
Samson Scars of Faith

Enter the haunting world of 'Samson: Scars of Faith,' where a post-apocalyptic Earth is besieged by demonic forces, and humanity's last hope lies in the hands of demon hunters. Follow the harrowing journey of Samson, born into chaos, marked by a brutal past, and bearing a dark power he never sought. Thrust into a life of relentless battles by a father whose legacy is as enigmatic as it is burdensome, Samson must navigate a perilous path of internal and external demons. With a world hanging by a thread, every slash of his sword and every decision he makes could mean the difference between salvation and destruction. Uncover the secrets of his cursed existence, the truth behind his father's sinister motives, and the ultimate quest for redemption. 'Samson: Scars of Faith' is not just a tale of survival; it's a journey of breaking free from the darkness within and rewriting one's destiny.

INDOMITABLE_13 · Fantasie
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3 Chs

The fight starts at home


Emily POV


My name is Emily, and I work as a clerk at the Hunter's Guild in the Sanctuary of Saint Peter. From the outside, my life might seem ordinary, yet every day, I witness extraordinary feats. Growing up in a low-income household, I learned early on that dreams were a luxury we couldn't afford. It was just me and my little brother, orphans in a world thrown into chaos by demonic forces.

I remember walking to school through the sanctuary streets, surrounded by the constant reminder of our fragile existence. The compulsory schooling system, stretching from age five to fifteen, was our only ticket to a better life. We were taught basic arithmetic, language skills, and even a bit of history about how the world used to be before the demonic outbreak.

It was during these school years that I first learned about spirit energy. The top students, those who excelled academically, were given a chance to train their spirit. This training wasn't just about gathering and circulating energy; it was about infusing it into every cell, enriching one's life force.

I was fascinated by the concept. The idea that humans could harness a power similar to demons, to strengthen their bodies and minds, seemed like a miracle. But as much as I yearned to be a part of that world, I knew my place was elsewhere. My focus had to be on providing for my brother and me.

I watched as some of my classmates went on to become hunters, their grades in spirit training defining their rank. From E, the lowest, to the elusive S rank, each level represented a qualitative change in strength, speed, and recovery. It was a world beyond my reach, a path I couldn't follow.

So, I carved out a different path. I worked hard, using my brains to secure a position at the Hunter's Guild. It was my way of being close to the world I admired, a world of bravery and battles against the darkness.

Every day, I meet hunters of all ranks, each with their own stories and scars. They come to me to register missions, to claim rewards, and sometimes, just to share a moment of human connection in a life otherwise filled with peril.

The day Samson walked into the guild, I knew he was different. There was something about him, a quiet intensity that set him apart. When I learned he was the son of Alex Mercer, a name whispered with both respect and fear, I understood why.

Samson's mission to quell the E-class demon pack was a testament to his strength. To complete such a task on his first day was unheard of. It was in that moment I realized that some people are born for greatness, destined to leave their mark on this fractured world.

As he left the guild that day, I couldn't help but feel a twinge of envy. But it was accompanied by a sense of pride, too. In my own way, I was contributing to the fight, supporting the brave souls who stood between us and the darkness.

I may not have the aptitude to be a hunter, but in the guild, among these heroes, I've found my purpose. And for now, that's enough.

I return home to my brother tidying his room in our apartment that was comparable to a shoebox but it was enough that we were together


Emily sat on the edge of her brother's bed, tucking him in for the night. The dim light of the room cast soft shadows, creating a cozy, intimate atmosphere. Her brother, Tom, a bright-eyed 10-year-old with an insatiable curiosity, looked up at her expectantly.

"Em, tell me again, how did the world become like this?" Tom's voice was filled with the wonder typical of his age.

Emily smiled, ruffling his hair affectionately. "Well, Tom, about forty years ago, the world was very different. There were countries, governments, all sorts of complicated stuff. But then, something terrible happened."

"What was it?" Tom asked, his eyes wide.

"There were people, bad people called demon worshipers. They performed a dark ritual, trying to bring demons into our world for power. But it went wrong, terribly wrong. It created cracks in the dimension, doorways that let demons into our world."

Tom frowned, his young mind trying to grasp the enormity of the situation. "But why would they do that?"

"People sometimes do foolish things for power," Emily explained gently. "But their actions changed everything. Governments fell, cities crumbled. It was chaos."

