
Satoru Gojo in Demon Slayer

A mysterious white hair, blind-folded man got into the demon slayer verse.. Would he be able to come back or would he be stuck in here forever? How well would he do when faced with a blood thirsty demon? Would the demon slayer corps accept him? Is he gonna be the one defeating the demons for good? Read to find out! ("Would he be able to come back" may become a huge plot point in the near end of the story ;) )

VegitoTy · Anime und Comics
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13 Chs

The Strongest

Gojo smirks and says with a smile "No need to worry that much about me.. I am way too strong for you all."

Sanemi rushes towards Gojo "You cocky bastard! You have no sense of danger."

Gojo responds while smiling as he puts his two fingers in front of him "Rushing towards me alone like that? Talk about no sense of danger"

Sanemi's sword stops right before it hits Gojo "Huh..?"

Sanemi continues "Wind Breathing Fourth Form: Rising Dust Storm!"

*Gojo teleports out of the storm*

Gojo says "Woah, that's a surprisingly good attack considering he doesn't have any cursed energy nor any heavenly restriction~"

Obanai who had came behind Gojo "Serpent Breathing Fifth Form: Slithering Serpent!"

As Obanai is about to strike Gojo, his sword stops just before it hits Gojo, As Obanai backs off

Obanai and Sanemi both say at the same time "Why didn't our swords connect with you!?"

Gojo says with a smirk "Infinity"

Sanemi, Obanai and the other hashira's say with a confused look "Infinity..?"

Gojo continues "Here I will show you.. as Gojo puts his hand out, C'mon put your hand out.."

Sanemi and Obanai Look at each other "..."

Gojo continues "Come on..!!"

Sanemi and Obanai decide to approach Gojo

As Sanemi And Obanai try to touch Gojo with there hand, there hand never reaches Gojo... "Huh..?"

Gojo says "See..?"

Sanemi And Obanai say "I can't touch him!? How is that even possible.."

The other Hashira's come closer to check out but even they can't...

Gojo explains.. "You all are not exactly stopped.. Its more like, the closer you get, the slower you go. So ultimately, you all will never reach me"

The Hashira's say.. "That means..."

"No demon would be able to touch him, but he can kill the demons without any risk of harm to himself??"

Gojo replies "Bingo!"

Sanemi, a little irritated says "But that doesn't prove that he has the speed and strength to kill or catch the demon"

Gojo replies "I am gonna turn off infinity for you all to test me.. Sounds fair?" with a smirk

Sanemi says "Now thats more like it." with a smirk

Obanai says "If you die, its not our fault" 

Rengoku says "Get ready! Young Man!"

Tengen says "I have a feeling this fight is gonna be really flashy!!"

*Tomioka just silently stands there*

All other Hashira's grab their sword except Gyomei.. He isn't interested in fighting him.. He has already sensed that he is the strongest guy among all the people here..

All the hashira's back up a bit, ready to jump Gojo

Gojo smirks as he thinks "I could beat them all in just one shot, But I am gonna have some fun and see what all of them are capable of~"

(This is my first actual fight scene, lmk if I should improve on something-)

Gojo says as he stands there waiting for a attack "Show me what you all got, Hashira's!"

Tengen with his two swords is the first one to reach Gojo (He is the fastest Hashira)

Tengen says "Sound Breathing: First Form ROAR!"

*It creates smoke around Gojo as Tengen slams the ground*

Sanemi being the second fastest reaches and says "Wind Breathing: Second Form Claws-Purifying Wind!"

*It gets rid of the smoke and is about to strike Gojo*

Gojo goes airborne to dodge the attack "Those are some cool looking swords.. Sound breathing guy"

*As Gojo is mid air..*

Shinobu Kocho being the fourth fastest hashira reaches and jumps to go airborne "Insect Breathing: First Form Caprice!"

While Gojo is mid air, He stops Shinobu's sword with his two fingers

Gojo kicks Sanemi away and stands back on the ground while still holding shinobu's blade with two fingers

From Gojo's behind, Rengoku Says "Flame Breathing: First Form Unknowing Fire!"

*Gojo gets aside from the attack while also pushing Shinobu away from the attack*

Rengoku Continues "Second Form Rising Scorching Sun!"

Gojo dodges his attack again and Rengoku steps aside as Giyuu says "Water Breathing: Fourth Form Waterfall Basin."

*Gojo grabs Tomioka's sword with one hand*

Obanai says "Tsk... He is fast.. Serpent Breathing: Third Form Coil Choke."

*Gojo grabs Obanai's sword with his other hand and smacks both Giyuu's and Obanai's head's together*

Gojo smirks and says "Movements like those despite being a regular human? Impressive.."

Tokito From Behind Says "Mist Breathing: Fourth Form Shifting Flowing Slash."

*Gojo teleports behind Tokito and kicks him in the back, just enough to send him flying to the ground in front of Giyuu And Obanai..* (Not TOO hard of a kick)

Gojo says "Nice Try.."

Mitsuri leaps into the air and says "Love Breathing: Fifth Form Swaying Love, Wildclaw!"

