
"Drunk Emperor"

"Your Majesty! Watch out!"

Eleanora spoke as she hold the emperor, who was about to bump into a wall in an drunken state.

She sighed in relief as she caught him in time but then Cathain walked towards a mirror and stared at it for some time.

'What is he doing there now?'

Which made Eleanora wonder what he was doing there and approached him.

"Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me who loves me the most in the world?"


Eleanora straightened her lips to not laugh. She can't laugh at the emperor no matter what he does.

'But talking with the mirror and asking that kind of question?! No wonder why he never gets drunk infront of anyone.'

She tried to conceal her laughter and stare him to keep an eye, so that he won't bump into walls again.

Where Cathain kept staring at the mirror with a solemn expression.

"Huh? You can't reply? Then let's change the question!!"


"Mirror mirror on the wall, tell me who hates me the most in the world?"
