
Saving Dad, the Dragon

Ahh...how annoying. Did this bunch of weirdos mistake me for a weak little child? Huh? They're on a quest to kill the dragon? A dragon guarding a princess? Isn't that my dad? Haha. How laughable. My dad's extremely strong. What can a few puny humans like you do? Wait...Did he just kill the troll in one punch? Did she say she was the greatest mage in all of history? Did that guy really single-handedly destroy a kingdom? Dad, I think you're in trouble.

CrypticFlamingo · Fantasie
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2 Chs

Lesson #1: Never underestimate your opponent.

"Oh, look! What a pitiful child he is!" said the weird guy covered in armor.

"Awww…he looks so cute," said the girl holding a long stick.

"How sad. He must have been abandoned here," said the muscular man with a twirly mustache.

I was really getting annoyed with all these people staring. Is it that unusual to see a cute boy walking alone? Carrying nothing? In the middle of a desert?

The armor guy got down from his horse. "Little guy, what are you doing here? Do you need help?"

"No! What can a puny human like you do anyways?" I answered.

The three weirdos looked at each other, and then laughed.

"What's so funny?"

"Well," stick girl said, "do you even know who you're talking to?"

I looked at him suspiciously. "You mean armor guy?"

"BAHAHHAHAHA!" the mustache man laughed. "You can't even recognize him?!"

"Am I supposed to?"

"Of course!" both of them exclaimed. The armor guy looked like he was ready to die. "He's the great and powe—"

"Guys," said the Great And Powe, "I can introduce myself, thank you very much."

"Your welcome."

"Ahem," he coughed. He then took out a sword and stabbed it on the ground. Holding it with both of his hands, he said, "My name is Arthur Penlizard, and I am but a simple knight on a quest. A quest to killed the evil dragon and save the princess."

Oh, how sad. His last name is so ugly, yet he has to spend the rest of his life introducing himself like that.

Wait…kill the dragon?


The knight showed a surprised look. "You don't even know that? I'm talking about the infamous dragon who imprisoned the Livena's King's only daughter, the princess."


"Seriously," stick girl said, "were you living under a rock?"

"No, but I did live in an isolated tower surrounded by scorching hot lava," I retorted.

The girl rolled her eyes. "Haha. Very funny."

"I'm serious."

The mustache man snorted. "Okay, okay, we definitely believe you."

"You don't actua—"

"The point is," the knight guy suddenly said, "that we're very strong people, and if you need help, you can ask us."

Well, how was I supposed to answer him? Should I say that I was the 'evil' dragon's son, and that I was disowned by dad just a few days ago?

Wait! Isn't this an opportunity? If I can spy on the people trying to kill dad, then won't dad realize how good of a son I am? Won't he want to take me back?

"Oh wow! I didn't know you guys were so amazing! I really do need some help."

"Ha! We sure are! But why should we help someone like y—"

The mustache man covered her mouth, "Of course we will help you. Don't listen to this girl. She's just a bit salty from the long travel."


"So, what can we do for you?" asked Arthur.

"Can I go with you guys? My parents, um, disowned me, and I have nowhere to go."

The stick girl pulled down mustache guy's hand. "I can definitely understand why they wou—"

The mustache man covered her mouth again.

"...of course you can," said Arthur, "right guys?"


"Obviously n—mphhh"

Mustache man gave me a pat on the head.

"I'm Hugh, by the way. The loud girl's name is Ivy."

"I'm Drake. It's nice to meet you."

"How polite."

The knight carried me onto his horse. "You're so light. How old are you?"

"15 years old," I answered.

"Those jokes aren't funny," Ivy said.

Oh, right. Humans age two times faster than dragons. I should look like an 8 year old to them.

"I'm eight."

"That definitely sounds more realistic," said Hugh, nodding.

"So...how long will the quest take?"

"Probably a week?" said Arthur.



"So....how are you guys gonna kill the big and powerful dragon?" I innocently asked.

"Um, by killing it?" said Ivy.

"You guys don't have a plan?"

"Do you really think that we, a couple of people, who decided to adopt a kid while on a quest to kill a dragon, would make a plan?"




"I'm bored," I said.

"Well, you did want to come with us," Arthur said.

"But how can you guys stand sitting on a horse the entire day?"

"Years of experience and practice," Arthur replied.

"Daydreaming the entire day helps," Ivy added.

"You get bored? It's so fun riding a horse!" Hugh exclaimed.

Ivy rolled her eyes. "You're the abnormal one here."


Arthur was making a tent while Hugh gathered firewood. Ivy just sat down on a log while complaining about her soar butt.

I sat down beside her. "If Arthur's a knight, then what are you?"

Ivy looked at me weirdly. She gestured to her stick. "You can't even recognize what a staff is?"


"Well then, let me introduce myself properly. I am Ivy, the greatest and most beautiful mage of all time."

"...are you sure about that?"

Ivy hit my head with her stick. Ouch.

"Ivy, no hitting," Hugh shouted from the forest. Was her violence normal?

"If your a mage, then what does Hugh do? Is he also a knight?" I asked.

"Oh, he's the healer."


"...are we talking about the same guy here? You mean Hugh? The big and strong guy with a fancy mustache?"

Ivy nodded. "That's him alright."


"Don't sweat it. I was also shocked when I first met him."

Arthur came over. "Don't judge Hugh. Although he doesn't excel in combat, he's an excellent healer."

"Yeah. Despite how annoying he is, he once saved my life," said Ivy.

"Multiple times," added Arthur.


Hugh came back with a bunch of firewood. He looked shy. "It isn't that big of a deal."

"Yeah, yeah, Mr. Humble guy. We know," said Ivy.

"Ready to eat, Drake?" asked Arthur.

My stomach growled. "Okay."


It has been two days since I first met those weirdos. So far, all we've done is ride horses until are butts die. I don't understand. How are a bunch of stupid humans like them gonna kill my dad?


Suddenly, an ugly-looking troll appeared in front of us. It was quite big though, so it must be a bit strong.

"Do we run?" I asked.

"Huh? Against this weakling?" Ivy snorted.

"Rule number one. Never underestimate your opponent," said Arthur.

"Yeah, yeah."

"Hugh, want to stretch a bit?" asked Arthur.

"Isn't he the healer?" I said.

"I am," Hugh replied, "but I could deal with this guy."


Hugh took out two metal gloves from his bag. He put them on, then rushed towards the troll.

Is he trying to commit suicide?

"HAAAAA!" Hugh shouted a battle-cry. He punched the troll with his right, and the troll...was knocked out?

Huh? It was that weak?

"Phew," said Hugh, "I really needed that. Now I really feel better after that warm-up."


Arthur laughed. "Good for you, Hugh. Good for you."

...Dad, I think you're in trouble.

This is probably going to be a very short story. I should be able to finish it in a week. Although I'm not planning to earn money or anything, please still donate some power stones...They serve as bragging rights.

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