*Gojo dodged every single slash and comes out unfazed*

Mitsuru gasps and Says "Did he just dodge all those slashes.. just like that? Wow!" with a surprised face

Mitsuri realizes that her sword is gone "Huh!?"

Gojo holds the sword in his hand "This is quite a interesting sword.. How is it this flexible..?"

Mitsuri looks at Gojo "When did he-.."

Gojo hands over the sword to Mitsuri casually with a smile and a small laugh "First I wanted to show-off a little, Second I was curious about this sword."

*As all the hashira's stand up..*

Mitsuri Thinks "How is he so fast.. He is so AMAZING!!"

Sanemi Says "Not even muzan should be able to avoid all our attacks with such ease..."

Shinobu Says "He stopped my sword mid air like it was nothing.."

Rengoku Says "Looks like he wasn't bluffing when he was talking about his strength and speed!" With a huge smile

Obanai And Giyuu who just got headbutted into each other "He stopped our swords with ONE HAND!..."

Tengen Says "He is as flashy as one can get! I am still more flashy Though!!"

*Muichiro Sighs and Thinks "Why did I have to be the one to get thrown like that.."*

Master asks "From what I heard you all speaking just now, looks like Satoru easily avoided all of your attacks... His formidable strength must have been proved to you all now.. However, Can you explain how your abilities work...?"

Gojo responds with a more serious look.. "I am not someone who is from this world.. I have somehow been warped to the past I believe.. Not the past of my world either, it seems like a completely different past..."

Gojo also thinks "Is he blind..?"

The master and the Hashira's are surprised at what Gojo just said

Gojo continues "Regarding my abilities, They are usable only by the energy that existed in my world, It does not exist in this world, I still have it in me for my own use though.. I am yet to figure out how did I come here and how am I going to go back to where I am supposed to be."

The master says "That is a really surreal occurrence.. I hope for you to find a way to go back to your world where you are supposed to be.. How did the thought of becoming a demon slayer come to your mind..?"

Gyomei while crying "I hope this poor soul finds a way..."

Gojo responds "Well.. I thought that it would be better to do something productive rather then trying to find something when I don't even know what is that something.."

The master responds "I will be hoping you find a way to find that "something" during your demon slayer journey.. However.. I would like to ask, do you require a nichirin sword to slay demons..?"

Gojo responds "Nope, I can kill them without it. Infact I have killed one without it.."

The master and the Hashira's in a bit of surprise and awe "You killed a demon without a nichirin!?"

Gojo replies "The display of strength you just saw now, was nothing near my actual abilities.. I can be way more destructive."

*The Hashira's look in a bit of shock and amazement..*

The master thinks "Finally.. We have someone that can defeat the demons.. after so many years, We finally have the upper hand..."

The master says to Satoru "Satoru.. I hereby declare you as a Hashira... The Strongest Hashira... "

Gojo thinks "Ah yes... Was the strongest in my world, and I am the strongest in this world too, I was hoping for some competition but.. it is what it is... I wonder if the demon boss guy would give me a good fight.."

*All the hashira's clap while smiling*

Gojo says with a smile with his hand on his back "That's cool and all but.. " Gojo looks at the Hashira's "Can you all tell me what's with all the breathing stuff!? "Love breathing"? "Serpent Breathing"???"

The Hashira's happy as ever, now that they have someone like Gojo in their team.. Shinobu responds to Gojo's question while smiling "Breathing Styles are swordsmanship styles that makes use of an breathing technique known as Total Concentration Breathing" (Shinobu being the one who explains stuff)

Gojo responds "Total Concentration Breathing..?"

*Mitsuri: "I wanted to tell Gojo about it!!"*

Shinobu continues "Total concentration breathing is a breathing art in which the user takes in air that they then focus to various parts of their body to increase Speed, Flexibility, Strength, Reaction time, Thought process and other things.."

Gojo thinks "This seems interesting.. This might help in saving up my stamina.. I don't need it, but what's wrong in knowing it..?"

Gojo says to Shinobu "Teach me it."

Shinobu looks at the master

Master says "In this case.. Shinobu, Are you fine with teaching him..? Gojo has formidable strength already, I believe with total concentration, he would be even more efficient."

Shinobu responds "Yes."

Master nods and now looks at all the Hashira's "Everything is settled now.. Thanks for coming here my children."

*Meeting has ended*

*Gojo goes to Shinobu's mansion with her*

Gojo says "So how do we do this total concentration breathing thingy?"

Shinobu Explains

Gojo says "That sounds doable.."

A few hours later

Gojo: "Ow ow ow ow, If I try doing this thing for any longer then it feels like my lungs are gonna explode"

*Eventually (faster then other slayers) Gojo gets a grasp of it due to him having a higher perception then an average human*

Shinobu thinks "He mastered it surprisingly fast.. I guess he is called the strongest for a reason.."

Any ideas on what should Gojo do in the next chapter? Feel free to comment about them. Add the book to your library to not miss the next chapter! Drop a powerstone if you are liking this fan fiction, it motivates to write more for you all! Don't hesitate to drop a comment about any recommendations or improvements!

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