
Sarah Keissi

Sarah Keissi didn't expect to see her ex-fiancee again a month after their heartbreaking breakup. Yet, there he was, standing there in front of her, delivering the news that shattered her world for the second time. A series of events she barely comprehends keep happening making Sarah doubt her sanity, her safety, and the rightfulness of her decision to break up with her fiance. could it be that he wasn't the bad person she thought he was? And even if he wasn't, was there still a place in this mess for them to be together again?

NC1008 · sci-fi
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154 Chs


"Who was this person," Austin asked as if he heard the older detective's question, "Who's the person who approached you about this in the first place?"

"His name is Cole Garreth, he's Mayor Jackson's secretary..." Tim said sighing as if revealing the other man's name was lifting a great burden from his shoulders, and perhaps it was.

"I see, well, thanks to your cooperation we will be able to look into this faster than we expected. I will ask my sister's lawyer to come here and talk to you about what will need to be done to take care of your son. I'm sure he will be down in a few hours..." Austin said standing up and time stopped him.

"Is she going to agree to help him?"

"She will help him. You have my word on that. as for the results, it completely depends on your son's will..." Austin responded

"Fair enough," Tim said

Austin left the interrogation room then gestured for them to follow him into a conference room after making sure that Tim had two officers guarding him.