

The women would go on and drink Tea as the men above continued to talk about the creature that was laying on the floor, but as I they talked, suddenly a portal formed, and from it, came a man

" Is this the human's main kingdom? Or am I in the wrong place? "

The man questioned as he would then rub the back of his head, acting confused only to be glared at by both Ean and Shu

" Hmm, you two must be Ean and Shu, right? "

The man questioned, smiling as he would then start clapping his hands, walking toward them whilst he did so

" Yes that's right…and you are? "

Ean replied, to which the man simply tilted his head, blinking a few times before spreading his arms, as if that would help them recognize him.

Although they didn't recognize the man, they knew just from his appearance that he was dangerous.

The man's skin was completely blue, his eyes were entirely red, and behind his head was a bright red halo, floating with small flames surrounding it.

He was wearing no shirt, of course that was so everyone could see his mascullar body.

On his chest he had a star, and across his fingers, lines with small stars around it.

His pants were big, so big in fact, they didn't fit him, the only way they didn't fall was because he was using a rope as a belt.

Everything about him, screamed 'bright' and 'cheerful'

" Oh, well you can call me Jamie, or James, or Luke or—-hmm, how about you just call me O-Red? "

The man said as he would then lower his arms, noticing the fact that bringing them up didn't help the other two recognize him

" Alright, O-Red, what are you here for? "

Ean questioned, as the man would then squat down, reaching down at the creature's body, but before he could, Shu placed his hand on top of his left shoulder

" He's fast.. "

Ean thought as Shu would simply glare down at this strange man

" You asked me what I was here for, and well, I'm simply doing what I came here to do "

The man said as he looked up at the two of them with a confused look

" If that's the case then we've met ourselves with a predicament "

Ean replied, to which the man simply rubbed his chin, thinking a little

" So does that mean we have to figh- "

O-Red couldn't finish his sentence as he had to dash backwards due to the fact that Shu had just swung his leg an in attempt to rip his head off

" if I Hadn't jumped back I would've lost my life, phew, I guess it's true what my lord said about you guys, I gotta be very, very, very careful "

The man added as he would then smile, walking toward the creature's body in an attempt to grab it, but his wrist was held instead, by Ean, who had gotten in his way

" I don't think you seem to understand…."

Ean whispered as the man would simply tilt his head in confusion, aggravating Ean in the process

" This thing stays with us "

Ean added, but before the man could reply Shu would punch him right in the face, sending him flying up into the air, following behind him with a quick jump which caused a burst of air.

In a matter of seconds Shu caught up to the man and quickly held him by his neck and later his right leg, soon after Shu would pull both the sides in the opposite direction, ripping the man's body in two.

After a few seconds, Shu would landed beside Ean with the man's body ripped in half

" Oh man, you sure did a number on me "

The man said as he appeared behind Shu, looking over at his ripped apart self which Shu was holding

" What the Fuck.. how did you come back? "

Ean questioned as he would then grab onto his great sword, squeezing it tightly

" Well, uh, it's hard to explain, because it's a bunch of science stuff you wouldn't understand, now if you excuse me, I'll go ahead and grab that body over ther— "

Before the man could finish his sentence Shu would stab through his chest with a quick and clean punch, destroying his heart and the bones that protected it, but just like last time he came back, this time walking out of the nearby forest.

" Man you're aggressive, you gotta chill out dud- "

Yet again the man was Interrupted, this time by Ean who quickly dashed toward him, swinging his great sword down and slicing the man in two, but yet again, he would come back.

" Hmm—I don't think you guys seem to understand what's going on, so let me put it in simple terms.. "

O-Red said as he walked out from behind Shu, crossing his arms together, preparing himself to explain, but Shu, with a quick and strong kick would slice his head clean off

" Alright….can you guys stop that!! "

O-Red yelled as he fell from the sky, down to the ground, proceeding to sigh out of irritation

" You can't kill me. It is impossible, every time you kill, another me will simply replace this me. I live in every possible reality, so when this me dies, I simply get replaced by another from another reality, and if you guys aren't morons and actually understand how the universe works, then you'd know that there is an infinite amount of realities, so I'll just keep coming back, back and back, till the end of times "

The man explained, speaking as quick as he possibly could, his voice rising as he did so, ending his sentence with a very cold tone

" Now if you excuse me, I'll take this creature's corpse and leave— "

The man said as he would then walk toward the creature's body, grumbling on about how Ean and Shu were idiots

" How do we know you aren't lying "

Ean questioned as the man would simply stare at him, taking in a deep breath before sighing

" I mean, you can try to find out if I am or not, but I promise you, you'll be nothing but annoyed, so I don't suggest you do that "

O-Red explained, his tone aggravated of voice indicating the irritation he had for these two at the moment.

O-Red paused for a second, waiting for the two to do something, but they didn't move an inch, so he took it that they understood the situation they were in.

" No attacks? Great, now I can leave "

Soon after a portal was formed in front of the man, in which he stepped inside off, disappearing and leaving no trace behind, even the bodies that the two of them had killed.

" So what now? "

Ean questioned as he would then stab his sword against the ground, sighing in disappointment whilst Shu simply scratched the back of his head

" He must be part of the vampire army, we shall create an armada between all kingdoms and wage war against the demon which took over the elf continent "

Shu said as he would then sit on the ground, covering his eyes in anger. The fact that he was powerless against that man, even though he wasted years upon years to train himself, aggravated him.

" Should I send notice to all the kingdoms "

Ean questioned as Shu would then slide his hand down his face, turning to look at Ean

" Yes, and also send notice to my elites, they must come back, we need them here, this war will be much more intense than the last "

Shu said, remembering Ezra's words before he left, before laying heads up against the ground.