
Chapter 292

(AN: Leave a comment and a review, your feedback helps me a lot.)

If you want to support me and read ahead!


Yeah! Here's the new chapter!


-Charm Class-

Today was Thursday, and I was in the Charms classroom with my friends for another lesson with Professor Flitwick, who was teaching us a spell for the final exams.

We were all standing with the chairs and tables pushed back to the corners of the room.

Professor Flitwick was at the front of the class, on a stool as he explained the spell to us. I, like the others, was in front of a training dummy, paying attention to everything he said, even though I already knew how to cast the spell.

"Now ladies and gentlemen, you will wave your wands in one smooth motion, focusing on the wrist, like this" Professor Flitwick said, demonstrating with his own wand the correct movement of the spell he was teaching us.

"But this is just the initial movement, to finish it off you will have to slightly raise your wand before pointing it forward" he continued, with everyone in the classroom imitating him and repeating the wand movement, "Now you say the enchantment. And remember, it's important to control the strength of the spell, as putting too much power into it can do more damage than necessary"

"Now repeat after me... [Neraectro]!"

And just as Professor Flitwick asked, all the students began to say the incantation, and the room filled with Ravenclaws and Slytherins voices.

"[Neraectro]!" I said, and the training dummy in front of me trembled for a moment before it stopped, turning slightly red where I had hit it with the spell.

The [Neraectro] spell was a spell that delivered a slight shock to the target, hitting their nerves and rendering them immobile while shutting off all sensations in the target's body.

In a way, this spell served both as a stunner and as an attack spell, because depending on the power of the spell, the target could suffer a painful wound, felt throughout the body, and in some cases, it could even be fatal.

However, to be fatal the caster would have to put a lot of power behind the spell, and it wasn't as easy as it looked, as the spell was an instantaneous and short blow, not giving much time to damage the target's nerves.

Looking at the training dummy I noticed that the redness on it only lasted for 7 seconds, which meant that that would have been the time a real person would have been helpless and immobile.

'Hmm, 7 seconds is a good time, but I think I could improve this spell' I thought, already imagining the little upgrades I could do to make this spell more practical.

"Dude, I know you're not the most exemplary wizard there is or the most amazing, but seriously, how did you manage to miss the target three times?!" Terry asked Anthony in exasperation, snapping me out of my thoughts and making me look at them.

"I don't know" Anthony replied with a frustrated look, "I'm saying the right incantation and wand movements, and even with the crosshairs on the target the damn spell doesn't hit"

And to show he wasn't lying, Anthony twirled his wand and pointed it at the training dummy, "[Neraectro]!"

And just like the other times, the dummy remained unharmed, with the spell managing to hit the supply closet behind it.





"Dude…" I started to say, "How?"

"I don't know!" Anthony answered me.

"To think you ranked above me in the final rankings on Charms" Terry commented, doing nothing to hide his mocking look.

But Anthony wasn't paying attention to him, staring straight ahead with a confused frown.

I was also confused, as I didn't see anything wrong with his movements or incantation.

I kept looking at the training dummy and the locker where the spell hit until I shifted my gaze to Anthony.

"Ugh! What the hell! That stupid spell doesn't work!" I heard someone complain, and looking back I saw Stephen repeatedly waving his wand angrily.

Seeing this I frowned, until I looked back at Anthony. My gaze then dropped to his hand, or more specifically, his wand, and immediately my face went blank.

"Anthony" I called to him, and he turned to me, noticing my gaze.

"What?" he asked confused, and I just pointed at his hand.

Still confused, he held up his hand looking at it blankly.

Terry, who was also looking at Anthony's hand, blinked, before palming his own forehead.

"How did this guy end up in Ravenclaw?" he asked no one in particular.

"Huh?" Anthony looked at us in confusion, until his gaze fell on the wand in his hand, realizing that it wasn't his wand.





"Oh" he said.

And at that moment, seeing his gaze, I also palmed my forehead.

'I think I'm going to have an aneurysm'


-Hagrid's Hut – Next Day, The Afternoon-

After morning classes I decided that instead of using my free afternoon to train I would use it to relax, and my concept of relax involved visiting Hagrid to help him with his Care of Magical Creatures classes, creating the curriculum he would use for the next school year.

In his hut, I was sitting holding a cup of tea, and next to me on the floor was Nyx, who was sleeping at my feet warming herself by the fire in the fireplace.

And Fang, who was also nearby, was looking at Nyx with a look that said he wanted to play with her, and even though he was almost 7 times Nyx's size, he, like the big coward that he was, was afraid of approach the lazy cat.

But I wasn't paying attention to the two, as my attention was on Hagrid.

I was looking at him with a blank face as I listened to him name all the XXXXX class creatures he wanted to bring in for us to study and care for.

I was sure that if anyone was listening in on this conversation, they would try to report Hagrid to the Aurors for planning mass murder, as some of these creatures were known for… well, known for destroying villages in one night.

"Hagrid" I called the half-giant.

"Yes?" he asked with an excited smile, missing my dry gaze.

"Did you ever think that maybe, just maybe, some of these creatures are dangerous?" I asked.





"No" he answered simply, thinking back to the mortal creatures with an innocent and happy smile.

"Sigh...I expected this," I said, looking down just in time to see Fang approach Nyx, only to jump back in fright upon receiving a look that promised pain and scratches from my cat.

'They say dogs are a reflection of their owners...' I thought, looking between Hagrid and Fang, 'Well, I guess that theory doesn't apply when it comes to the wizarding world'


-Deep in a Forest in Albania-

[POV – Third Person]

Running frantically through the dark and gloomy forest, as if he was running away from something, not that he wasn't, was Pettigrew, who had in his mind the only thought of finding his master, who was the only one who could offer protection to him at this moment.

Jumping over rocks, passing under branches, and using the leaves and grass as cover to hide from possible predators or other wizards, the rat-man kept running.

Since escaping from the Ministry of Magic, Pettigrew has not abandoned his rat Animagus form, and has not even rested or stopped running.

He was hungry, thirsty and sleepy, but something in his mind told him he should keep running, and that Albania was the right direction.

He knew from rumors he'd heard while he was still the Weasley family's pet rat that some people had claimed to have seen signs of their master, You-Know-Who, in this very forest.

And now that he was in the deepest parts of the forest he began to realize that maybe these people were telling the truth, for he could feel the darkness that permeated the place, just as he felt his Dark Mark reacting to something, or someone.

Continuing with his desperate search, Pettigrew jumped over another rock, but he did not notice the root of a tree that was in front of him and ended up tripping over it, rolling until he hit a tree.

Pettigrew, after a few seconds, got up slowly with a painful squeak, shaking his rat head and looking down at his slightly sore paw.

However, just as he was about to turn around to continue his run he heard something that made his blood run cold, with his whole body freezing with fear.

"Well, what do we have here Nagini?" a cold, drawling voice asked, showing an equal amount of contempt and malice, and the only response that voice received was hissing along with a crawling sound.

'Master' Pettigrew thought as he shivered.



(End AN: I just found out that today is world otter day... Well then congratulations to all the otters in the world I guess.)