
Sandy Shores Awaken Book One

Anyone in the world could have been Zare’s mark mate, but somehow destiny chooses Chetan, who is her twin sister’s boyfriend. Her sister is named Kiara. Zare is beside herself in her position with Chetan. Everything about him drives her crazy, as a mark mate should. He was like her own personal drug, the wolf inside getting high on his scent. She carved him, and yet she couldn't be with him. Ajay fills that spot in Zare’s heart; they grow close and even fell in love. How does Chetan react to seeing his mark mate with the Alpha? Will the pack fall apart? If this wasn’t a crazy love triangle enough, Kiara finds her true mark mate, leaving Chetan available. Just when Zare and Ajay are unstoppable, a curveball is thrown their way. Who will she choose?

Kayla_Ellen · Fantasie
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24 Chs

The Tree

The blanket of slumber slowly falls off me, and I awaken to find myself still cradled in

Chetan's arms.

"Good morning, beautiful." He kisses my cheek.

"It wasn't a dream?"

"I am sorry you are so disappointed we had sex." He seems upset and stunned.

"I don't mean that. I did enjoy myself with you. Do you ever wonder if we are attracted

to each other simply because we are Mark mates?"

"Nope, I know how I feel about you," he says with a smile that makes my heart nearly


"You are lovely, Chetan."

"Give me a chance. I will make you smile, you will be happy, and I can love you just the

same as Alpha. Maybe even more, because we are meant to be." He wraps his arms around my waist.

I couldn't help but feel giddy around him. It was like holding hands with your boyfriend

for the first time. Honestly, I didn't question for one moment anything he says. When Chetan isn't around me, I have this all figured out. I love Ajay, but I can see myself with Chetan, too.

"Do a cemetery run, Chetan." Ajay walks towards us with Smoke at his side.

"Yes, Alpha," Chetan responds, kissing me on the forehead before changing into his wolf

and dashing into the woods.

"Isn't that sweet?" Smoke says with a smug smile.

"Excuse me?" I arch an eyebrow.

"Having fun being the pack slut?" he taunts.

Ajay laughs. I wasn't upset with Smoke's words. Words are just words, and who is he to

judge me?

Is Ajay going to allow his new buddy to talk to me like that? I am shocked, upset. and

honestly done with the whole situation. I said sorry, and it was all I could do to work things outwith Ajay.

"I wouldn't call finding somebody better a slut, better in every aspect."

My words seem to sting Ajay. His face turns red, and his fists clenched at his side.

Smoke grabs my arm roughly.

"Maybe we should teach this pup a lesson," he hisses inches from my face.

Ajay now is mad and now clearly for different reasons. "Take your hands off her!"

"What?" He seems confused.

"I will deck you straight in the throat. You are hurting her," he says.

"I thought you were done with her." Smoke throws me to the ground. The breath was

knocked out of me. I feel shocked Smoke would hurt me.

"Even so, we don't hurt women in this pack or another wolf."

Before Ajay can say another word, Chetan jumps in front of me in his wolf form,

showing his sharp teeth and foaming at the mouth. He is inches from Smoke's neck.

"What is going on here?" Cricket rushes over.

"Chetan, stand down now. She's fine, Ajay orders.

Chetan changes into his human form. "If he ever lays a hand on her again, I will rip his

throat out, wolf or not!"

"Smoke, what happened?" Cricket asks.

"I went too far, Alpha," he replies.

"Everything is fine. I am sure Smoke won't do it again," Ajay says.

"What is the matter with you? A few days ago, you would have ripped his head off,"

Chetan remarks.

"The only thing I am to Zare is her Alpha, and my job is to keep her safe, and she is fine.

As her boyfriend, Smoke wouldn't have had a chance to defend himself , because I would have killed him. Zare is nothing to me, and I am only doing what I pledged to do when I took control of this pack. Let's just be on our way", Ajay says.

Cricket walks over to me and reaches out his hand, helping me up. "You okay, Zare?"

"I am fine," I assure him.

"I am going to make sure Smoke knows this type of behavior is unacceptable," he states.


"You need to collect yourself, bro." He flashes Ajay a disapproving look before pulling

Smoke aside to talk.

Ajay rolls his eyes and return to camp.

"He is acting so out of character," vents Chetan, changing back to human form.

"I hurt him, and I deserve it," I remark.

"No, you don't; wrapping his arms around my waist, he pulls me into his body,

brushing the hair away from my face. He kisses my lips gently, and I break away from his kiss.

He doesn't appear shocked or hurt. "I won't kiss you if you don't want it."

"I am just confused, you know?"

"I can imagine." He looks over his shoulder, and I follow his glance.

Ajay watches us, and his reaction doesn't support his statement earlier. His is purple and

he seems surprised.

"You have to admit that's pretty funny." He chuckles.

Laughing, too, I do get some enjoyment seeing Ajay appear to be jealous.

"I saw a huge apple tree," Chetan remarks, nonchalantly.

"Oh yeah?" Raising an eyebrow, I am sure we both have the same idea. "Alpha would be


"And?" Chetan says with a sneaky little smirk.

"I don't feel like chopping wood again."

"I doubt he'll do that again."

Looking back, we both see Ajay is gone and not with the others.

He is probably making dinner at this time. "Let's go."

"That's my girl!'

We head into the woods, feeling enthusiastic. I don't care if we followed the Alpha's

rules. Chetan and I rush deeper into the woods. The moss on the ground is soft beneath my feet.

The swamp sets flies buzzing around my ears.

"Remember clearing out the woods to set up camp?" Chetan asks.

"Yeah, I wish Ajay left it all wooden."

"Me, too, it was so peaceful."

Chetan is the first to change into his wolf form, and I shortly follow. We stroll in the

woods, my nose taking in every single smell. My eyes are enjoying all the beautiful sites. We walk to the cemetery, and my body feels happy there were no zombies to fight. It still aches either from chopping wood, or because of all the stress I am under.

Chetan is right; next to the cemetery is a huge apple tree, and I can't believe I never

noticed it before. He picks an apple from the tree and hands it to me. The apple feels smooth in my paws and smells so sweet.

"One apple for one secret," says a deep and elderly sounding voice.

"Who is there?" I demand.

The voice let out a laugh, and a face appears in the tree. "I am the tree of knowledge;

some people say a curse, others a blessing."

"Why one apple for a secret?" Chetan asks.

"I have all this knowledge that I need off of my trunk, and the apple is a gift because I

understand knowing the future drives some people mad," the tree says.

"Oh, goody," I drawl, sarcastically

"What if we don't want to know?" Chetan asks.

"You already took the apple. It is too late," replies the tree.

"Okay, then tell us, how bad can it be?" I wait, thinking I'm going to get a silly response

I can refute.

"Kiara is going to die in a great battle," the tree says. "

"No! We have to stop it!" I cry out.

"We need more information," Chetan states.

"I am sorry, that's all I can tell you. That is the part that drives people insane," says the


My mind goes blank. My chest begins to hurt, and my breathing becomes heavy. My

sister, what would I do if something happened to her?

"Zare, it's going to be fine; I would never let anything happen to Kiara," Chetan declares.

"I am terrified," I whimper.

The tree's face suddenly disappears, and he turns into a standard tree.

"Do you believe what the tree said?"

"I don't know, but we have to tell Ajay," he says.

"That would horrify Kiara."

"I know, but we all need to be on the lookout."

Bobbing my head, I know he is right.