing dances and lively music. Alex watched in awe as acrobats performed daring feats of agility, their movements graceful and fluid against the backdrop of the bustling crowd.


They wandered through narrow alleyways lined with quaint boutiques and artisan workshops, each offering a glimpse into the rich tapestry of local culture and craftsmanship. Alex eagerly explored each new discovery, his curiosity sparking with each encounter.


Throughout their journey, Harris shared stories and anecdotes about life in the market, offering Alex a deeper understanding of the vibrant community that thrived within its bustling streets. And as they continued to explore, Harris couldn't help but feel a sense of joy and fulfillment in witnessing Alex's excitement and wonderment at each new experience.