
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


The moon hung high in the night sky, its gentle glow casting a silver sheen upon the city below. As Zede and Kohaku found solace on a quiet perch overlooking the urban expanse, the distant hum of life served as a backdrop to the unfolding narrative.


Kohaku's eyes, marked by the weight of generations and the burden of untold stories, focused on a point in the horizon as he began to share the untold chapters of his past with Zede. The city lights shimmered, providing an ethereal setting for the tale that would reveal the hidden layers of Kohaku's existence.


"My ancestors were wise," Kohaku's voice resonated, carrying the ancient wisdom of Tayamura village. "They created a pocket dimension near Japan, a haven shielded from the prying eyes of the outside world. In this hidden sanctuary, we safeguarded a special kind of amber, a source of power that, if misused, could bring unimaginable consequences."


Zede listened intently, absorbing the nuances of a story that stretched back through the corridors of time. "We knew that if the outside world discovered our treasure, they would seek to exploit it for unethical purposes."


The air grew thick with the weight of generations of guardianship as Kohaku's narrative continued, weaving a tapestry of life within the secluded pocket dimension. "My father, however, held different beliefs. He didn't favor mining the ambers and casting weapons from them. He saw a potential for harmony, a way to coexist with the outside world without endangering our secret."


Kohaku's gaze turned distant as he spoke of his father's divergence from the family's traditional ways. "He chose to step into the outside world, seeking a path that aligned with the values he held. He became a member of the Savior Society, believing that they could use their powers for good."


The tension in the air mirrored the internal conflicts within Kohaku's family. The moonlight illuminated his face, revealing the anguish etched on his features. "For years, my family and I remained in the village, maintaining our ancient traditions. One day, my father returned, breathless and panicked. He implored the village chief to close the doors of our hidden sanctuary, fearing that the Savior Society had learned about our secret."


As the narrative unfolded, the moon served as a silent witness to the unfolding tragedy that beset Tayamura village. "The village chief, however, doubted my father, just as the Savior Society did. He refused to seal the gates, thinking my father had betrayed us all."


The moon's gentle glow seemed to soften as Kohaku recounted the events that followed. "Savior Society's ships descended upon our once-hidden village. Chaos ensued as they sought our treasures. The sanctuary, once a bastion of safety, became a battleground. My family paid a heavy price that night."


Silence settled between them, the weight of Kohaku's story lingering like a haunting melody. The city below continued its nocturnal symphony, unaware of the personal struggles and sacrifices concealed within the hearts of those who dwelled above its luminous streets.


As Kohaku continued his narrative, the echoes of a tragic past reverberated through the stillness of the night. The revelation of his father's alleged betrayal cast a shadow over Tayamura village, forever altering the course of Kohaku's life.


"Savior Society claimed that my father, Isamu Kohaku, sold vital information, leading to the death of one of our own," Kohaku's voice trembled with a mix of sorrow and resentment. "The court sentenced him to the death penalty. Isamu insisted that Savior Society was after the ambers, that they framed him to get their hands on our treasures."


In the midst of this turmoil, the village chief, bound by a sense of duty, handed over Isamu to Savior Society. The decision, while intended to protect the sanctity of Tayamura village, tore at the fabric of Kohaku's family. The news proved too much for Kohaku's grandfather, leading to a heart attack that would claim his life.


"The shock of losing my father and my gramps in such a short span was overwhelming," Kohaku continued. "In the eyes of the village, my family was tainted. My mother and I were cast out, left to navigate a world that had suddenly become hostile."


Their journey outside the protective confines of the pocket dimension was fraught with challenges. Kohaku's mother faced the harsh realities of life, grappling with the stigma attached to their name. The once-thriving family now found themselves on the fringes of society, battling not only the external forces but also the internal demons that plagued them.


As Kohaku recounted the hardships, he spoke of a tragic turn that would scar his childhood forever. "One day, a drunk man who frequented my mother's place of work took her life," he uttered the words with a heavy heart, the pain still fresh in his memories. "I was left alone, an orphan in a world that had already shown me its cruelest face."


The weight of these revelations hung in the air, painting a poignant picture of loss, betrayal, and the relentless march of tragedy that had shaped Kohaku's journey. The moon above bore witness to the tale of Tayamura village and its fallen guardian, etching the sorrowful saga into the annals of history.


The final words of Kohaku's narrative hung in the air, blending with the soft rustle of the night breeze. As he concluded the tale that unveiled the tragedies of Tayamura village, the quiet perch they occupied became a haven for shared stories and silent reflections.


Suddenly, the tranquil moment was shattered by the unmistakable sound of helicopter blades cutting through the night. A sense of urgency infused the air, and a commanding voice echoed from above.


"I am Aayam, and it is the last call for Zede to come back to Savior Society."


Zede and Kohaku rose from their seated position, their eyes meeting in a moment of unspoken understanding. The gravity of the situation hung heavily between them. Aayam's call marked a crossroads, a decision that would shape Zede's path moving forward.