
Saving A Stranger (On Hold)

They met by chance, standing on the edge of a cliff, but it felt as though fate had brought them together from the start. I have no regrets about saving you, even though we were strangers. If given the chance, I would do it all over again without hesitation. I can see that you are going through a lot of pain and struggles, and I understand your fear of the unknown. I want to be there for you, to offer my help and support. Please allow me to be that person for you. Whenever you need someone to lean on, I'll be there. If you need to talk about how you're feeling, my ears are always open. If you feel lonely or neglected, know that I will be here for you, a constant presence in your life. Although we were strangers at first, I can't deny the strong connection I feel for you. Whenever you need someone to share your day with, know that I'm just a phone call away. And one more thing - you don't need to impress me, because my love for you is already deeply rooted. You don't have to reciprocate my feelings, because my love for you is enough for both of us. That's how much I care about you.

Gold234 · Urban
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31 Chs

Shattered Hearts

Zilvshun got home with a tired posture, she walked into the kitchen and made a cup of black coffee for herself, walking into the living room again, she sat down and got her mini laptop out of her backpack and switched it on. She wants to complete her piled up works before going to bed. 

Her cell phone vibrated in her bag when she was half an hour into her work. She let out a huff as she picked up the phone and connected the call to her bluetooth earbuds. "Hello, Zilv speaking" she said in a tired tone.

"Hey baby" Zilvshun heard Adir replied with the same tired tone as hers.

"Adi, how was work?" She asked with a yawn as she flipped a file closed, setting it aside.

"It was tiring," he murmured in a sleepy tone.

"Just got home and I'm working on some documents" Zilvshun said.

"Okay baby, but are you sure everything is okay because I saw him with her tonight" Adir said from the other side of the phone.

"Don't mind what you saw, just focus on the favour I asked you to do" she said dismissing his statement and question.

"Okay but I swear if he hurts you, I will make sure he experience the worst feelings ever" Adir said with gritted teeth with some curses leaving his lips which made his sister chuckled softly.

"Mr. Adir, calm down. Nothing would happen to me" she reassured the man with a smile which didn't quite reached her eyes.

"Okay, if you say so but I will keep my eyes out for him" he muttered with a huff.

"Okay bro. My regards to everyone. I will be visiting in the morning. Good night, love you" she said with a smile, this time around it did reached her eyes.

"Okay babe, good night love you too. Bye" Adir responded before hanging up. Zilvshun continued her work with a cold chuckle. She Zilvshun isn't someone who acts out of impulse but that didn't mean she doesn't get angry but since she's the third wheel, she wouldn't utter a word of dissatisfaction. After working in the living room for about two hours, she closed her laptop, packed her stuffs and stood up.

Zilvshun went up to Riley's bedroom and took her bath, she simply threw on a black sweatpants and white croptop with the words "Your Hussle Must Pay" written on it. She didn't bothered drying her hair, she pulled it up into a bun on top of her head before wrapping it with a blue towel. She crawled into bed and was out within a minute. She was very exhausted that she was having lost of appetite.

Zilvshun's cell phone rang at eleven o'clock on the dot, that's at night. She switched on the bedside lamp and grabbed her cellphone while rubbing the sleep off her eyes, she was darn exhausted but she knows the call could be an emergency but looking at the unknown contact displayed on her cellphone she doubts so but she being the curious female wolf she's, connected the call.

"Hello, Shun speaking" she said in a lazy tone. No one knows what the other person said but whatever it was made her sprank out of bed, she didn't bothered changing or wearing any shoe before sprinting out of the bedroom. She slide downstairs with the help of the banisters.

Mirabelle who was working on her laptop late, just came to the kitchen to get a coffee. Just as she exited the kitchen, she saw the familiar silhouette of Zilvshun running out of the door, she waisted no time in chasing her but when she got outside, she was already gone. Mirabelle was only able to hear the distinct roar of her motorcycle.

She suddenly have a bad feeling about everything. She needs to inform Adir before things got out of hand. Mirabelle sixth senses were on high alert as her heart thud in her chest. She rang the emergency Nell in living room while she dialed Adir's number. The call connected on the second ring.

"Hey Mira, are you okay?" He asked in a hoarse worried tone. Mirabelle facepalmed as she huff in embarrassment. How could this man asked about her first before his sister?

"Yes, I'm good but I'm worried about your baby's well-being" she said truthfully as her family members exited the elevator. She could hear Adir sitting up on the other side line.

"What happened to her? Is she okay? Is she there with you? Please tell me she's okay and that she's with you" he asked series of questions as his breathing got erratic while Mirabelle blewd a breath in nervousness. She never knew Adir loves his sister to such an extent.

