
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


The morning sun painted the city in warm hues as Kylan picked up his communicator and dialed Zede's number. The previous night's plans for a museum visit had solidified into a morning adventure, and the trio, along with Diego, eagerly convened for their excursion.


The FutureTech Museum welcomed them with its sleek, modern exterior. As they explored the various exhibits, the trio marveled at the fusion of history and technology. Ancient artifacts and futuristic wonders coexisted within the museum's walls, creating an immersive experience.


In the museum, the trio marveled at artifacts spanning centuries — a tapestry of human history. Ancient relics whispered tales of forgotten empires, while interactive exhibits brought the past to life. Zede's eyes gleamed with fascination, Kylan absorbed every detail with scientific curiosity, and Harris stood in awe of the diverse cultures on display. Together, they navigated through exhibits, each telling a unique story etched into the annals of time. The museum, a repository of human legacy, became a canvas where the trio painted memories, forging a bond with history that transcended the boundaries of the present.


Their journey through the exhibits led them to a section dedicated to Alexander the Great. The allure of the ancient conqueror's artifacts beckoned, drawing the trio closer. The centerpiece of the exhibit was Alexander's legendary armor and helmet, relics that had withstood the test of time.


Kylan, with a discerning eye, examined the helmet, its surface bearing the weight of centuries. As he studied the artifact, an unexpected discovery unfolded – faint stains of blood adorned the interior of the helmet. The realization sent a shiver down their spines, connecting them intimately with the historical figure they had only read about in textbooks.


In the midst of this revelation, the tranquility of the museum was shattered by an ominous presence. A menacer monster materialized with malicious intent, threatening the sanctity of the exhibits. In a flash, Kylan, driven by a sense of duty, transformed into Cosmic Man, his celestial powers ready to confront the menace.


With urgency in his voice, Cosmic Man instructed Blaze (Zede) to ensure Harris's safety. As the trio assumed their heroic roles, the museum transformed into an unexpected battleground, the clash of supernatural forces echoing through its halls.


Amidst the chaos, a figure emerged – Kohaku, drawn to the disturbance like a guardian responding to a call. However, before they could exchange words, the battle reached its climax. The combined efforts of Cosmic Man and Blaze thwarted the menacer's onslaught, preserving the museum's treasures from destruction.


The triumphant heroes, their powers still resonating with the remnants of the skirmish, stood amidst the aftermath. The museum, once a serene repository of history, now bore witness to a clash of forces beyond the comprehension of its artifacts.


As the dust settled, Kylan reverted to his human form, the urgency of the situation dissipating. Kohaku, recognizing the saviors of the museum, approached with a nod of acknowledgment. Though the menace had been vanquished, the unexpected convergence of heroes hinted at a deeper connection, one that extended beyond the walls of the museum.


With a shared sense of duty and an unspoken understanding, the trio and Kohaku exchanged glances. The morning's museum visit had transformed into an extraordinary chapter, intertwining the threads of history, heroism, and the unforeseen challenges that awaited them in the city's ever-evolving narrative.


The evening sun cast a golden glow over the city as Kylan, Zede, and Harris returned to Kylan's home after their eventful visit to the museum. Excitement and curiosity lingered in the air as they settled into Kylan's living room, ready to share their experiences from the day's adventure.


Kylan, with an air of mystery, retrieved a helmet from a concealed compartment and presented it to his companions. Zede and Harris, intrigued by the unexpected artifact, exchanged curious glances, eager to learn its origin.


"Whose helmet is that?" Zede inquired, his interest piqued by the peculiar item in Kylan's possession.


Kylan's expression turned solemn as he revealed the helmet's clandestine acquisition. "I... I stole this helmet from the museum," he confessed, his words laced with a mixture of guilt and determination. "During the chaos of our battle with the Menacer, I managed to sneak it into my bag."


Zede and Harris listened intently as Kylan continued, explaining the origins of the helmet and the significance of the stains adorning its surface. "This helmet, along with its matching armor, was discovered in an extremely cold cave," Kylan elaborated, his voice tinged with reverence. "And these stains... they're remnants of blood, possibly belonging to Alexander the Great himself."


A weighty silence descended upon the room as Zede and Harris absorbed the gravity of Kylan's revelation. The implications of possessing such a relic were profound, sparking a mixture of awe and apprehension within the trio.


"So, what do you plan to do with it?" Harris ventured, breaking the silence with a note of curiosity.


Kylan's gaze flickered with determination as he revealed his audacious plan. "I want to make a clone from the blood stains on this helmet," he declared, his voice resolute with purpose.


Zede and Harris exchanged incredulous looks, grappling with the magnitude of Kylan's proposal. The notion of cloning ancient blood held profound implications, challenging the boundaries of science and ethics.


The gravity of Kylan's revelation hung heavy in the air, each member of the trio grappling with their own thoughts and reservations. The prospect of delving into the mysteries of the past stirred a potent mixture of excitement and trepidation within them.


As the evening sun dipped below the horizon, casting long shadows across the room, Zede and Harris rose from their seats, their minds ablaze with contemplation. The journey they had embarked upon, filled with unexpected twists and turns, promised to lead them into uncharted territory, where the boundaries between history and legend blurred into obscurity.


Together, they stood poised on the precipice of discovery, their resolve steeled by the promise of unraveling the mysteries that lay hidden within the enigmatic past. With determination in their hearts and the echoes of ancient secrets guiding their path, the trio braced themselves for the extraordinary journey that lay ahead.