
Sapphire Eyes By Tiger_Fire

Four islands are in grave danger. The darkness that had once been defeated by four long lost elementals has come back to take revenge and proclaim what once was theirs. The once powerful elementals that had the powers of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water may have been lost, but their legacy prevails and leads their kids; Haslet, Aidan, Lucella and Nanshe into running away from the lab facility that had enslaved them and escape to the four magical islands that they had always been destined to save. . .

Tiger_Fire · Fantasie
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5 Chs


The white moon shone well above the sky, its moonlight shone bright all around the shore and the beautiful yet dangerous ocean who's waves had turned dark and unforgiving; drowning and killing anyone who dared enter it.

But between the harsh waves of the water, a young boy's head broke away from between the waves.

His arms flailed to the side, desperately trying to stay afloat and not let the water hit his face and enter his nose. He was growing tired and desperate while the water grew more and more aggressive towards him.

Even though his eyes shone with hope at staying above the water, the rage of the ocean grew stronger and sent a wave bigger than any other he'd seen crashing against his delicate face.

And before he knew it. . . The ocean was able to swallow him whole.

Darkness engulfed him.

The currents of the ocean brushed harshly against him, pushing his body further and further down its dark pits. The boy didn't fight back, he was too exhausted and he could barely keep his emerald green eyes open any longer. His body began to relax against the cold water, his nose began to inhale water and the corners of his mouth opened slightly to let small bubbles of air escape it.

Without thinking too much of it, the boy's eyes began to shut and his vision began to blur.

The boy had given up his fight. . .

As the boy sank deeper and deeper into darkness, a white light beamed from above him.

The light was shinier than the moon and even brighter than the sun in all its glory. The beam of light grew wider and wider in a circular shape, making a small tunnel for the young boy to walk through.

The boy stared at the light. His heart was beating fast and his mind was racing faster than a horse running through a flower field. He was confused and there were so many questions invading his mind. He'd never seen or heard of something like this. . .

As he gazed at the blinding white light of the tunnel, he heard a voice whisper which made his soft ginger, fox-like ears to twitch. It was a warm yet creepy whisper that sent chills upon chills down his spine.

"Follow. . ." It echoed. "Follow. . . Me. . ."

The distant call sounded more like a plea than anything, so he just pushed his questions away and began to follow the light.

As soon as he entered the tunnel, sparkly dust rose into the air and began to swirl around him, making him cover his face with his hands as he was then transported somewhere else.

The boy opened his eyes once again, he blinked multiple times and let out a sneeze that disturbed and made white dust-like particles fly away. The boy gazed at the surface he was lying down on; it was white and rocky and dusted with a thin layer of what seemed to be dried white dirt mixed with glitter. As he looked further, he noticed a few craters here and there; some where huge, some where small, some where deep and dark while others were shallow enough for you to stand on.

The boy arched his brow and finally sat up, his green eyes looked all around him and saw that the sky. . . Looked like space. Purple, blue, and a few splotches of pink, mixed against the dark canvas above him. Stars; white, blue and even red and yellow decorated it and made it look more like a well-made painting than the actual boring black and white blob that he had imaged space could look like.

Wait. . . If this was space then. . . Why was he able to breathe?


He'd moved his hand to his chest in search of the memorable fast and anxious palpitations of his heart, but. . . He found nothing. He felt empty, he felt cold, he felt dead.

A new yet familiar emotion of fear invaded his entire being, sending tears to his eyes and demanding them to let the small droplets free so they could break the already horrified boy into an endless pit of despair. His chest felt tight and he couldn't feel his legs any longer as they began to tremble like two pieces of long and slender jelly during an earthquake.

He was about to faint, he could feel it.

But before he could lose consciousness and let darkness engulf him once again, another call broke though the silence; this time, it was much more clear and it sounded much more closer than the first creepy, little command.

"Adan!" The voice repeated. "Adan!"

Adan's head snapped towards the direction that the call had been heard. As he turned around, his eyes caught the silhouette of a creature. The boy tilted his head and squinted his eyes to see if he could recognize the creature trotting towards him.

