
Sassy Dominant

She was all herself, what we call living on her world without any restrictions. She made her self from scratch. she was something which no one could question or argue, cold bitch with attitude of mountain. it is said that we are born as an innocent babies in this world by God, but our attitude changes with the event in a life growing up, which makes us what we are now in the present. this mountain of cold ice is soon going to melt with a cheeky smile. A love which no one could have imagined it would be possible, is now taking its ignite to be dynamic in future. it's a long journey of a love with a ending which will satisfy all. Give it a try, you won't regret it. Thank you.

v1nI · Urban
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5 Chs


Emily's POV

The whole 2 days were hell for me. I could not take my mind and thoughts out of Jack worth. Damn this thing is leading to one another. As I had made my mind to first research about this one guy who took a troll in my life. I asked my Jarden - my informer / friend / advisor/ ish's crush to find anything and everything about Jack within two days.

To say I was already in a mess which was quite a lot, isha was on fire from day of meeting continuously smiling and imaging God knows what about me. When I first said she is crazy creature, I was not wrong, she literally could write my imaginary love story which is far from the reality till having kids. I mean can anyone have this crazy love sick girl as a bestfriend. If anyone out there want o exchange her with your bestfriend, you are always welcome :)

I was in my cabin doing some work regarding fashion show and my beauty line, which was a chaos everytime I think of him. I heard a knock on my door. I murmured came in enough to let the person behind door could hear. As expected I had an unwelcoming guest not to brag around about my imagery love life which is far way from reality.

"don't please. Not again. Don't just start your stupid statistical method to make me believe which is not true. You know ish.. This is just... I.. Its.. " and again when ever I wanted to explain about the situation in meeting about him, I always stutter not knowing what to say and how to explain." who said I am here for Jack, buddy it's nearly lunch time, I'm here to pick you up for lunch. But I think someone was expecting something else" she said drawing imaginary random circle with her fingers on my desk while eyeing me time to time and yeah don't forget that creepy smirk on her face. "shuh! Whatever" I shut her up with the shuh and annoying look while she giggled on my comment. "so lunch, no lunch, takeout you choose" she asked whole sitting in from of me on the chair. " order takeout make it indian, didn't had in months now." I said while she smiled like a christmas tree " ah! This is called true friendship, I was carving for indian food and here we go!!" she said with an excitement and ordered our food.

" we could even go to restaurant for indian food " she said while placing her phone on the desk." nah Jarden is coming I asked him about something so, yeah could not go " I said in a causal manner without knowing that a dynamic was about to pop up besides me." j.. Jarden is coming here. " she said in shy way and then her expression change from shy to panic." Jarden is coming and you did not tell me, I am looking like a duff sitting her ordering indian food and he will came and I will me mess.. Oh Lord such an idiot bestfriend have you given me " she said walking around raising her hand in air and talking nonstop. Damn this love. Now I'm sure I have to crushy crush or whatever for Jack cause I'm sure I don't act like her. God she is crazy. How can she be mess or duff when she is a goddess herself, a light tan beautiful long thick brownish black hair and beautiful Brown eyes. And she's calling herself a mess. Sure then I am what mess into two thousand mess. OK this doesn't make any sense but whatever.

" chill bro, why to fire, you look hella beautiful, and if Jarden did not notice you now then I'm sure he need to check his eyes, gotta problem there " as I completed my sentence we both heard something saying" who needs eye check up " we both turn around to look at the source of voice coming. It was non other then Jarden himself standing dashingly." oh nothing just ish have itching in her eyes since morning, I told her to go get a check up cause I don't have time to go with her. So just making her understand how important it is, right Jarden " I turn the story and topic me and isha where talking about making isha look at me with the eyes and look that could kill me many times if possible. After giving death glare she faced Jarden with a shy smile, woh she can change like a chameleon." oh it's nothing just itching, I guess due to workload my BOSS give me, a little rest will do I guess " she said by emphasising boss and eyeing me to death. Trust me it was hard really very hard to control my laugh at that time.

" oh but isha it's related to eyes a sense organ, I think Emily is right you should visit doctor just to confirm that everything is alright" he said while walking towards where me and isha where standing near my desk. He continued "and yeah if Emily could not go with you then I will take you, how about now itself it will take hardly half hour and we will be back if you want to, what say" he suggested which sounds like a plan to me and giving my bestie a break date " yeah that cool with me at least I need not to worry about her if you are with her. That's so sweet of you, and yeah we were just about to have lunch so how about you both get lunch together after coming from doctor." I suggested Jarden with a calm voice and a smile. And this statement made isha to look at me with shock. " oh no no, no need I'm OK, I don't know why you guys are making such a big deal, Jarden is here for work and we already order our food so there's no need to eat outside and for doctor I'm good" she spoke and smiled at Jarden making me want to laugh. " oh no that OK I will just take the other order home with me as my dinner so problem solved" I said " yeah and about work I just have to give this file to Emily so no need to stay any longer" Jarden said making sound like a plan. By now isha was glaring at me with a murdered look on her face.

" yeah perfect so why don't you both get going so you could have an early appointment and then lunch, it's already quite late "I suggested politely making my bestie unable to deny anymore. God how much I am loving this after the torture she had made me gone through whole two days." yeah now we should, on the way I will call my family doctor for the appointment so it would be easy for us " he said while pulling out his hand towards isha, now now what a gentleman. Isha could not deny any more now, she was trapped and here goes her unplanned date. All thanks to me. I'm just a best bestfriend.

