
Sasuke Uchiha: Different

Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha. --- |No regular updates|

AronFF · Anime und Comics
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the valley of the end

Appearing in the middle of the Uchiha compound I start to walk to my house while thinking if I did everything right. By saying that the curse mark will kill me and only Orochimaru can heal me I hoped that they would pity me or something like that so that they would let me leave to Orochimaru without becoming a missing-nin.

Of course, there would be a problem since I need to send new information every now and then…but I have the story in my head, I know everything that needs to be known.

Of course, some things I will need to go and search around the snake's place, but it's not like it wouldn't help me to know about the dude's research. He is trying to become immortal; some things are good to know.

Walking into my room I change my clothes into something more ninja, not white shorts and a blue high-collar shirt. Quickly walking to the Uchiha library using my Sharingan I copy as much jutsus/information as much I can. Walking towards the weapon section I use sealing scrolls to store some and I leave. Even if Orochimaru will have everything for me, it doesn't hurt to have something extra.

Finally leaving my home, before leaving the village I walk into the house of Shisui Uchiha. I hoped he had some hidden notes about his skills…Even if I won't use them as my main fighting style it's good to know something like that. Shisui was thought to be the second fastest man besides Minato in the land of fire. It's amazing what a single D-rank jutsu can do.

For good 15 minutes, I didn't find anything before using my Sharingan to locate his notes. It was stupid of me to think he would leave something so deadly for a normal person to see. Only a person with a mature Sharingan can see his notes, hidden in every part of his room, scattered for someone to find.

Finding everything, ironically, using the bodyflicker from Shisuis home I left the village, I'm not going to have a chat with Sakura, I got shit to do.

As I appeared in the forest, I start running towards the direction the sound 4 noted.

This continued for good 2 hours. After this, I was quite happy with my stamina levels.

Anyways, sensing four figures about 100 meters before me I use the bodyflicker to appear next to them. Seeing them not surprised by my appearance I wait till they start talking.

Suddenly, the bug boy said "It seems you took our advice…Good. Right now, we will be going to the designed meet-up spot for you and Orochimaru-sama. But before that…As we promised, we will teach you how to gain the second level of the cursed seal.

[Time skip as the mc is about to eat the pill.]

(A/N: I don't care if you wanted a dialog about the second stage, go read the manga or watch the anime for that, it's too boring to write since I would literally need to rewrite the dialogue to how it was…)

As I looked at the pill that was in my hand, I turned to the sound four and said "Soon the leaf-nin will come, if possible, I would rather all of you run since it would be a waste of time-fighting them. Use the bodyflicker or something to get away from this place faster."

Finishing my thoughts, I ate the pill and a second later I fell to my knees, in pain. The whole reason for this pill is to put me in a near-death state… It will hurt.

"-w dare this fucker order u- "I heard a voice in the background…I hope they won't be throwing me from a cliff.

Some time has passed now as I was put in this box and I ate the pill. With every second I felt as my body became stronger due to the curse mark.

After this, my base form will also be stronger. My stamina, strength, speed- everything will be stronger. Plus, once I use the first stage it will be a game changer in some events.

To say the least, I was excited. Even if will remove the curse mark later on it will still leave some of its strength behind which I will gladly have. '…I wonder how hard will the sage training will be.'

I was ready, I felt it.

I finally could leave this damned place.

Using every muscle in my body I try to leave this seal box thingy by breaking out from it with strength. It was a simple and a good decision because now finally I again felt the fresh air hitting me. 'It seems my senses also improved…it feels nice to feel the breeze of wind hitting your face after this shit.' I think while looking down at the broken pieces of the box that I was in.

Suddenly I heard an annoying voice that was behind me, cutting my thoughts. Half looking back, I see Naruto, Lee, and Gaara, looking at me. Turning my head, I see Kimimaro waiting for me to leave.

'So, everything is like in the canon…why couldn't they just run and leave for fuck's sake.' I sigh mentally and stop using the curse mark that I was using unknowingly.

Making one handseal I start to run as soon as I heard the voice of Naruto, talking about something.

Seconds later I appeared in the forest and using sensing I felt as one chakra beast was running in my direction. Ignoring him I use the bodyflicker repeatedly until I was far enough to just run. I wanted to get used to my body as soon as possible. This change isn't something I can scrape off, my body changed, and I need to adapt.

My speed was now that of a jonin, strength maybe a little lower but my quite high chakra capacity skills could make up for most things, and I'm not taking the Sharingan in a count. The first stage curse mark will probably be even more amazing, plus it is still sealed by Kakashi…even if Orochimaru is a crazy fuck, he is a smart one.

As I was running, I didn't even notice that I appeared in the infamous valley, the valley of the end. Looking at it I thought 'This truly looks amazing…and to think that two strongest people fought here to the very end… Now another two people will fight, here again, The reincarnation of Hashirama Senju- Naruto, and the reincarnation of Madara Uchiha-'


Hearing his voice, a small smile appears on my face before disappearing. 'Right now, I am a sociopathic teenager with daddy and brother issues, act like it.' I told to myself a joke.

"Leave me alone Naruto, It's over." I say to him. Hearing me he flinches a little before he frowned. "Ha, what's the angry face for?"

'I truly wonder, is he having a flashback? Should I be having one too?' I was playing my time a little. I wanted him to be riled up a little for him to make some mistakes…Unlike the original, I'll just knock him out with a hit on a neck or two.

"Why do you care so much about what I do…It's my concern, not yours, so be a good little fox and turn around." I say to him and turn around walking away slowly.

As I did a couple of seconds later, I heard the blonde jumping from Hashiramas head to mine. Not taking any chances and not playing how I would originally, I moved quickly to the right, spun, and while the blond was still in the air grab him and throw him to the ground, making a small crater in his place.

Seemingly not expecting that the kid just stood there in shock, hurt and scared.

Quickly going to him I pick him up and throw him again, this time in the air. Once He was high enough, I jumped too and using my leg hit him in the ribs and later on the back to again make a small crater in there.

Landing beside him I chock him on the neck and he 'falls' asleep.

Was I brutal? Yes.

He needed that. Character building.

Again, walking away he stood up. 'It seems that he still has some spice to himself…Well, plan b.'

"I'm pretty sure you were asleep? How did you wake up again?" I asked while walking slowly toward him. Finally, he talked.

"P-please…Don't do t-this…Sasuke." He asks me in a weak voice. Hearing him I smile internally. Mustering up all my speed I appear before him, giving him a scare. Looking at him with my red eyes I take out a kunai which had super effective sleeping poison and stab him in his hand while he was still looking at my eyes, with fear, sadness, and longing.

Just as I stabbed him, I came up close to him and said "You are weak…You want me to come back. Make me."

As I said those words I stood up and walked away. Hearing a little thud, I see the blonde sleeping with a pained expression. 'Goodbye Naruto.'

I thought and left him in the valley. Kakashi will find him.

"You certainly took your time Sasuke-kun."

"I had some complications." I answered the snake man who was now in another body.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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