A cat? Adan thought, his eyes filled with curiosity as his wonders drowned his fears and made him forget why he had been so terrified just a minute ago.

The pretty feline's body was slender and as white as snow. Its fur seemed sleek and shiny and very soft if you touched it. Its berry-like nose was small and pink with a tiny splotch of black at the very far left corner of it. It's ears were as pointy as they could get and the inside of it were pink and protected by small pieces of fluff at the bottom that connected them to the cat's head.

But what really caught the Adan's attention were the pretty deep sapphire-blue eyes that the cat wore. The color really popped out nicely due to the fact the cat's face was painted a shade of gray that also adorned its paws and fluffy gray tail.

The cat let out a tiny purr and brushed itself against Adan's legs, making him let out a giggle and bend down to stroke its back. But as soon as his fingers brushed against the Siamese's fur, the cat let out a hiss and began to run away.

At the thought of being left alone without company, Adan took off and hurried after it.

"W-Wait! Don't leave me, come back!" He called with desperation, his pretty dark orange hair drew back as he ran after the small, yet extremely creature.

As he kept running down the dusty white surface of the moon, Adan noticed that the white was slowly turning dark.

After running for what seemed to have been a mile, the boy stopped dead in his tracks and fell to his knees. His belly moved fast and his mouth gaped open as he tried to get his breath back, but as he did so, he noticed that white cold puffs of air escaped his mouth. His body then trembled and he began to realize how cold it had become. He gritted his teeth to keep them from chattering and looked around him.

The white surface was now dark, the once white and glimmery dust was now black and dull. The space above him was also dark, the pretty cool colors of blue, violet and purple were gone as well as the splotches of pink and stars.

Adan sat back and hugged himself before pressing his legs against the curve of his arms. He had an over-sized pastel green hoodie on as well as dark green mittens, but the cloth hadn't been strong enough to keep the freezing breeze from biting at his skin.

But then again. . . He saw a silhouette in the distance.

Adan looked up and his ears twitched slightly at seeing the familiar Siamese he'd been chasing after. . . But the cat's form had changed. The pretty platinum color that had once painted its face, paws and long, fluffy tail was now darker in color, similarly to the color of bitter dark chocolate.

But the only thing that hadn't changed had been its eyes. Those beautiful yet piercing sapphire blue eyes were able to shine against the newly dark moon's darkness.

"Welcome, Adan," The cat said, elegantly walking over to him and sitting down just a few inches away from the young boy's bare feet. "It is a pleasure to meet you. . . I've been waiting a long while to have the honer to meet you."

Adan stared perplexed at the at now-talking cat, his eyes were big with curiosity and he himself was starting to question his own sanity.

The cat tilted his head; his deep voice and strong body-structure made Adan believe that the feline was indeed a tomcat rather than a she-cat. "What's wrong," The cat curled its lip in a dry and raspy chuckle. "Did the cat eat your tongue?"

Adan closed his mouth and shook his head. "N-No. . . I-It's just. . ." He bit his lip and fumbled with his fingers nervously at the growing creepy stare that this cat was giving him. "I'm just. . . Surprised," He gulped and giggled nervously. "You don't really see cats talking here and there from where I come from. . ."

The cat squinted his eyes and let a smirk spread along his face. "Well," The cat raised his paw, making his head detach from his boy and float onto its pretty pink pads. "That's because I'm not a simple cat, my dearest."

Adan bit his lip. He was now petrified at the sight, what kind of being was thins? This was certainly not a cat, but something much more sinister. . .

Despite the fear growing deep within him, Adan dared to speak again. He tried not to make his voice tremble, but he failed miserably as he felt beans of sweat sent by his fear down his forehead. "T-Then. . . W-W-What are y-you?"

The cat attached his head back to his body and let out a sinister little crackle. "I, my little Adan," His shinning sapphire eyes met the young boy's emerald green ones. " I am your salvation."

To be continued. . . .


I hope you enjoyed the prologue!

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