"She run out of the house. I chased her but she's was gone before I got outside. I don't know but I have a bad feeling in the pit of my stomach and my guts are always right" Mirabelle said to him softly.

"Okay. But don't worry. We will find her. We will be there in five minutes" Adir replied followed by the familiar beep beep beep, signaling the end of the call.

"What's going on girl?" Edward asked his daughter who walked towards him with a worried expression.

"She run out dad, she wasn't even in slippers or proper clothing. It's like whatever she heard was too important to ignore but I have a feeling this won't end well" Mirabelle said with helpless sigh as she sat beside her dad just as Alan and his entire family walked in. Adir and Colin were emitting cold aura.

"Where's Riley?" Colin asked coldly, shocking the others except his family, never had they heard him sounded like he just did moments ago.

"He's not home. We don't know where he is and he isn't picking up his calls" Azure said with a sigh causing Adir to let out a dark laugh. Riley's family looked at him with surprised. What was wrong with Alan's sons. They wondered.

"If anything happens to her because of him. I will make sure he doesn't set his eyes on her ever again. That is a promise" Adir said dialing a contact. The call connected on the fifth ring.

"Edgar, she's missing" Adir said in distress. Everyone looked at him with raised brows, wondering who he was talking with.

"If your heart still kept her in a special place then I don't need to tell you what you need to do" Adir replied with a tired yawn as he hanged up. Edgar is a good man and Adir trusts him.

"Who's Edgar bro?" Colin asked with furrowed brows as he stared at his elderly brother. Everyone waited for his response with anticipation in their hearts.

"Edgar is my friend, he loved her before and they've been in a relationship before but they broked up with reasons unknown to me" Adir replied truthfully.

"She did loved him. Even when they called it a quit, she still cares about him and respects him a lot" he added, sitting down.

"Was he the one who covered her traces all these years?" Alan asked coldly.

"Yes, he was the one but only because she had asked him to do it and he would do anything for her, if only he has the power to" Adir replied with a faint smile as a memory flashed in his mind. If they don't find her, Edgar would murder Riley and that would be the best thing that would ever happen because both Riley and Edgar are friends.

Soft footsteps entered everyone's hearing causing all eyes to turn in direction of the entrance. Well, there he was with relaxed posture causing the others to look at him up and down.

They really wanted to team up against this mumu and beat him very well. 

Riley walked into the living room with furrowed brows as he looked at the familiar faces camping in the room. He was starting to wonder what was keeping them awake in the middle of the night and why Adir and his family was at their place.

"Good morning" he greeted as it was already half passed twelve in the morning. No one responded to his greeting, they just kept looking at him with squinted eyes. Riley stood there in puzzlement as his two families kept looking at him like he was the biggest fool on planet Earth.

"Is everything okay?" He asked with a sigh. Still, non of them responded, not even a pin dropped. The sounds of footsteps once again made way to their hearing as Azure opened his mouth to tell his brother off.

"Riley," Azure began in a low and serious tone, "we need to talk." His words hung heavy in the air, causing a ripple of tension to spread throughout the room. Riley's confusion grew, and he could feel his heart racing with anticipation as he watched Azure approach him

"What's going on, Azure?" Riley asked, his voice filled with worry. He had never seen his brother look so grave before, and it sent a shiver down his spine.

Adir, who was standing beside Azure, finally spoke up, his voice laced with frustration.

"We've had enough, Riley. Enough of your foolishness, your irresponsibility, and your utter disregard for the consequences of your actions." The words hit Riley like a punch to the gut. He did not expect such a harsh and direct criticism from his own family.

Bewildered, Riley searched for answers. He had always thought of himself as a trustworthy and reliable person, and his mind raced to recall any recent incidents that could have caused this rift between him and his loved ones. He desperately hoped it was all a misunderstanding.

"My...my actions?" Riley stuttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "What actions are you talking about?"

Adir stepped forward, his eyes filled with disappointment and anger.

"Do you really think we haven't noticed, Riley? The lies, the broken promises, the constant chaos that you seem to create wherever you go. It's time for us to stand up against you and make you realize the consequences of your behavior."

As the weight of Adir's accusations settled on him, Riley felt a surge of emotions boiling inside him. Hurt, confusion, and a deep sense of guilt washed over him like a tidal wave. He had never intended to hurt his family or cause them any pain, but it seemed that his actions had done just that.

Tears welled up in Riley's eyes as he looked around the room, hoping to find some glimmer of understanding, some sign that his family still loved him despite his flaws.

But all he saw were cold, accusatory stares.

Unable to bear the silence any longer, Riley pleaded, his voice breaking. "Please, tell me what I've done wrong. I don't want to be a burden, I don't want to hurt any of you. Just tell me how I can make it right."

