
Sapphire Eyes By Tiger_Fire

Four islands are in grave danger. The darkness that had once been defeated by four long lost elementals has come back to take revenge and proclaim what once was theirs. The once powerful elementals that had the powers of Fire, Earth, Wind, and Water may have been lost, but their legacy prevails and leads their kids; Haslet, Aidan, Lucella and Nanshe into running away from the lab facility that had enslaved them and escape to the four magical islands that they had always been destined to save. . .

Tiger_Fire · Fantasie
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5 Chs

Chapter 2

Aidan screamed with agony as electricity ran through his body. His muscles tensed up and despite having the power of fire, the electricity socked him harshly and made burns all over his back, chest, and arms.

Since he was one of the most dangerous out of the group of the four kids, the monsters had chained him up and dozed him with a small dose of tranquilizers to make him feel dizzy and lost.

This often happened when his time to be experimented on came around; mind you, despite being used to being chained up and basically tortured for "The sake of science," it didn't mean that it would be any easier to bare with pain of lightning basically burn his insides.


Suddenly, the burning sensation that had almost smoldered his entire being was gone.

Aiden's legs finally gave way, he crouched on the ground and began to pant like an exhausted dog who had been chasing an invisible ball for hours upon hours. . . But despite his exhaustion, Aidan looked up at the girl that had called his name so desperately before shutting her powers off.

His friend was lying on the ground half-unconscious, her pretty blonde locks covered her face and her pale arms were sprawled against the the ground. Her powers had been over-used, she wasn't dead but extremely weak and tired from using her powers much longer than before.

"Lucella. . ." His whisper sounded more like a small mewl than anything. Aidan tried to crawl towards her and embrace her, but the sound of the monsters opening the large and heavy door of the lab room made his head shot towards them.

His eyes widened at the sharp objects that they were holding while making their way towards Lucella. Those objects were no joke. They could slash at your flesh deeper than a bear's claw and burry themselves deep within your body to attack and perforate your insides.

The three monsters that referred to themselves as men, came closer to Lucella who was still lying motionless on the ground. Their faces were nothing but ice, hard and filled with no emotion.

Aidan's heart began to pump blood faster, making the blood in his ear roar loudly. His body tensed and his rough hands turned into fists. His instinct screamed at him: "Protect her! Protect her! Don't let them touch her!"

So without any type of hesitation, Aidan finally released the tiger within himself and set his whole body on fire.

The metal of the chain melted away, letting Aidan go free and throw himself at one of the lab men that had come too close to Lucella for his comfort. He opened his mouth and sank his two tiger-like teeth into the man's stomach, tearing it open after a few painful tugs that made his opponent screech with pure agony and shock.

Blood went every where, splashing the walls of the lab room and painting the floors with a dark scarlet color.

After tearing his prey open, Aidan sank his teeth once again into the dead man's body and threw it to the side, making the body slam against a wall before casually flopping onto the floor like one of those ragdolls that Nanshe used to have when they were younger.

Aidan panted once once more, the blood of the monster dropped from his face down to the ground, drizzling the floors with more blood.

As the other two monsters that had come along backed away from Aidan and his friend, Aiden hissed at them and crawled back to Lucella. He sat down and gently wrapped his arms around her shoulders.

"Stay away." He growled and pressed his friend closer to him. "Or you'll die too!"

The men obviously hesitated, one of them stopped the other from poking the phenomenon with the shocking stick before it lifted a weird black box with a weird static noise and began to talk to it. The static noise seemed to stop for a small moment before another voice answered.

But Aidan didn't catch anything from the conversation when his attention shifted back to Lucella when the 18-year old brushed her hands against his cheek.

"Blood. . . Did they hurt you?" She asked weakly with a hoarse voice, her pretty doe eyes stared staring back at his with worry shining clearly inside of them.

Aidan shook his head at her, he was fine, the only remarkable injuries that he probably had were a few burns made by the electricity or some sores that would probably go away in a week or so.

"I'm alright-" Aidan cut off when something sharp and pointy sank into his back abruptly. He let out a hiss of pain at the sting which only increased when more tranquilizers sank into his back without him expecting them.

Everything began to spin around Aidan, he looked around feeling suddenly lost at where he was and why. The feeling in his arms and legs began to decrease until he could feel nothing but numbness all throughout his body.

Aidan's eyes began to flutter shut, sleep began to engulf him and he just couldn't do anything but to let his body drop to the side as his tired mind helplessly slipped into unconsciousness.

Lucella's eyes went big as she saw Aidan's body starting to lean to the side. Even though she was still feeling weak due to the painfully long experiment, she managed to sit up and quickly catch the tiger-like boy between her arms.

She wanted to keep her friend away from the monsters, but they had been quicker than her. They grabbed her by the arms and began to drag her away from her unconscious companion. She screamed and kicked with all her might, but it was to no use, she was too weak, too exhausted, too useless to fight away her attackers and save Aidan from being punished.

"Aidan! Aidan, no! Let me go, no!" She cried helplessly with tears running down her rosy cheeks as she saw more men entering the experimentation room towards Aidan. The monsters were quick to pick the 19-year old up and drag him away to another room that none of the four children liked to talk about or even mention due to the horrible and inevitable horrors that had happened to them if they dared to misbehave or show signs of rebellion.

Even though Lucella had never been there before, she knew about that room and what those monsters did. Adan, the boy that had been announced missing, had been dragged into those rooms to never come back. . .

Lucella screamed again, begging them to let her go, but it was to use as she was injected as well. She tried to fight off the effect of the tranquilizing liquid now traveling through her body, but anything that she tried was to no use as she too, fell to a deep slumber.

After falling unconscious, Lucella had been dragged back to the dorms where her friends would come back after they got finished with their own experiments. But Aidan. . . That poor boy who only wanted to protect his friend from the same monsters that had killed Adan. . . Was going to suffer the great consequences for his rebellious actions.