
Cheerful and mischievous gnomes

Xie Feng and the rest followed Emir through the forest for about twenty minutes. During that time, except for the very occasional appearance of weak monsters, they did not encounter any strange creatures powerful enough to threaten the girl of the gnome race; let alone a powerful boss like the Thousand Branch Trickster Tree. Thanks to this, the group of six managed to feast their eyes with the beautiful natural view.

The forest was wonderful to say the least. The plants had incredible heights but still did not lose the beauty that by nature belonged only to them, the birds sang beautifully and the union of different species had turned the silent forest into an opera concert where everyone competed to show that their singing was the most beautiful.

Even the most natural forest on planet Earth definitely could not compare in any way to the beautiful sight in front of them.

"It's like a work of art." Xie Yao couldn't help but remark.