
Cocoa and Dragons

Mrs. Kringle and Mrs. Claus. He was still not being straight with her. He was trying to be polite and careful of her feelings, but she needed to understand. “What does that mean, Kris?”

“It means that Mr. and Mrs. Claus must become more than partners.” Kris scooted back a little himself. “There won't be hundreds of years for us to get to know each other and ride around in the skies together. You eventually need to be Mrs. Kringle soon.”

There was silence in the sleigh for a good five minutes.

“The magic of Christmas, I hope it's enough,” Kris finally spoke.

“It has to be enough.” Carrie couldn't do that. “I-I was dealing with the fact that I would have to leave my world for good if I take the role. This is too much, Kris.”