
Chapter 23

Cold... Freezing cold, wet heavy limps. Those were the first things Sarah felt when she regained consciousness. As she opened her eyes, she looked around to identify her location, Adam was laying next to her soaked, a small puddle of water underneath them.

In her confused brain, she wondered why she felt so cold. She tried to sot up but her stiff limbs and the slippery floor weren't cooperating. After winning the fight and sitting up she could see the room around them, they were in the Queen's small conservatory space, yet the room temperature wasn't in the tropical warm degrees they put it on, it was regulated to the North Pole's weather. She dragged her body to a standing position and headed to the remote. It took her pounding head some time to realize the situation, they were soaked and inside a room on minus 15°c. And the control panel was destroyed.