
SAVAGE SERIES: Queen Of Thieves

Please be Advised: FL is a career criminal and a morally gray character. Despite the humor, the novel will have a few mature contents and dark/violent scenes. **updating daily! Please save the novel to your reading list to get notified of the new chapters. Free Chapters!! Remi was separated from her identical twin when Remi's mother ran away from the Henson Family right after they discovered the existence of a Henson heir. Unfortunately, when Remi was five years old, her mother met with a hit-and-run accident that remains unsolved to this day, resulting in Remi being raised in an orphanage in the village remotely. A complex and unfair life made Remi become the "robin hood" among the orphans. She cared and took responsibility when the funding for the orphanage was cut due to the flocking of children sent; some even had parents, but their disability was considered a shame, and they were shipped off like livestock. One night at a luxury yacht party, Remi and her teams crafted a plan to rob the rich people attending the party. Their goal was interrupted when Remi saw a woman with a lifeless look standing alone. To her surprise, the woman looked like her, except she was clad in a designer gown that looks to be too mature and heavy for her age. Clarissa climbed on the railing of the ship to end her life. Driven by the desire to save Clarissa, Remi jumped to Clarissa's aid, making both of them fall into the sea together, and only one came out alive. The story of Remi's new life begins full of drama, mystery, and farce among the nobility. Assuming the role of her long-lost twins, she discovered the twists and turns of the ugly life her twins must endure. However, being entangled with One of the highly desirable billionaire Bachelor is not in her plan. He loves perfection, but she is far from perfect. She hates the rich, and yet he is rich. He hates Criminals, and she is a criminal. Does destiny pair them to spite them? or Does fate knows what's best for them? Please leave a comment if you like the story! Looking forward to interacting with readers!! Thank you.

Littlemiss · Urban
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34 Chs

Secret girlfriend

Chaos was an understatement in The Knight's Manor. Pamela Knights steadily listening to Butler don' s standing next to her while she focused on arranging her flower bouqet for her vase.

Occasionaly she will smile and nodded to an extent both of them giggled enjoying the gossip like a teenager.

All her dream was to see Roman settling down and get married, she has no objections on who he choose to marry as long as the woman loves him truly and not his money. She has been trying so hard to investigate his whereabouts and find out he has been sending gifts and letting a daughter of the Henson family to use his private jet for a vacation at Credence province.

"Let me know once the girl came back to Arlington , let us visit them, what do you think Don.?" Pamela Knights is too eager she barely able to contain her excitement.

"Madam..dont you think we should ask Young Master first?"

"What for? He wont be telling me anytning, did you see that brat even come here lately? Do you think they have been living together in his penthouse? is that why he has not been home? Do you think i will get a grandbaby soon?"

"Madam..i think that is too soon to think about. My humble opinion is to let Young Master introduce us to her"

"Hmm..you are always going to be on his side!"

Butler Don felt a little guilty, he knows Pamela is eager for Roman to be married and have a child for her to play with. After the Master passed away, she has been alone in the house. Even her other sons came and visit occasionally since they are too busy overseas under Roman's instructions.

"Off you go, boring old man" She sulked.

Butler Don shook his head hiding his laugh seeing Pamela as the formidable Madam of the Knight family acting childish when it comes not getting her way.

"Before that..call Roman and ask him to come today, if he refuse i will marry him off to Savannah Watson. He can follow Logan's footstep" She warned Butler Don to mention that to Roman.

"Yes Madam". Leaving the garden, Butler Don left to make a phone call.


Roman took a day off from the office today and just came out of the shower after working out, he was not a typical CEO that will spend day and night working to his grave. He hired talented and capable employees that can manage the company while he overseeing their productivity.

Arthur will be back from his honeymoon in a week time, Therefore Selene can return to the marketing department. He had grown tired seeing her giving him hints and thinking she is discreet enough to casually seducing him at work. However he valued performance and Selene deliver beside being a vixen.

He has used to temptation that it does not excite him anymore, too many women throwing themselves to him he has grown immune to it. However 18 years old Roman might be a different stories.

His personal cellphone ring and he saw its the Manor's landline number.


"Young Master.."

" Yes Butler Don..."

"Madam request that you will need to be back today for dinner"

"I have another arrangement later"

"Well..Madam knew you would say that, so she asked me to let you know, if you do not come back for dinner later, she will propose Marriage to the Watson"

Pinching the bridge of his nose. he always knew his mother is uo to something. He wonders what else she has to say later.

Silent at the end of the line making Butler Don sweats...Silent Roman is more terrifying than anything else.

"Hmph! I will be there"

Not wanting to deal with it anymore.

He hang up the phone annoyed with his mom's antics.

He searched his contact for a phone number that was listed as A, and proceeded to dial it.

"Did you find the appraiser?"

The person at the end of the line:

"I was informed she has been taking sabbatical leaves for a while for travelling, do you want me to advertise we are looking for one?"

"Yes, just make sure the person knows what they are doing, and find the appraiser, offered her more money, and i have other matters later at the Manor."

"Yes Young Master" .

Dressing up in a casual tshirt and Jeans, Roman push his hair back to create more sleek look. Pairing his outfit with a phillip Patek's watch he took his Motorbike keys and ride to meet up with the guys.

Logan has been miserable for the past couple of weeks. He has no idea what is going on with him. He was arranged to be married a year ago, and now his fiance is pregnant he should be happy. However the man looks even more miserable.

He was usually cheery until about 6months ago, when he accidently consumate his engagement and impregnant Natalie.

That is what Roman wanted to avoid. A marriage of convenience, be knew so well Logan was not interested in Natalie. He thought Logan will find a courage to be with his secret girlfriend that no one, not even his friend knew about.

When he was threaten to be put out of the Inheritence Will he was spooked and left her just like that.

They have been trying to snoop around trying to find out who is the woman, all they knew she has a light hair color since the photo was taken from the back from far at the resort in Dunker.