
Sanctuary God

( ON BREAK TILL FURTHER NOTICE ) “Protect, what needs to be protected. Help those you find worthy of help. Don’t let anger take over you, fight through sorrow, and rise a victor. Destiny did not choose you, you chose it, learn from what you’ve lost, and adapt right afterward, that's what it means to be a Martial Artist”

Sin_KG08 · Fantasie
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381 Chs

Complete loss

" That was some pretty good teamwork, but.. "

Fu's voice was heard, as the blue fire completely vanished, burning all the grass and flowers in the field, and in the middle of it all, was Fu, seemingly unscathed

" Not quite good enough "

Fu continued, ending his sentence, as the three boys sighed, turning around, beginning to walk away

" Hell Nah!! "

All three yelled as they began to run away, leaving behind blue traces of energy, making Fu sweat comically

" What's up with them? "

Ayami questioned as she flew past Ana to avoid one of her attacks, which resembled a beam of light

" Where do you think you're going? "

Ana questioned, while her index finger's tip let out a yellow smoke, indicating that she shot the beam from her fingers

" What even is your ability? "

Ayami questioned as she clasped her hands together, before pulling them apart, and from that action, a spear of condensed air was formed, which she held with her right hand

" I control light... "

Ana replied as her body began to shine a bright silver color

" Which also means that I can move just as fast "

Ana added as she appeared right above Ayami, kicking her on her head, with her leg covered in a silver-like aura, sending her flying towards the ground, crashing against it, surprising the three boys who were running near that area

" Woah, what was that? "

Shu questioned while looking down at the center of a small crater covered in a cloud of dirt, and to his surprise Ayami flew out of it, heading up toward Ana, with the spear she had formed earlier on her left hand

" Where'd she get that weapon from? "

Shu asked himself with an innocent tone, whilst squinting his eyes in an attempt to amplify his eyesight so that he could see the spear, ignorant to his demise

" Shu move!!! "

Ean yelled, as Shu simply turned to look at the boy, his eyebrows up to his forehead and his mouth closed

" What's up? "

He replied, before receiving a punch so strong that it leveled the entire field with a crater, being sent flying out of the flower ring because of it, bouncing off the ground every three seconds, eventually stopping due to the fact that his head sunk inside of the ground

" Now.. "

Fu whispered as he cracked his knuckles, turning to look at the two boys who couldn't help but shake in fear

" No... "

They whispered simultaneously

" It's your guys' "

Fu added, finishing his sentence as a menacing grin grew on his face, of course, the boys didn't want to get their asses beat so, all they could do was run

" Nooooo!!!! "

They yelled, jumping from the ground and sliding on it, to try and avoid Fu's attacks, but his strength was too great, so the shockwaves ended up hitting them

" What was that? "

Ayami questioned, looking down at the two boys who were constantly being sent flying by the shockwaves Fu's punches created.

Ana stared at the girl for a few seconds, raising her left eyebrow to then turn her attention to what Ayami was looking at, the girl, of course, noticed that and decided to charge at her to catch her off guard

" Haaaah!! "

She yelled, grabbing her spear with both her hands, swinging it toward the woman's face, but to Ayami's surprise, it was broken into a thousand pieces

The cause of that, of course being Ana, who blocked the attack with her right forearm, shattering the poor girl's weapon

" You tried to catch me off guard.. "

Ana whispered as she charged her left hand with a silver-like aura, planning to punch the girl with it, but, Shu interfered, shooting himself from the ground to the air, using his legs to do so.

Once he reached the height and place he wanted, he kicked the back of Ana's head with both his feet, sending her flying meters away

" Let me join too!! "

Shu yelled, before catching himself by grabbing onto Ayami's leg, giving Ana who had just stopped herself from flying any further, floating in the air, a smile of excitement

" Hey Ayami "

Shu said as he turned his face to look up at the girl, giving her a curious expression

" What? "

She questioned as she glared at Ana whilst panting. She had bruises all over her face, small cuts and a lot of blood dripping from her face, not only that but her spandex was completely torn, it was almost cut every area

" How can you fly? "

Shu replied, looking at her with an innocent expression, making her sigh before taking in a deep breath

" I don't have time to explain how I can do what I can do, so! "

Ayami yelled, proceeding to swing the leg that Shu was holding himself from forward, hurling the poor boy toward Ana who simply opened her eyes in surprise

" Haha! Hell yeah!! "

Shu yelled, charging both his feet with an intense fiery blue aura, but to Ana's surprise, the aura began to spin around, wrapping itself around Shu's leg like bandages, glowing a bright neon-like blue

" That's a pretty good level of control, you impress me, but... "

Ana whispered, watching as Shu began to spin so fast that to the normal human eye, he'd look like a sphere of blue light

" Not all that much " "

Ana added, before dodging the boy's well-charged kick, turning her back to him, trusting that gravity would simply pull him back down to the ground, so she engulfed herself in that silver-like aura, but to her surprise, Shu had held onto her leg, and the moment he did, Ana disappeared and appeared behind Ayami

" Woah, that felt weird.. "

Shu said to himself while holding onto his head

" I saw so many different colors, it was like I was in a black tube with a bunch of rainbows "

He added while rubbing his head, squinting his eyes slightly

" Hey lady!! You made me dizzy!! "

Shu yelled, to then point his left finger at her, accusing Ana of his current headache

" That's your own fault for grabbing onto me! "

Ana replied, beginning to get angry, but before she could release her anger, she heard her master's voice

" Ana, let's end it here, it's not good to make them exhaust their sanctuary energy, you know what happens when one's sanctuary energy runs out "

Fu explained, while looking up at the woman with a calm expression, holding both Ean and Arthur by their faces, they seemed to be unconscious and back to their normal states

" As you wish my king "

Ana replied, before appearing behind Ayami, chopping at the back of her neck with her right hand, knocking her out, to then hold the girl in her arms so that she wouldn't fall, then she turned her attention to Shu who was falling down at a quick pace.

Just like she did to Ayami, Ana would appear behind Shu, knocking him unconscious.