
Chapter 67

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


After walking for a few minutes through Hogwarts grounds, entering a part of the forest, Hagrid and I arrived in an open field surrounded by trees. And in the middle of that field, there was a big barn... Hmm, actually it looked like a kind of greenhouse... Anyway, on the side of that barn/greenhouse there was a big wood fence and iron chains.

The only thing, however, is that inside this fence there were no magical or normal creatures.

"There are usually lots of animals inside the fence, but on weekends Professor Kettlerburn lets them wander through the woods" Hagrid explained to me. And listening to his explanation, I couldn't help but feel disappointed.

"But don't worry. The barn still has many other types of creatures," Hagrid, who had noticed my disappointed look, said in an attempt to cheer me up.

"Serious?!" I asked excitedly.

"Yes, there are some creatures that can't be released in the forest, in which case they have to stay indoors," he replied, and a wide smile spread across my face.

We then headed to the barn, with me almost bouncing in excitement, which obviously amused the half-giant beside me.

The barn was actually a large dome, with much of it being glass and the rest wood. At the entrance, I could see many cages hanging from the ceiling and cages parked near the walls. There were also some tools on a table, along with some notebooks with notes. Walking deeper into the dome, I saw a closet filled with what I believe to be food and rations, and loose on the floor beside it, there were also some bags that by the smell could only be the feces and dirt of the creatures here.

Walking forward, Hagrid and I came to a large wooden door. And even with the door closed, I could still feel the emotions of the creatures that were inside, however faintly.

"Well, after that door we're going to enter the creature area" Hagrid started to say, "And remember, some creatures are walking free so don't be scared... It might make them feel threatened" he told me warned.

"Uhum" I nodded, almost bouncing in excitement.

"Good," Hagrid said. He then reached for the doorknob with his giant hands, and with a little twist, it opened.

As soon as he opened the door, the calming silence we were in was replaced by various noises, from the sound of bars slamming to the sounds of animals screaming.

Besides the big noise, as soon as the door was opened, a wave of emotions and feelings hit me stronger than before.

Laziness, anger, joy, lust... well, it looks like someone is mating time... Anyway, all sorts of feelings from the positive to the negative flooded my senses.

I then looked at the creatures that were in the barn. There were some creatures trapped in cages, others were in their nests, some were in artificial habitats, and others were just hanging around.

Ninety percent of the creatures that were in this greenhouse I recognized from the book Fantastic Beasts and Where to Find Them. Like Niffler, also known as 'the strangest beast than a platypus with light hands'; the Golden Snidget, a small magic bird that was previously used in Quidditch games before being replaced by the Golden Snitch; Imp, Doxy and Fairy who were already talked about in DADA class; a Wingerfish, a fish that could live and swim in water as well as in the sky; and there was even a black Kneazle with yellow eyes that looked around lazily, but you could see the intelligence deep inside his lazy eyes.

"Wow! They are amazing!" I said marveling after taking a look at the creatures around me.

"Hahaha, I know right?" Hagrid said happily as he patted my shoulder, and even with my strength and stamina I could still feel my knees bend under the pressure.

'New reminder... Never physically fight a half-giant' I said in my mind as I sweated out.

"Come on, there are some creatures here you can touch" Hagrid said, pulling me out of my thoughts. He then led me to a part of the greenhouse that had a golden tree with crystal ornaments.

"These are luminous fairies. They are harmless and like to live in places with lots of brightness and light, and the most interesting thing about them is their almost human appearance... That is, if you don't count their size" the middle- giant explained to me, "Unlike many other fairies, luminous fairies are less vain and more cheerful. This tree they are in is their home, and it was made by Professor Kettlerburn with the help of Professor McGonagall and Professor Flitwick, hence its golden color and its ornaments"

"Incredible!" I said impressed, "The tree was probably conjured by Professor McGonagall, and Professor Flitwick must have enchanted the tree to stay golden in color and have that glow, and the ornaments must also have been Professor McGonagall and..." I then started to mumbling, analyzing every detail of the tree, even using my magical vision.

Hagrid, seeing me muttering to myself, started looking at me strangely. He then shook his head with an amused smile, thinking this was probably a Ravenclaw thing.

I was so absorbed in my thoughts that I didn't even notice that one of the fairies had started to fly towards me. But as soon as she almost got in front of my face, I stopped mumbling and glanced quickly at the one who invaded my personal space.

The fairy, not expecting me to suddenly look at her, was startled and flew backward, tripping over one of the tree branches and falling. But before she could fall to the ground, I reached out and caught her.

"Hello little one," I said to the disoriented fairy in my hand with a gentle smile, using the connection to convey calming feelings to her.

The fairy who shook her head to clear her dizziness, heard my voice and then looked at me. She stared at me for a good 5 seconds before her face went completely red. She then, embarrassed, flew back to the tree under the laughter of the other fairies. And while all this was happening, I stared openmouthed looking at where the fairy disappeared.

'Did I just make a fairy blush?!' I wondered in awe.

'I knew it was beautiful and charming, but I didn't know it was so much' I thought, and if anyone listened to my thoughts they would definitely want to hit me, 'But well... what can I do if I have the most beautiful smile in the world' I thought narcissically, putting my hand on my chin.


In a far away house, a man in lavender robes who was writing on parchment sneezed.

"Heh, someone must be talking about me" Gilderoy Lockhart said smiling as he scratched his chin wondering which fan was talking about him. He then started looking thoughtfully at the parchment in front of him, which happened to be a new book he was writing.

"Hmm..." Lockhart picked up his quill and began writing.

"And then I, Gilderoy Lockhart, sneezed in that fierce Chimera..."

'Not as fierce as me' he thought and then continued writing.

"And I finally ended up defeating her..."


"That was... interesting" Hagrid said uncertainly, "I don't think I've ever seen a fairy act like that... Well, that just means you have a way with magical creatures" he said patting my back, satisfied.

'Ugh... I can feel my bones cracking' I thought as I struggled not to fall forward.



(End AN: I'm getting ready to take the second dose of COVID vaccine, so I don't know if I'll be good enough to post Saturday's chapter, but my dad didn't have any problems with the second dose (unlike the first), so I I'll probably be fine... I hope.)