
Sassy Dominant

She was all herself, what we call living on her world without any restrictions. She made her self from scratch. she was something which no one could question or argue, cold bitch with attitude of mountain. it is said that we are born as an innocent babies in this world by God, but our attitude changes with the event in a life growing up, which makes us what we are now in the present. this mountain of cold ice is soon going to melt with a cheeky smile. A love which no one could have imagined it would be possible, is now taking its ignite to be dynamic in future. it's a long journey of a love with a ending which will satisfy all. Give it a try, you won't regret it. Thank you.

v1nI · Urban
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5 Chs


Emily's POV

It was the day of final battle. The meeting day as in Monday when I am again going to meeting that person which made me doubt myself even without his acknowledgment. Five days ago I had first sight crush - according to isha though.. Three days ago I got to know, that the person I had crush on is already in a serious relationship. Again three days ago I had a strike of love along with heartbreak and two days ago I swear to let myself not to get ever involve in any kind of relationship which includes emotions. And today I am again going to face my heartbreaker, which is what I am looking forward to, so that I could get myself all together and face the reality that I am not any women who can draw their attention with goofy smile and polite nature. Well this sounds a bit creepy.. Look thus is what he had done to me. And now I am going to walk and get myself to move on.

God he made to so unreasonable. That stupid jackass.

Meeting was going to held at their company for finalisation of deal and some agreements at around 12 pm . I had isha checked all the work and papers my team had prepared again today which made her eyeing me to death. Damn that girl had those glaring eyes anyone could die just with that innocent not so innocent weapon.

I was reviewing the final designs for cloths and models as our work was almost done. This time in our organised fashion show not only was ramp walking and charity donation but this time we are holding the binding on the model for a date night. You know tharitt cliché date night, just to get more chay funds and catching attention of the public. Well I might me a lady, what they say , but I'm also a business woman, I exactly know what to do and why to do, to get to the goals I set. And for that this binging thing goes exactly according to my plan. I get the deal they get the date. Win-win situation.

For this dating thing , now I have to choose the models according to the liking of people and businessman and women coming to the show. Cause why all fun goes to man when ladies can have a charm itself. In my binding even male are going to take part, obviously they are model. And that's the reason why we have to choose our models and design accordingly. When I told earlier my fashion show is always a success and this is the reason why always success. I make it beyond what they expect.

I was immersed in my work that I didn't hear the knock and opening of the door. " great now you are deaf as well, I feel like a granny" I heard sarcasm coming. I looked at the source of voice and yeah just as usual isha was walking towards my desk. " I didn't heard to coming" I stated. " yeah I know that's the reason I just walked in cause you are deaf, period" her sarcasm are quite funny and senseless but don't tell her that, she's already mad, we don't want her to be go crazy, not do we..

"what's up " I asked her casual again focusing in to my work." don't we have meeting with worth in like 35 minutes " she said in a questioning sarcastic way. Wow someone had woke up in a wrong direction." what the hell, it's time already. Shit I got carried way with this models and design that I didn't get the glimpse to look at time " i said hurry settings the papers and laptop in the place for the meeting." yeah sure you didn't had time " again her sarcasm. I'm getting quite a sarcasm rain today." I know exactly how and why and what get you ' carried way' and that's anything but work " she continued" come on just get yourself up and reset your make a bit I will be in car with team " she saying this when out of my cabin. I sighed and felt like pulling my hairs in frustration for exactly the reason why isha is being sarcastic. Meeting.

I was avoiding meeting talks since last 3 days just cause of one person and that was affecting my work, according to isha and yeah we kind of that ' the talk' about my unreasonable behaviour. But what can I do I just don't want to face Jack again and thinking I was at a time attracted to him , even him being in relation with other woman. But now I know I have to take a lead of my life myself and be the cold hearted bitch I am again without getting affected by any such Jack person. And for this I have to face him myself.

I took a deep breath, counting ten to get my emotions on the track. I took my bag and laptop with other necessary item and went to parking where isha and team where waiting for me. I was not nervous to meet him, I just don't want that stupid feeling I had when we met first time, for him. I already have many things to deal with in my life now I don't want to add anymore.

As I spotted isha standing besides my Lamborghini Veneno already set on ignite and ready to go. I made my way towards her, seeing me coming she took the driving sit and I sat besides her. Well being best friend she got advantage of driving my car, now am I not the great best friend. It took us about twenty minutes to get at Worth Co. I was quite impressed my the architecture and design of the building itself, what an enormous and wealthy building - well in terms of look, rush and state of building. But one thing as we entered Worth Co. We were greeted my a living pinky powdered plastic, yeah you got right their receptionist. Hell how is she even working in this company with this hilarious look and wow she did not just flirted with my team mate. Boy, that guy is not even her age he is like her father's age. Oh boy oh boy , now hat else can I expect when my expectations are already getting in to ocean.

As isha was talking to that living pinky plastic, me heard voice coming from a distance greeting us. Great a day can't get any worst now. " oh you all came on time" he said walking towards us. Uh! Yeah we have work to do unlike others duh! I wanted to say but well can't now, can I! As I was thinking a way to answer him I heard a scoff besides me and I don't have to look to know how that person was, well our sarcastic Queen!! She had this 'as if' look on her face. I put on a fake necessary smile on face and greeted that person " good morning Mr Charle" . " morning Ms Arora, I was expecting you since morning." he took my hand again like last time and was about to up his filthy lips on it was isha interrupted. " oh good morning Mr Charle" she greeted forwarding her hand to shake. I had to control myself from smile with this nasty behaviour of my best friend, but she is life savour. Charle moved his hand to shake ish's hand and greeted her in a disgust looking face but still with that creepy smile. Oh boy they look terrifying.

