
Saviors and The Throne Saga

Let's move on to the intergalactic journey of Zede and his friends. What does his dreams mean? How is he going to know the true meaning of his life? Whole universe greatest place, a throne is waiting for him. A story filled with the essence of Time travel, parallel universes, dimensions, supernatural and some mythical elements. Zede lives in the world where an association named Savior Society exists. It finds the people with super and special powers and use the to save people from menacers, our mc becomes one of them. But this journey holds more than just talking about a association. I hope u love the whole world building and the deep stuff that i implanted.

Jason_7402 · Fantasie
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86 Chs


Moore called Sky on the phone, excitement resonating in his voice as he disclosed the details of the mission involving a mutated wild boar near the Chernobyl nuclear station. Sky, eager to explore the scientific possibilities, listened intently.


"What's the mission, Moore? Catching a wild boar doesn't sound like something that would require my abilities," Sky remarked, curious but not entirely convinced.


Moore chuckled on the other end of the line. "This isn't an ordinary boar, my friend. It walks on two legs and stands as tall as a human. Something about the radiation in Chernobyl has mutated it. I want to understand more about these effects."


Sky's interest piqued at the mention of a two-legged creature. "A humanoid mutation caused by radiation? That does sound intriguing. What's the plan?"


"I need you to send Clara," Moore replied. "She'll be our pawn in this mission. Equip her with the necessary tools, and let's see what data she can gather from this mutated creature."


Acknowledging the plan, Sky considered the potential outcomes. "Very well, Moore. Clara is ready for the mission. We'll get to the bottom of this mutated mystery."


Ending the call, Sky proceeded to summon Clara to his laboratory. The anticipation in the air was palpable as he briefed her on the mission, explaining the significance of studying the mutated creature and emphasizing the importance of her safety.


Once Clara left the laboratory, equipped and ready for the mission, Sky couldn't help but wonder about the secrets that awaited discovery near the Chernobyl nuclear station. The unknown variables and potential scientific revelations fueled his excitement as he prepared to send his humanoid bull into the heart of the mutated anomaly.


The scene shifted to the Savior Society Headquarters (SSHQ), where Aayam stood before Zede and Kylan. He briefed them on the mission, urging the importance of using protection suits given the uncertainties they were about to face. The gravity of the situation weighed on their shoulders as they listened intently.


Aayam, with a stern expression, emphasized, "We're not dealing with an ordinary creature here. The boar, or whatever it has mutated into, has attacked plant workers near Chernobyl. We need to understand the nature of this threat. You're being sent to either capture it alive or, at the very least, gather crucial data."


Zede and Kylan exchanged glances, silently acknowledging the serious nature of their assignment. The potential danger of facing a mutated creature in the aftermath of Chernobyl was not lost on them. Aayam continued, "Remember, this isn't just about neutralizing a threat. We need information. What caused this mutation? What are its capabilities? You're our best chance at finding out."


Zede nodded, his mind focused on the mission at hand. "We'll make sure to handle it with caution and gather the necessary data, sir."


Aayam's gaze shifted between the two superhumans, his trust evident in his words. "Good. Use your skills, and most importantly, come back unharmed. The unknowns in this mission are vast, and we need you both to navigate through them."


As they left SSHQ, Zede and Kylan couldn't shake off the weight of responsibility on their shoulders. The mission went beyond confronting a mutated creature; it delved into the mysteries of radiation and its impact on living organisms.


The air was thick with an eerie silence as Zede and Kylan stood amidst the desolate landscape surrounding Chernobyl. The skeletal remains of abandoned buildings bore witness to the tragic history of the nuclear disaster. Kylan's smile, although faint, conveyed a mixture of fascination and contemplation as he gazed at the remnants of human civilization.

Zede, feeling a tinge of unease, asked, "What's with the smile, Kylan? It's not the usual reaction to such a grim sight." Kylan chuckled softly, "It's just that humans, despite all the destruction and dangers, persist in finding a way to survive. There's a strange beauty in their resilience, don't you think?"

Their philosophical musings were interrupted by a rustling sound emanating from the nearby bushes. Both superhumans instinctively turned their attention toward the disturbance, their heightened senses ready for any potential threat. Upon investigation, they discovered footprints – unusual, distorted prints that seemed to defy any logical explanation.

Zede, ever the pragmatist, raised an eyebrow, "These prints are bizarre. What kind of creature could leave such marks?" However, Kylan, drawn by a sense of curiosity, suggested they explore further. Despite Zede's doubts, they combed through the area, following the trail of prints as the sun began its descent, casting long shadows across the abandoned landscape.

As they ventured deeper, a sudden scream pierced the air. Zede and Kylan exchanged glances, their instincts kicking in. They hurried toward the source of the commotion, reaching a clearing where a surreal scene unfolded before them.

They found a place where each and every thing was cut down like someone spun here holding a massive sword.

The night hung heavy with uncertainty as Zede and Kylan deliberated on the peculiar events unfolding around them. The markings left by the mysterious creature had sparked Kylan's caution, a subtle reminder that there might be more to this mission than a simple mutated boar.

As dawn painted the horizon with hues of gold and amber, a distant sound echoed through the silence – the unmistakable squeak of a boar. Zede and Kylan, roused from their restless slumber, exchanged glances, a tacit agreement to investigate the source of the disturbance.

The first light of day revealed a scene both bizarre and captivating. In the midst of the damaged surroundings, a figure clad in a dark suit adorned with intricate purple etchings engaged in a fierce battle with the wild boar. The creature walked on two legs, defying the laws of nature, and the suited figure seemed to wield a formidable weapon – purple whips that lashed out in every direction.