She paused, her expression softening. "But you know, in a way, it might have been for the best. The old governments weren't always good. Now, at least, humans are united, fighting together against the demons."

Tom seemed to ponder this for a moment. "So, is that why there are sanctuaries now?"

"Exactly," Emily nodded. "Sanctuaries like ours became safe havens for people. We rebuilt our lives here, behind these massive walls, protected from the demons outside."

Tom's eyes drifted towards the window, beyond which lay the neon-lit sanctuary city. "And the hunters, they protect us, right?"

"Yes, they do," Emily said, pride evident in her voice. "They're brave people who fight the demons, keeping us all safe. One day, you'll understand more about how important they are."

Tom yawned, snuggling under his covers. "I wish I could be a hunter like them."

Emily gently pulled on his cheek, smiling. "Maybe one day, little brother. But for now, your job is to sleep and grow strong."

As Tom's eyes fluttered closed, Emily watched over him, a protective warmth filling her heart. In this fractured world, her brother was a beacon of hope, a reminder of why the fight against the darkness mattered. She kissed his forehead softly before turning off the light, leaving the room filled with the quiet dreams of a child and the steadfast love of a sister.


Samson POV

Samson woke up with a start, his heart racing from the vivid nightmares of his past. The images of his traumatic childhood training sessions with his father haunted him, a relentless specter in the darkness of his sleep.

He sat up, wiping the sweat from his brow, and took a deep breath to steady himself. "Just a dream," he murmured to himself, trying to shake off the lingering unease.

Determined to start the day on a better note, Samson began his morning routine of weight and cardio training. He methodically worked through a series of calisthenics – push-ups, pull-ups, and squats, each movement precise and controlled. His cardio routine was intense, a combination of high-intensity interval training and steady-state endurance work.

During these sessions, Samson temporarily locked away his spirit power. It was a technique he learned to allow his muscles to experience the full shock of the physical exertion, a way to build his body without relying on the enhanced recovery provided by his spirit energy.

After completing his workout, Samson felt refreshed, the memories of his nightmare replaced by the satisfying fatigue of physical exertion. He showered and dressed, ready to face the day.

Leaving his apartment, he headed for the elevator, its sleek design a reminder of the sanctuary's advanced technology. The elevator descended smoothly to the lobby, where he encountered an unexpected sight.

A woman of startling beauty stood before him, blocking his path. Her features were striking, almost ethereal, a testament to the rejuvenating effects of spirit energy. Her skin glowed with vitality, her eyes sparkled with an intense energy, and her posture exuded confidence.

Yet, despite her beauty, her demeanor was anything but warm. With a cold, commanding tone, she addressed him, "Samson, you need to come with me."

Samson, taken aback by her abruptness, replied flatly, "And why would I do that?"

"Elijah sent me. It's important," she stated, her tone brooking no argument.

Samson maintained his stoic expression, his mind racing. The night before, he had delved into the hunter database, seeking information about Elijah and his team. Accessing the data with his ID number, he had uncovered a wealth of information.

Elijah, though not as famous as his father, had completed missions ranging from E to C class, even one B class mission, alongside his team of five. They were a renowned group within the sanctuary, known for their skill and efficiency.

Now, realizing that this woman, Sarah, was Elijah's second-in-command and a C-class hunter herself, Samson understood the gravity of her presence.

"Sarah, right? I did some research. I know who you are and what your team has accomplished," Samson said, his tone even.

Sarah raised an eyebrow, a flicker of surprise crossing her features. "Then you understand why I'm here. Elijah doesn't send me for just anyone."

Samson weighed his options. Joining Elijah's team could open doors, provide him with opportunities to hone his skills further. Yet, his independence was something he valued deeply.

"I'll meet with Elijah, but on my terms," Samson stated firmly.

Sarah's expression softened slightly, a hint of respect in her eyes. "Admirable but this wasn't up for discussion, following me now doesn't mean you will be soul blinded to us, it will be just the one mission as I personally don't know what Elijah sees in you"

Samson weighed his options but ultimately decided to comply as any hunter fighting inside sanctuaries of a certain level can be easily detected by the hunter guild who will dispatch an official to dispatch punishment, in this day and age being on the run without proper backing was a death sentence.

As Samson followed Sarah out of the building, he couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation. This meeting could mark a new chapter in his life as a hunter, a step further into a world where every decision could mean life or death. The path ahead was uncertain, but Samson was ready to face whatever challenges it brought.

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