
Sasuke Uchiha: Different

Reborn as Sasuke Uchiha. --- |No regular updates|

AronFF · Anime und Comics
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I was walking alongside Orochimaru and Kabuto. Right now, He was showing me around. The plan was that every couple of months we would change locations and give some clues here and there to the outside world, to misdirect them.

"Sasuke-kun…Since you came just recently after getting the second level of the cursed mark your body, even if it doesn't feel like it, your body strained itself…Not to mention that you fought." Orochimaru started talking. Hearing him I just continued walking, it's not like I had something else to say, he knew this shit better than me.

Seeing me not react I could see his smile under the bandages that he had. "Tomorrow I will start training you…but you can't train without a clear goal of what do you want to achieve. Since it is already the evening Kabuto will show you your residents… During the time of your relaxation decided on what you want to focus on for now. It could be your taijutsu, it could be your ninjutsu…I'll let you pick, and in the end, I'll guide you." He finished his creepy laugh in the end and started walking away from me and Kabuto, slowly.

Before he could leave, I said "Tomorrow I wish for you to answer some of my questions." My wish was more sort of like a demand from the tone of my voice. Hearing me Kabuto walked up close to me, probably trying to warn me about how I speak in front 'Lord Orochimaru'.

But before he could I glared at him while using my killing intent which was now much more uncontrolled due to the curse mark affecting my emotions a bit.

Feeling my intent Kabuto launched back a little, shaken up…maybe a little bit in fear too. But it seemed Orochi-chan was pleased as he started laughing, also fealing my intent.

3 years of this shit…fuck me like a little slut.

Now on my bed, I thought about what do I want to do. Of course, I had some idea of what the end product of me should be, but I couldn't really imagine the required steps to reach it.

Similar to the original, I wanted to focus on lighting release/fire release since right now it was the easiest. I was also interested in genjutsu which I think would be rather easy due to my Sharingan. Earth style is something I also want to know…

'I am a needy bastard…' Sigh. It was easy to imagine how cool I would be in a couple of years, but it was annoying to think about how to get there.

"Ah, there's also 'that'." I told myself. How could I forget, my skill- 'Gathering of the Ten Thousand Shadows'. A martial art dedicated to getting to the peak of swordsmanship.

It was truly an interesting 'skill' that I chose. After all, I believe this definitely does not work with chakra unless the 'skill' was modified to work with it…I wonder what would happen if I choose some other skill like that Haki…what the hell is that?

Anyways, it was a martial art that focused on speed. It was originally used with shadow qi or something like that. The Yin part of Yang qi. Apparently, no one could feel the shadow qi unless they practiced the art themselves… And I again wondered if it is the same with Chakra. It, after all, has yin and yang, but from what I could understand it doesn't work the same. Or it does.

It was a question I couldn't answer unless I tried it, and right now I just put it away. I need to decide on what do I want to focus on.

Right now, I was standing in front of Orochimaru who now looks like his usual self. It seems that switching bodies helped him out a lot. As I thought about his condition he started speaking.

"Well Sasuke, did you do what I asked you." He said moving towards a pile of weapons.

"…I don't know where to start so I guess I would like to start on my nature transformation, Taijutsu, and Kenjutsu. My body after gaining the second level of curse mark got a lot stronger, and my chakra too got wider but I feel like my control slipped a bit. So, I guess I would like to start with the basics and something more special on the side." I answered him and waited for his acknowledgment or something to say that I am going in the right direction.

"What is it that you want to learn on the side Sasuke-kun?" He said still at the weapon pile.

"I wish to expand my knowledge on jutsu and to create my own…preferably something that is simple yet strong, I also have a couple of ideas about what to do from the Chidori…what variation I could create with it."

Hearing my answer I see him turn to me, seconds later his mouth turned into a smile and he said "Very well Sasuke, this is what you will learn under my instructions. I will teach you as much as I can. In the taijutsu and kenjutsu part, I will also teach you, but you will have other training partners to widen your experience fighting all types of people, from long to short ranged, from speed to strength, from ninjutsu to taijutsu…Everything." He finished and picked up a sword from that pile of weapons he was eyeing all this time. Walking towards me I stop him, "You said you will answer some of my questions first."

He stopped for a bit but continued walking "We'll do that after our training session. You first need a small exercise to wake your body up."

'Crazy fucking bastard bitch…' I cursed him in my mind.

The small exercise was a 7-hour no-break fighting and straight-up training. I guess that he was trying to test my physical capabilities before continuing and those questions would only distract me from training.

"Ku ku ku…Even if I feel you are mad at me, you never once protested against anything during our training." Orochi-bastard said. Seeing him smiling a bit creepy I only cursed him more in my mind 'How the fuck does he have a kid in the future.' Crazy shit, I tell you. "Now Sasuke, what were those questions that you I wanted to be answered to."

I drank the last gulp of water I had in my bottle and asked "What is a Sage?" Cleary not expecting my question his eyes widen before he again smiles and laughs for himself a bit before explaining.

"A sage is someone who is able to utilize senjutsu and has mastered the art of Sage Mode. Senjutsu is a specialized field of Jutsu that involves the use of natural energy. Senjutsu practitioners, known as sages, learn to draw natural energy inside their bodies, blending it with their own chakra to create senjutsu chakra. This chakra adds a new dimension of power to the user's techniques, while also allowing for the use of techniques that would not otherwise be possible.

Senjutsu is taught by the toads of Mount Myōboku and the snakes of Ryūchi Cave. Whereas the use of senjutsu is somewhat common amongst the animals that reside in these locations, very few humans have learned to perform senjutsu due to steep prerequisites and its inherent dangers of it." He answered my question. 'It's nothing I didn't know.'

"Are you a sage since you have the contract with snakes?" I asked, I know he is not, but…

Hearing me he just shakes his head and sighs "No, like I said it has many dangers in it…while training in Senjutsu I wasn't able to avoid that danger and hurt myself due to it…"

"How do you fight using snakes, they come out of your clothes from nowhere," I asked, it was a good skill to know. Hearing me he smiles and speaks.

"I have special summoning seal tattoos on my body which lets me summon snakes instantly from any part of my body. Since most snakes that I summon in a quick one-on-one fight are rather weak-minded and are not as intelligent as the higher ones I command them mentally, similarly to how Inuzukas command their dogs. They can't answer but they are good at fighting and completing orders… smarter ones are also very good at spying and some more physical work…while the strongest ones are the strongest ones." He speaks. In his tone, I could sense a small amount of proud ness.

Well, I decided. "Give me the snake contract.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

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