
The Fairy Queen Damada Amada

"You have plenty of sanctuary energy, so why do you bathe in the lake?"

The fairies questioned as Shu simply scoffed moving them away as he sat down on one of the branches

"Yeah, but I need more, way more"

Shu replied as the fairies giggled, proceeding to lay above his head

"The lake cannot give you more, you have too much"

The fairies whispered while dancing through his hair, laughing at his attempt to improve his already massive amount of energy

"Then why do I feel stronger already? You liar"

Shu replied while shaking his arms and hands trying to push the fairies away

"That's because your control over your sanctuary energy is awful, you have a lot but you don't know how to use it, all you know how to do is improve your strength and senses right?"

A beautiful voice said, it was the voice of a woman, well. The voice of a fairy, compared to the other fairies it was massive, the size of a hand. Its wings were beautiful and its hair was long, longer than its body, and just like the other fairies it shined

"And who are you supposed to be?"

Shu questioned while looking at the fairy who stood in front of him

"I'm the queen of the ones flying above your head. My name's Damada Amada, but you can call me Amada"

The Fairy now known as Amada replied as Shu simply raised an eyebrow, looking away in annoyance

"I have no idea what queen means but seeing how big you are, you're probably the boss so can you tell these little balls to get off my head?"

Shu questioned as he tried to remove the fairies off of his hair, shaking his head with force

"They aren't balls, their fairies, and sure"

Amada replied, flickering her wrist causing the fairies to move away from Shu's hair, proceeding to fly around him while giggling, annoying Shu even more

"I have a question for you boy. How were you able to enter the cave? The Tree Of Moses doesn't normally allow anyone to enter the cave"

Amada explained as Shu simply stared at her to the sigh as he scratched the back of his head

"Well, I just walked in, how else am I supposed to enter a place?"

Shu questioned as Amada's eyes widened in surprise

"The tree didn't show you any hostility? But isn't—that doesn't make any sense, even if you are worthy of entering, the tree would normally give you a trial to pass"

Said Amada while rubbing her forehead in confusion

"Uh—sure, listen I didn't come here to talk, I came here to train so—uh, please take yourself and your fairies far away from me so that I can concentrate"

Said Shu interrupting Amada's self-talk before walking out of the lake, grabbing his pants and putting them on

"I can't do that, you—you make no sense, your existence makes no sense, you have the looks of an eleve and the sanctuary energy of a dryad, not to mention you just walked in the cave of The Tree Of Moses with no difficulty whatsoever! What are you!?"

Amada questioned as she stood in front of Shu, her green hair blocking his eyesight as he tried to shake her off

"I'm just a human, that's it. Now move away, I need to train. I was hoping the lake would help me considering it reeks of sanctuary energy, but apparently, I can't improve in that factor, so I'll just train my martial arts. Now could you please, just move away!"

Shu yelled in irritation while grabbing Amada with both of his hands to then place her above one of the branches


He ordered before taking in a deep breath, proceeding to back away, exhaling a few seconds later

"Can I ask what your last name is?"

Amada questioned as she watched Shu take a fighting stance

"It's Himura—I mean Hellgard, Hellgard!"

He yelled, repeating his fake name in an attempt to make her forget what he had just said

"Are you Sonma's kid?.."

Amada questioned while flying over to Shu in disbelief

"I don't even know who that is. I remember Ayami's mother saying that name though, is that supposed to be my dad?"

Shu questioned while pushing her away

"You can talk, but please, let me train"

Shu whispered while looking at Amada straight in the eye in an attempt to reason with her

"Oh yeah—sorry, continue"

Amada replied before backing away from him, sitting down on a branch as she watched Shu take his stance, his usual stance. His right leg in front, his upper body forward, and his arms hanging from side to side

"What is that stance? It looks so—uncomfortable"

Amada pointed out before swaying her legs back and forth

"It's my favorite stance, grandpa says my joints and muscles aren't normal so, I use this stance so I can gain speed"

Shu explained before disappearing in a blur, appearing on the ceiling of the cave to then bounce off of it creating a small crater on it, which regenerated right after

"What the-"

Amanda exclaimed in amazement as Shu would then crash against the ground, breaking the ground apart before proceeding to jump towards the three, bouncing off of it. Repeating said action over and over around the cave, leaving nothing but blue trails behind

"What kind of kid moves like this? The movements are so precise, so strong, they remind me of——Yorujo"

Amada whispered as Shu all of a sudden crashed against the ground, sliding through it with his feet, eventually stopping himself with his hands

"Yorujo? Why does everyone I meet know about my grandpa?"

Shu questioned with an interrogating tone as he walked over to Amada, taking hard steps as he did so

"Hey Amada, answer me, what was your relationship with my grandfather?"

Shu asked as he punched the wall near Amada's body, cracking it slightly as his hand slipped right in

"I let it pass before, because the people who knew lived close to where my grandpa lived, so I thought they knew him, but you. You aren't even close to the mountain, so how do you know about my grandfather, huh!?"

Shu yelled before pulling his hand out as the wall regenerated itself

"Kid I was——I was your grandfather's wife"