

Sophia Salvatore is the long lost sister of Damon and Stefan. While one brother is aware of her, the other is kept in the dark. Secrets and lies. She is the most powerful heretic to ever live, the bloodline of Qetsiyah, the biggest threat. Witches want her dead. An ancient wolf pack, as old as time comes looking for her. What connection does she have with the Mikaelsons? Will she be the salvation they had been long waiting for or will the betrayal of the past be the very thing that kills them? Love. Loss. Betrayal.

anabinthussain · Fantasie
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60 Chs

Chapter Three


I hadn't had the heart to say goodbye to Damon and Bonnie. Leaving a short text was what I opted for. I was forming a plan. If he wasn't going to take me with him then I would see to it myself. I didn't need to ask for his blessing or permission, I could very well have gone myself. I asked because I was being polite, showing my brother I had respect for what he wanted, and it mattered to me. But with Damon acting dubious and refusing to give me a straight answer I had to handle it my way now. Damon had his chance. I knew for a fact both him and Bonnie were keeping something from me. What It was I couldn't catch but I knew I would find out soon.

All my life I have been in search for answers. I thought that was over, but I guess with family comes secrets. I already planned for my arrival at Mystic Falls, the only thing left for me to do was say goodbye to my friends. How human of me. Admittedly, they were of those that made me feel the closest thing to being human. I wanted to see them one last time. Eventually, I would have had to leave them and move on, when they aged, and I still stayed the same. Questions would rise and room for suspicion would grow. Yes, I could use compulsion as I had done many a times but for how long could I keep that up? How many memories would I snatch away?

Guys I need you to quickly drop everything you're doing for an impromptu meeting/get together. I have something important to say! I texted the group chat.

Part of me hated the thought of having to leave everything in London behind, my home, friends who I could call family, my job which I adored. I worked with kids, teaching them, caring for them, something Enzo encouraged. I did it for him.

Laura: Girl, what a time to drop this on us

Amelia: I agree with Laura, I was about to slip in the shower, thanks x

Laura: But we'll be there.

Amelia: Yup xx

See you in a bit x

Theo: Broooo! Fine!

Ethan: Theo and I are driving do you want a lift?

yes please, thanks x I responded

Theo: Where we meeting?

Amelia: The usual spot?


The last minute get together was set. Today was the day I would give them all my time. I glanced back at my bed. The edge of my bed covered with shiny gift bags, each with a unique gift for each of my friends. I knew this wasn't necessary, but I wanted to leave them with something to remember me by, something they could keep forever. The honking of the car startled me, snapping me out my thoughts. The boys arrived, waiting for me in the car. I scooped up the gift bags, grabbed my keys from the desk, shoved them in my bag and yanked my grey belted coat off the coat rack. Despite being a vampire, my skin still felt the heat, felt the cold. It was only Autumn, but the air was growing colder.

"What's with the bags?" Theo eyed quizzically.

"Never mind what's with the bags, just help me with them. Put them in the boot." I dictated.

He bowed, mockingly. "Yes, your highness." I rolled my eyes. He opened the boot and packed the bags in neat rows. Once he had done that, he slid back in the passenger seat, fastened his seatbelt and Ethan drove off. We decided to go to costa at Tower Hill terrace. It was our favourite place to hang out when all we wanted was a hot cup of coffee or hot chocolate as i preferred. Specifically, the hazelnut praline hot chocolate. We would sit for hours, working, talking, relaxing. It had the perfect view of the Tower. I took liberty and compelled the staff to keep our spot free.

Upon reaching we were greeted by Laura and Amelia who were already waiting outside the shop for us.

"Hey you guys!" Laura exclaimed. "What's all this?" She gestured towards the bags.

Theo shrugged. "It's Sophia's. I'm just carrying it in."

"Oh, how lovely." Jabbed Amelia playfully. "Anyways, our seats as always have been reserved. We can order the coffee and hot chocolate once we settle down?

"Yep". We agreed in unison.

Taking my coat off I draped it behind my seat, where it overlooked the tower. The sky was clear, not a cloud in sight. Not even the perfectly animated ones. Taking my seat, I let out a sigh. "What I'm about to say, you won't like." I cut straight to the point. They paid me close attention, leaning in closer.

Laura scrutinised me. "What?"

"I'm leaving London-"



"Why all of a sudden?!"

"You have got to be joking right? What on earth!"

They fired questions, speaking over one another. Taking deep breaths, I forced back my tears. They were shocked and in disbelief. Understandable. I had dropped a massive bomb on them, that too without a warning.

