
Sarah Keissi

Sarah Keissi didn't expect to see her ex-fiancee again a month after their heartbreaking breakup. Yet, there he was, standing there in front of her, delivering the news that shattered her world for the second time. A series of events she barely comprehends keep happening making Sarah doubt her sanity, her safety, and the rightfulness of her decision to break up with her fiance. could it be that he wasn't the bad person she thought he was? And even if he wasn't, was there still a place in this mess for them to be together again?

NC1008 · sci-fi
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154 Chs

Let the Show Begin

"Be careful, he brought his henchman with him. Austin said through the speaker and Sarah looked at the man who all but destroyed her life...

He was tall and fit in his mid-forties, with perfectly styled blond hair and almost aristocratic pale features. He looked like the perfect poster boy.

"So this is the man who made out lives hell..." Adam said quietly from beside her,

"It seems so," Sarah said his every mood as he strode inside the ball with arrogant confidence. For Sarah who knew that the man was on the brink of destruction, she wouldn't have guessed it if she wasn't aware of his situation.

"Let the show begin..." Cade said through the speakers, "Uncle Robert is going to retreat to his study with all of his other business acquaintances. That's when he will be feeling uneasy because he wasn't called into that meeting. Pretend like he is calling for Sarah and Adam to join him there and let him follow the two of you. hopefully, he will initiate contact..."