
Chapter 18: Ride Along

Things had finally calmed down a few days after Officer Morren had stuck his nose into the Vivaldi Family business. He did not come back with a warrant and had not since contacted Kade.

So, we were all very hopeful that Morren was all talk and would not cause any further issues with Kade.

Now that life returned to normal, I was growing bored of my isolated lifestyle. I knew it was safer for me to be in the house, with minimal exposure to the outside population, but I was beginning to go stir crazy. Today was just like every day. Nick, Angie, and I were held up in the living room, doing absolutely nothing but channel surfing.

“Do you guys have any plans today?” I questioned he two.

“Just a business errand a town over,” Nick shrugged, clearly feeling my boredom as well.

I wondered if it would be possible to convince them to let me tag along.

My eyes wandered over to Angie, whose eyes were already on me.

“No,” she spat, clearly reading my mind.