

Sarang (v) the feeling of wanting to be with someone until death.

Angie_Morales_0608 · Fantasie
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What is the most dangerous thing in the world? I'd say love.

"Tonight.. I got something for you."

I never got that something. He was never home.


"This is amazing! We will have so much fun!" and he run straight to the balcony.

I look around and adore every corner of this room that lucky got for our vacation.

I just recently quitted my seven years job as a writer and decided to go on vacation

with my two bestfriends. "Ada check this out!" I am mesmerized by the view.

"You did a great job lucky" and I gave him a pat on his back. "I am not lucky for no reason!" He gave me his biggest smile.

I am Ada Sebastian, former writer on a private campany. After seve years of hard

work and dedication, I decided to quit. Yes that's right. You read that right. I quitted not because I don't like working or I don't like my work. I love writting more than anything else. Sometimes we have to give up things we love to get something better. I already live a life the way how the world describes it. Now I wanted to live a life that I wanted for me. I want to live simply. I want to sit by the window when it rains and read books. I want to paint because I want to, not because I've got something to prove. I want to listen to my body, fall asleep when the moon is high and wake up slowly, with no place to rush off to. I want not to be governed by money or clocks or any of the society standard. I just want to be boundless and infinite.

"Have you ever thought why your parents named you lucky?" Steph ask lucky again for the hundredth times as she was sipping on her pinacolada. "Simply because I am lucky. I am their lucky charm." He said it so proudly. "How about you? Why does your parents named you steph?" He sat down next to me while waiting for steph to say something. "Well you see, I am a majesty from the 20th century from an elite family and a great heirs of a millions and billions of treasure. As I say this, this has no connection why they named me stephanie and how I wish I have billions of treasure so I don't need to work two jobs." She said it sarcastically. "Seriously speaking, they named me stephanie after my grandmother. That's it. nothing special."

"I like your name, Stephanie. It's a nice name." I smile at them and pointed the sunset, we watched it as if nothing else matter.

After taking medicine, I look at myself in the mirror again before leaving the room. "Are you ready?" Steph ask me. I gave her a nod. Then we walk straight to the restaubar where we're meeting lucky since he went there early to make sure we will get a good spot. I can't remember the last time I go out and drink since I was so busy with work. I didn't have contact with lucky and steph for awhile but good thing is they still love me the same even if I wasn't there for them many times. After I submitted my resignation, I called them and ask if they can go with me, they said yes without hesitation. This are the kind of people I wanted to be with for the rest of my life.

Lucky wave at us from distance. He is sitting on the bar counter next to a tall guy, blonde hair. "Looks like you are having fun." I whisper on his ear as I sit down on his other side. " Pete, this is my friends. Ada and steph" He gave us a smile and he whisper something on lucky and he started laughing.

"Can I get tequila please?" the bartender nod at me. "Are you sure you can have tequila?" Lucky ask me with concern on his face. I gave him a big smile "ofcourse!"

The music started to get louder as the crowd gets wilder. I can feel the tequila kicking now. Lucky is still with Pete and steph is on the dance floor with some random guy too, they look good together though. lucky look at me and I told him that I will step outside to breathe some fresh air and he noded. I went outside, there is barely people on the street since it is almost four in the morning. Its been a while since the last time I went on vacation and had this amount of liquor in my body. I stay for awhile and just enjoyed the silence of the empty street because when the sun started to rise, it will be filled with cars and people and the noises. For a moment I thought there is an earthquake but then I realize it is the tequila that is shaking my world. I already know what's coming next. I run on the other side of the street and I release all the poison I had tonight. I reach out on my pocket "Oh great, I left my handkerchief" I was about to wipe my mouth with my hand because I have no choice when I heard an unfamiliar voice behind me. "This might help" he handed me a pink handkerchief. I took it without even looking at his face. After making sure that my face is clean I turn and look at the man that handed me this. "Thank you..." I smile at him. "I'm Jordan and you are welcome" he looks so nostalgic to me, his aura particularly. He is tall with dark hair, brown eyes, strong jawline. Looks like god took his time building this man in front of me. "Do you feel better now?"

"Yes, thank you for this. I will laundry this and send it back to you. Nice choices of color by the way" I'm trying to make a conversation because I can feel that this can be akward. "It was a gift from my sister." He gave me a sweet smile. "You are not from here right? I have never seen you before"

"No I am not. I'm just here for vacation." why do I feel like my face is getting hot because he is looking at me. "I see. are you sure you are ok? your face is turning red" I knew it! I cover my cheeks with my hands. I feel so embarass right now. "I should get going." he noded. I was about to cross the street but I remember the handkerchief. "Hey where can I find you for this?" I pointed the handkerchief. "Nowhere. keep it for now. If we bump on each other again then you can give it back to me." He gave me a smile again. I feel something weird on my stomach but did not pay attention because it might be the liquor. "Okay. Nice to meet you jordan, thank you for this" I wave goodbye at him and run back to the bar.