I place the file that Jarden had given to me on table while cleaning the extra mess which was on my table. Please I'm a neat and clean tidy girl. Its is just I'm quite confused and in a state which is a mess itself made me this messy girl. As I was done with it. I took the file and made my way to the sofa place inside my cabin. As just I was going to site I heard a knock, I said come in while sitting and placing file on the table beside the sofa.

" Emily here is your lunch" Ms kai entered with a box in her hand. I said thank you to her and she got back to her work closing door behind her way. I open my lunch and started eating it. While eat I thought this is the right time to go through his file which I have asked from Jarden. While eating I open the file and start reading it.

Name : Jack worth

Mother : suzi Jane

Father : viky worth

Siblings : Charle worth (stepbrother)

Born : 24 /12 / 1991

Occupation : COO at Worth Co.

Hobby : singing, playing piano

Relationship : Tracy Roy - employed at Worth Co. Planning department.

Relationship status : 10 months

Address : xxx Street abc block yyy.

Nature : sweet, obedient, polite, smart, knowledgeable , loving, caring forgiving, hard working.

Just as I thought, his nature is totally opposite of his father and stepbrother. Loving and caring, hmm. Jarden forgot to add cute and chic. But one thing I mostly noticed was relationship with a girl already. Obviously he would be in a relationship unlike me, who would not like him to have him a partner.

I don't know why just thinking about him with someone else made to feel a strick in heart for the first time. I mean this is not love for sure they have been together for like ten months and here I know him form like 3 days

WOW. And what isha was saying first sight love, yeah sure. I told her he was out of my lead. Already with someone enjoying his lunch and smile with the cheeky cheeks. Oh god I now seriously need to stop thinking about him. I'm going crazy. Lord for sack he already has someone who is more suitable for him.

I lost my appetite by now a I completed Jack's file reading all achievement and way of life he is living. He is so different from me. He is caring while I just think of myself. He is in love while I don't believe in love. He is polite while I'm anything but polite. He is typical goody two shoe guy while I'm a death rapper. He already has lover while my life is loveless. We are no match. How can I even master my time and mind on him when we nothing but just business partners. Sighed and close file placing on the table. I took my lunch box and closed it the leftover throwing in the dustbin.

I got back to my business which I was doing earlier. But by now I have this uneasiness feeling developing in my heart. I want to believe that Jack is not for me, we are two different world that can not be together ever. But I... I just could not take him and his smile and warm hand out of my mind. I put my head on desk like head downing on desk and closing my eyes in frustration and irritation. Just like every other time I close my eyes I saw image of Jack with a cute warm smile. How I wish I could have this smile all by myself. But now this is own by someone else, I guess someone more worthy.

I know one thing in life, do whatever you want to achieve your goals but never in Holly heaven break someone's heart and house. This sin is worst then any other sins in the whole world. I have seen life ending and destroying cause of it. And I swear to my life even if I like a little bit Jack or as isha said have crush on him, I'm not going to be that cold bitch of business to break his heart and ruin him. I have learn enough from life to let go things mostly which are related to emotions and emotion for me is the worst enemy.

I put myself together and started my work trying to forget all about Jack who has just came like a rough tornado 3 days ago and destroying all the boundaries and ice I have built it for years even him without knowing. He's the Prince charming of someone's fairy tale while I am the cold bitch of the business.

By now 2 hrs has passed I start my work from unfinished food by loosing my appetite. I heard a knock and as I was going to answer it, isha entered with the glaring eyes saying " you little witchy witch... You made me lie, made me go to doctor looking like an idiot and setting up a unprepared date, you stupid friend" she said which at least made me smile a little after long boring and sadden 2 hours. Before I could speak anything she continued " well now that everything went well, thank you, I had an amazing day, you have no idea I freaked out I was but at the end everything went well and guess what...!" she place both her hands on my desk bending a little make me question " what" , " Jarden finally asked me out... God finally how great right, damn I was so nervous but he.. He's just amazing, just sweet and amazing" she said in a dreamy way. At-least unlike me she had a great and happy day. And this is my life to be happy with my work and for my best friend, yes that's all I need in my life and no jackass distraction. " wow! I am happy for you buddy" I said showing a little excitement so that she could not guess the Sadness in my voice cause I don't want her to go through my problems when finally she is getting what she want.

"E, you OK.? Why I think you sound a bit low " she asked with concerned. Damn I could not hide it from her. I handed her the file of him. She opened and started reading it. At file she was excited saying" hmm... Someone is doing research already about someone special " but soon it changed to worry and sad." it says he have a girlfriend for like now a year " she said while all I do is just a node and look to laptop screen blankly feeling nothing." isha I don't know if I even liked him or not but if this is what I'm experiencing is a heartbreak then I never want it in my life " I said in a low voice." you know I just know him for 3 days and this is my situation and I don't want to be a bitch for breaking someone's heart and home, let's just say it was a phase I had and gone by now " I completed with a moist eyes. And now I'm crying great. Finally I hate love for sure." oh dear, that's OK, it's just sometimes happen, and my Baby girl is so strong, right, let's forget it and do what we were doing. " she said in a hush voice and hugged me with her sweet calming voice.

Now now, where can I find such an understanding bestfriend. I'm not going to exchange her now, deal cancel. After my breakdown and our emotional seen I decided to totally forget Jack and just focus on my work and fashion show which is more important then just a silly crush.

{Notes :

Heya!! I hope you guys like my novel so far 3 chapters, I will be writing more and updating on daily basis.

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