The room fell into an even deeper silence, as if the air had been sucked out. Azure exchanged a brief glance with Adir before finally breaking the tension with a deep breath.

"We've decided, Riley," Azure said, his voice filled with a mix of determination and sadness, "that it's time for a change. We can't keep enabling your reckless behavior. It's time for you to face the consequences of your actions and learn from your mistakes."

Riley's heart sank as he realized the gravity of his family's decision. The thought of losing their support and love weighed heavily on him, but deep down, he knew that they were right. He had been careless, irresponsible, and had taken their love for granted for far too long.

With tears streaming down his face, Riley nodded, accepting the bitter truth. It was time for him to take responsibility for his actions and work towards becoming the person his family deserved.

And as the room slowly filled with the sounds of soft sobs and heavy hearts, Riley knew that this would be the turning point in his life. A moment of reckoning that would either break him completely or give him the strength to rebuild and earn back the trust and love of his family.

Just then...

A man with curly honey brown hair, hazel eyes, baby pink lips and thick brows walked in, wearing a grey sweatpants and black verse, he looked non the less, handsome. He was infact a beautiful man but not as beautiful as Riley or Adir. He looked like he was out of breath as he came to a stop breathing heavily while he stared at Adir with a helpless look etched in his hazel eyes. 

"Good morning everyone" he greeted with a sigh which everyone responded to, starring at him in awe.

"You guys need to come with me" he said running a hand through his brown locks. His eyes were slightly glassy. Everyone stood up ready to follow him.

"Edgar, what happened? You know I hate suspense" Adir said standing up and walking towards the other man as they both starred each other in the eyes. 

"You need to see it for yourself because I don't have words to explain it to you in human language" Edgar said taking Adir's wrist and dragging him out whiles Riley and the others stared at the two disappearing figures. Everyone followed them in silence, getting into their cars and driving off.

Thirty minutes later, Edgar pulled his car to a stop. The others behind him did same. There were police and CIAs at the scene but Adir's thoughts weren't really there. Edgar took in a shuddered breath before alighting the car. Everyone followed suit.

Edgar led Adir and the others through the police tape, guiding them towards a grisly sight. A crowd had gathered around a small alleyway, their murmurs filling the air.

As they approached, a wave of horror washed over Adir. There, lying motionless on the ground, was Zilvshun. Her usually vibrant and fierce spirit now replaced by lifelessness. Adir's heart dropped, and his legs weakened beneath him. He barely registered Edgar's thin hand gripping his shoulder for support.

"No, no, this can't be happening," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

Mirabelle let out a gasp, a hand flying to her mouth as tears welled up in her eyes. The rest of the group stood frozen, unable to comprehend the sight before them.

The authorities quickly surrounded the scene, their professional demeanor contrasted with the raw emotion radiating from Adir and his loved ones. Edgar stepped forward to speak with the officers, his voice filled with a mix of pain and determination.

The detective in charge approached Adir, his eyes filled with sympathy. "We're doing everything we can to find out what happened," he assured him. "We'll make sure justice is served."

Adir nodded, unable to find the words to respond. He felt a mix of anger, grief, and guilt coursing through him. He should have protected her. He should have been there when she needed him the most.

As the investigators began their work, Adir knelt down beside Zilvshun's lifeless body, his fingers trembling as he brushed a strand of her hair away from her face. He whispered a broken goodbye, his voice filled with anguish.

The hours seemed to blur together as the group remained on the scene, waiting for answers, waiting for closure.

Edgar, in a rare display of vulnerability, broke down in tears, his body shaking with grief. Their hearts were shattered into thousands pieces.

Adir's mind raced, his thoughts consumed with thoughts of revenge. He clenched his fists, his vision clouded by rage. Whoever was responsible for this would pay, and pay dearly.

As the sun began to rise, casting a golden glow over the scene, Adir stood up, determination filling his eyes. He turned to his family and friends, his voice filled with a newfound resolve.

"We won't rest until we find whoever did this to her," he declared. "We owe it to Zilvshun to seek justice."

He met each of their gazes, his eyes filled with a fierce determination. They had all lost someone they loved dearly, and now they were united in their quest for justice.

Together, they vowed to uncover the truth, to bring the perpetrators to their knees, and to ensure that Zilvshun's memory would forever be honored.

With heavy hearts and a fire burning in their souls, they stepped forward, ready to embark on a journey that would test their strength, challenge their resilience, and ultimately lead them to the answers they so desperately sought. 

Riley stood there, he now understands what his family really meant. He wasn't there for her. When she was there for him, he wasn't. He left her after she made his life meaningful.... Wha have he done?