As we greeted each other, he took us to an elevator which will lead us to meeting Hall. On the way to meeting, my heart was beating out of its order, I could get tachycardia anytime soon if my heart beat don't get slow. God I am going to die young. I was so focused on my self and my heart and his thoughts to face him.. I totally ignored what this useless shit was talking. I just smiled and nodded my head all the way up. For a second when my eyes meet with ish's eyes I could see her controlling her laughter as I was giving no shit about what Charle was saying. Damn that girl can understand me. I gave a cheeky smile to her and she winked in return.

As we heard a tink sound made by elevator, we reached to our destination of meeting. By now leaving the elevator I was all flushed up with the thought of meeting him and facing him. God how can he have such an effect on me when he is out their living happily with someone else. Damn my life. I felt a hand on my back patting. I looked at the person and it was isha herself. She was conforming and encouraging me with a winning smile and look that says ' everything is going to be fine' . I nodded to her assuring that I am OK and I can do this like I have been doing.

I built enough courage inside myself that I could easily deal with this meeting and him all together. I am Emily Arora, I can go through any tough situation and this isn't even actually situation to begin with. As we entered meeting Hall first thing my eyes run around to see was Spotting him. My heart skip a beat when my eyes spotted his extra shinning eyes. He was talking to a girl. If I remembered correctly she was not present on pervious meeting. And she is not the Secretary for sure. But then I saw his sweet calm smile and love in those shinning eyes. One could easily make out who she was. His girlfriend if I am not wrong. She looked quite decent girl. With smile. Just a smile that did not reached to ears like his did. Her eyes were not showing love but a blank face unlike him. She was reacting to him in a blank mode. I guess I am wrong she can't be his girlfriend. And even I might never feel in love before but guys I have best friend that had a long period crush and I could easily make out who is showing true reaction and who isn't.

As the people inside meeting Hall heard the door opened their heads turn towards us looking all together along with both of them. He stood up and walk towards our direction along with that girl, while we were walking in their direction. That girl behind him was confusing me, she was acting towards him and now in just a mere second she turned to a goofy loving girl seeing us, strange. This Boy definitely knows how to make someone's day. His smile and face was all I am looking at. " good afternoon Ms Arora, hope you had no trouble in coming to our company" he said in all professional manner unlikely to someone who we just met downstairs. " good afternoon Mr Jack, and yes we had no trouble in finding Worth Co. " I continued " you have a beautiful building and amazing architecture" is said complicating first thing I loved in this company so far. " uh! We are honoured" he laughed and said. Well congratulations boy I am a gonner now. " oh yes and she had an amazing ride to the meeting Hall now, am I right Ms Arora" said Mr obvious which made isha rolled her eyes murmuring 'as if' . All I can do is just a forced smile and nodded. With this we were shown our seats and my team and I walked towards it. My seat was right across Jack and besides him was sitting that suspicious girl, I had my eyes on. Isha and my whole team were by my side. Charles was besides that girl who unknowingly was giving a flirterish smile to him. Gross.

Isha had enough of this girl and asked out of blue when my attention was all on that girl and Jack. " Mr Jack, not to be disrespectful, but if I'm correct, the girl sitting besides you was not present in the earlier meeting." she said with professional tone while putting a smile on face. She is a bitch. She continued again " you know this is kind of important deal and finalisation so, we want in between our teams only" she explained her earlier statement. Quite smooth work. She learned from the best I must say. I smiled looking at her like a proud mama. Which was vanished my the statement I heard next. "oh don't worry Ms mehra, she is from our planning department as HOD could not make it today, and more of it, she is my girlfriend so no worries" he said while taking her hand in his hands and smile lovely towards her.

I felt my heart stopped, like literally stopped pumping out blood. I felt suffocated for a second. I didn't know I had stopped breathing just when I felt a cold hand in my lap tapping continuously making me came back to reality.

What in the world did he said. His girlfriend, his hacking girlfriend. Oh no, nope how can that skinny little mousy girl can me his girlfriend. I mean, she was just flirting with charle in front of us and giving a blank reaction to every statement Jack made, she can't be his girlfriend, now can she be.?

" oh your girlfriend, we never knew you had a GIRLFRIEND " isha said eyeing me to see if I am OK and emphasising her last word girlfriend." they have been dating since last 11 months right brother " spoke charle With creepy smirk and looked at that girl, what was her name again sary or Terry, whatever who cares. As he completed his statement I could see a proud smirking smile on that girl. Wow, am I the only one who thinks something is fishy or its just me imagining things cause of my feelings and emotions. "oh that's quite a time Mr Jack for dating" isha fake complimented him, poor him. And I just smiled sitting there looking all around as the tension increases which we all Could feel except him, Jack. How much is he in love with her. No the question is how can he love her.

I think I am just over thinking and analysing the situation. I could not judge someone in just one meeting. I should wait and see. She could not be the one what I think she is. I mean he loves her too deep and everyone can see it. Ooff! This situation is worst then I imagined. To break this tension is diverted the topic as my heart could not handle it any long " where is Mr Worth isn't he joining the meeting" I asked casually to divert the topic. "dad won't be joining today as he is not feeling well, and we are the one closing this whole deal with you so it's just us" charle complete his sentence with a creepy ending. God trust me If I could I would have thrown up at that moment. " oh is it so, hope he get well soon" I stated blankly giving no shit about worth's health, call me bitch or heartless but I know he is no sick. " so can we start for what we are gathered here" I stated and finally meeting started.

But still I had this suspicion on this terry girl or whatever her name is. I don't know why but something doesn't feel right. But one thing I have learn from life is , I could not judge a person in their first meeting, but my guts are never wrong. And this time I hate to break a heart but I want my guts to be right about it.

{Note :

Heya! Hope you like my novel so far, it's just 4 chapters now.

I'll do my best to write as much as possible.

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