
Chapter 1&2

❤️‍🔥🫰 ~ PROLOGUE~💗💕

Samantha is a girl with a perfect life but it all changed when her father and mother died in a car accident she is left with nothing and started to unravel the mysteries of her family will you join her to unravel those mysteries read on and join her.


Inheritance ~👸👑❤️

Chapter {1&2}

Author Okoye Obinna David

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" I woke up a very bright morning with a smile on my face hoping today is gonna be a better day than the last" said Samantha"

Samantha is an inquisitive girl. She is smart, cute and all round perfect but nobody knows that behind that smile there is an angry soul, hoping for revenge.....


"Good morning mum" Samantha said

"Good morning dear alright get ready and have your breakfast okay"

"Okay mum"

She got ready and went to school, school was quite boring for Samantha because she was a new student and she didn't have any friends but one girl Rose started talking to her. She loved the way Rose behaved and wanted her to be her friend.

After school she went home and showered, she wore a medium sized T-shirt and blue bum-shorts, she tied he hair in a messy bun and went through her phone. When she was bored and hungry she decided to cook something, she make a chicken sandwich and some apple juice.

She went to her room and slept, she was used to this kind of life, she barely saw her dad because before she wakes up he is gone and sometimes he doesn't come back home.

Samantha was aware that her mum and dad were getting a divorce but she couldn't help but miss her dad so much, there was a time when she was always happy to see her dad but things went dark the day her dad brought another lady to the house, that was the first day her mum and dad fought.

Samantha was a beautiful girl, she had green emerald eyes, long wavy blonde hair, peach colored lips a cute face and overall a curvaceous body. She was 16.

She was usually very lonely she had no one to keep her company, she knew her mother loved her so did her father but she couldn't help but wonder why her dad did such a thing. Her dad's name was Kingsley, he had dark green emerald eyes, black hair, chiseled jaw line, six pack abbs, a very tall body stature and muscular body. He was 36 years.

Her mum's name was Laura, she had blonde short hair, she had red lips, brown eyes and curves for days.

One day Laura was talking to Kingsley about giving their daughter attention, Kingsley humbled himself and agreed to going out one more time with their daughter, he loved and missed her dearly and he would be able to sacrifice one day for her, it was decided that, the coming weekend was gonna be the day they go out.

When Samantha heard she was overwhelmed with excitement, she couldn't wait for the day to come she even started picking the dress she would where that day.

On Saturday, Samantha wore a blue gown knee length at the front and long at the back, she wore it with a belt and the dress accentuated her curves. she put her hair in ponytail and went to the location, she waited for hours but her parents never came, it started to rain, she still waited hoping against hope that her parents would come but they didn't.

She cried her way home, not knowing the terrible fate bestowed upon her parents

💕🥺~ Earlier that day~💔❤️‍🩹😭

Laura woke up and looked at the picture of her daughter and smiled and said

"Samantha my darling, I'm coming"

She was in her hotel room so she asked for room service then she got dressed, she then waited for Kingsley to come pick her up and yet again he came late.

"Where the f*** were you?"

"I'm sorry"

"We're already late let's go!!"

On their way Laura checked the time and saw it was 10 A.M and to Samantha to meet them by It's a.m. so her dad hurried he drove as fast as he could so as not to disappoint her again all of a sudden


A ruck came and hit them with full speed Kinsley tried using the brake but he didn't work he looked at his wife as a they got crushed by the truck and died is sorrowful death.....

That night Samantha cried her eyes out, she thought her parents are forgotten her again because they didn't show up for a birthdays ,New Year's and even Christmas, she felt abandoned, she didn't know what disastrous faith was bestowed upon her parents that day.

🌹🌼❤️‍🔥~ The Next Day~🌹❤️‍🩹💞

As she woke up Samantha turned on the TV and saw the news that a motor accident occurred at First Lane Street, she saw the car and it looked exactly like her father's car, she couldn't believe what she saw, she thought it was a dream, she slapped herself multiple times trying to wake herself up until when she heard her father's name Mr Frederick Kinsley is dead.....

She stood still like a lifeless body She knew what had happened but she couldn't bring herself to believe it She was gasping for air praying to God that this was a dream but To her surprised it wasn't.

She needed some fresh air she needed to think, but as soon as she opened the door FBI agent stopped her

"Are you Samantha Kingsley???" They asked in the most threatening voice.

Samantha answered calmly

"Yes I am"

"We have some things we want to tell you"


She then followed them and entered the car and they drove off. When they got there the commander said

"We need you to identify the bodies ma'am"


They opened the bodies and asked

"Are these your parents???"

She was silent, she wanted to cry but so no years to shed.

"How old are you???" The commander asked

"I'm 16 years old, sir"

He then cleared his throat and said

"You are a brave girl and I applaud you for that but I want to give you some vital information, your father wasn't killed he was murdered" he then paused to gauge her reaction but say that she emotionless her little body shaking threatening to fall so he then said

"Please sit down"

Samantha only nodded and obeyed then she sat down then he continued

"Your father has had some enemies hiding in the shadows, your mum was never meant to be killed she affected because she was in the same car with him, we brought you here to tell you not to worry that you are under our care okay"

Samantha looked up at his reassuring eyes and said

"Okay thanks for informing me"

The commanders name was Eliot, he was dark in complexion with brown eyes, low black hair, light peach lips, muscular body. Samantha stood up and went home, she locked the door and cried till her emerald eyes were swollen.

The next day was a Monday, she didn't want to associate with anybody she was still mending her heart, but decided to go to school her exams were coming up and if she stayed home she would feel even more lonely, so she made up her mind and went to school.

When she got to school people started looking at her with pity on their faces but she decided to let it slide

When she got to class she sat down and stayed quiet not talking nor looking at anybody until Rose came and said

"Hey I heard what happened"


"Please speak to me"


"I will come over and keep you company"

"Don't bother" she said finally

"What?? Why"

"I want to be alone please understand"

"Okay I get it but please if you need anything call me okay"

🌹❤️‍🔥~ Few weeks later~🫰❤️‍🔥

There exams were approaching and Samantha read like never before, she keep herself so occupied with her books to forget the pain in her heart, she had started living with Rose and her mum but still she was lonelier than ever.

After the Exams, the long awaited holiday was here but Samantha didn't want to go out, she was at home one day when she receives a call from an unknown number, she picks the call and the personsays

"I have found you my precious Jem and I am coming"

"Who are you??"

"Wouldn't it spoil the show if you found out"

"Who are...." The call was cut

Samantha called Eliot and told him about the mysterious call she received he then told her not to worry that she was under protection of the FBI. He then also told her that her father's will was going to be read soon so she then told Him to inform her the day it is going to be read.

Although Eliot assured her she wasn't still safe because of the rate of kidnappings around her because she didn't want to be next....