
"Serve my dinner in the cafeteria,"

Finally, Mauve managed to free himself from the confining garment. With a swift motion, he pulled the shirt over his head, revealing his muscular purple torso, glistening slightly with a thin sheen of sweat.

Qie Xieling's brow arched, momentarily distracted by the striking sight before him. The intriguing patterns that adorned Mauve's skin seemed to shift and shimmer with each movement, captivating and invoking his curiosity.

Though intriguing it wasn't as interesting as what he saw at the upper deck. Now that was an entire meal that he couldn't wait to devour. 

Mauve let out a contented sigh, the relief evident on his face as he stood there shirtless, enjoying the coolness of the warship's climate-controlled environment.

"What time are we eating? I am starving after all that work," Qie Xieling complained and Mauve sat down facing him. 

"How good are you at drinking?" he asked and Qie Xieling who could somewhat hold his liquor was intrigued.