
Sasuke Reboot

A mysterious man from earth takes over Sasuke's body after the Uchiha clan massacre, wielding a powerful Gamer System. Guided by his own ambitions and distrustful of Konoha's leaders, he navigates a treacherous path towards power and redemption, confronting secrets and darkness along the way.

blackassassin1 · Anime und Comics
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1 Chs


In the dimly lit confines of the Konoha hospital room, a profound transformation unfolded within the comatose body of Uchiha Sasuke. As a man from another world merged with his essence, a new consciousness emerged, shrouded in the shadows of uncertainty and ambition. And with this fusion came an unexpected addition—a Gamer System, a mysterious interface that lay dormant within his mind, waiting to be unlocked.

Awakening to a reality that was not his own, the man struggled to reconcile his newfound identity with the memories that flooded his mind. He was no longer Sasuke Uchiha, but a stranger inhabiting his form—a stranger driven by a hunger for power that pulsed like a dark undercurrent beneath his thoughts.

With calculated steps, he rose from the hospital bed, his gaze fixated on the moonlit sky outside the window.

He stood there contemplating the strange situation he found himself in. before his thoughts could take him further, a voice pierced the silence, halting him in his tracks.

"Sasuke Uchiha," the voice intoned, its tone heavy with authority. He turned to see the aged form of the Third Hokage, Sarutobi Hiruzen, regarding him with a mixture of concern and curiosity.

"You are awake," Sarutobi remarked, his expression betraying no hint of the turmoil that raged within the man before him. "How are you feeling?"

The man hesitated for a moment, his mind racing with possibilities. He knew that Sarutobi was unaware of the truth—that Sasuke Uchiha was no more, replaced by a stranger with his own agenda. But he also knew that the Gamer System within him held the key to unlocking his true potential.

"I am... recovering," he replied, his voice devoid of emotion. "But there is much that I must do. Much that I must... atone for."

Sarutobi nodded, his eyes searching the depths of the man's soul for any sign of deception. But try as he might, he could find no trace of the darkness that lurked within him.

"I understand," Sarutobi said, his voice tinged with sympathy. "But you must remember, Sasuke, that your actions have consequences. You cannot simply ignore the past and expect to move forward without facing the consequences of your actions."

The man nodded. "I am aware of that, Hokage-sama," he replied. "And rest assured, I intend to make amends for my past mistakes. But first, there are matters that require my attention."

As Sarutobi turned to leave, the man's expression turned cold, his eyes narrowing as he watched the Hokage depart. He knew that Sarutobi was not to be trusted, that the village of Konoha had its own secrets and agendas. And though he would play the part of the dutiful shinobi for now, he would not forget the truth of his own existence.

With a mental command, he accessed the Gamer System interface displaying his current status:

- level: 1

-Health points(HP): 100/100

-Chakra points(CP): 50/50

-Strength :8

-Agility :10

-Intelligence : 12

- charisma :8

As he studied the interface, a sense of determination filled him. With the power of the Gamer System at his disposal, he would carve out his own path in this world, one where he was beholden to no one, where his destiny was his own to control. For he was not just Sasuke Uchiha, lost and adrift in a world he no longer recognized. He was something more—a player in a game of shadows, a manipulator of fate in a world where trust was a luxury he could ill afford.

And though his ambitions may be great, his trust in Konoha and its leaders remained as cold and distant as the shadows that surrounded him. He knew that he would not let anyone stand in the way of his ambitions.