"Soph...is everything okay? You never do something as spontaneous as this?" Amelia was wrong but they didn't know my reasons for why I had to leave so abruptly and why it was so important.

"Relax guys! This isn't a sudden decision. I really do have to go. It regards my family."

"Wait, you have family? We thought you didn't."

"I only just recently found out I have family. But they're not from London. So, I am no longer going to be in the UK for some time."

"Where will you be going?" Theo asked, in disdain.

I felt guilty. We made several plans for outings and exploring the UK as they hadn't seen much, although I lived in many parts of England over the century. "Well, I will be heading off to Virginia, the states. I know they're American. Spectacular ain't it?"

Not any of them responded. "Guys, it really is important and there are things I have to deal with. That's why I got you all a little something, so you can remember me by." I smiled. Seeing my smile triggered them; I watched as their mouths curled and transformed into their own unique smiles. Reaching down I took out the first bag with Theo written on it and pulled out his gift. A snow globe with a miniature statue of the five of us, huddled together, wrapped in our scarves and hats with 29/12/2025 etched on it in Gold. "Theo, you once told me that this was one of your favourite memories of our group. It's the one memory that keeps you calm when you feel overwhelmed."

He gave a warm and hearty laugh, shoulder shaking, tears streaming down his face. "We were freezing in the snow, yet we wanted a snow fight as it was the first time in years London has been graced with snow." We chuckled remembering that day. A day I will be sure to remember.

I handed him his gift. "Turn it over Theo."

He followed my instruction and flipped the globe over to read the message aloud. "My dearest Theo, whenever you feel as though the weight of the world is on your shoulders, give this a shake and recall the warmth of this day, I will always be with you. With love, your friend Sophia."

I could sense how touched my dearest friends were and how heartbroken they felt upon my news.

"Laura...you always would rant on about how much you love the perfume I wear and how you couldn't find it anywhere and there was no scent similar to it. I asked you why you loved it so much and you replied-"

"I said, whenever you'd wear that scent and you were near, I knew I was safe, I always felt safe. In my darkest times with my mental health, you were there and I always...al-always felt safe. Even when you weren't around, you'd leave remnants of it behind and it felt like you were looking out for me." She dabbed at her eyes, trying to halt the tears but she couldn't control it, they trickled down. Smiling through the tears she glanced up.

"I got you your own to keep."

"You did? Sophia, I don't know what to say..." She blew out cool air, clutching at her chest with both hands.

"Don't say anything just accept it and read the note card." I handed her the velvet pouch that contained the perfume and handed her a cream envelope sealed in wax with the Salvatore crest.

"Shall I read the note now?"

"Yes!" They urged.

She gave a little snort of laughter, still in tears. "Wow the wax seal is beautiful. What does it stand for? OMG, all this effort Soph! When did you ever get the time to do all this?"

I smiled sadly.

She cleared her throat. "Okay...My dearest Laura. You are the most precious being I have ever come across. Having you in my life has been a blessing. You love my perfume so much I had to be the dutiful friend and present you with your own. This will never run out, and you will never be alone, you will always be safe, and I will always be with you...also happy 24th birthday. Love you forever, Sophia." She got out of her seat and embraced me in a tight hug, sobbing hard. "I'm going to miss you Soph. I wish you didn't have to go."

"Me too." I muttered. She pulled away, wiping away her tears and straightened her dress. "I love you." I mouthed to her, and she nodded, me too. "Okay, Ethan it is now your turn."

He was a nervous wreck. He was one to never fully express himself but today he did. All his emotions were clear. I handed him a medium black box. He took it in his quivering hand and examined it. A gasp parted from his lips as he lifted the lid and peered down. "Damn, you know me so well Sophia." He was wrong, I didn't know him too well, I could never tell with him. He picked up the silver keyring tag with his name engraved and his most used quote, which I strongly believed he did not make up. "Failing to prepare is preparing to fail." He howled with laughter. "Honestly, we'd have been lost without you." His tone changed to sombre. "We'll be lost without you."

"No Ethan, you guys don't need me as much as you think. It was me who needed you. I also have for you a little note, at the bottom."

"Oh, I see it". He unfolded the tiny note and continued, "Truth be told, I think you'd make a great philosopher. I still believe you did not make up your own sayings, but you are a man of your words, you truly live by them. Years down the line I know you'll still be true to yourself. Forever, Sophia." He sniffled. "Sophia, I swear you are the only woman to have ever invoke any sort of emotion in me, the only one with the power to make me shed tears." Pulling my arm, he lifted me off my feet. I laughed awkwardly as he spun me around, wishing he'd put me down.

"Put me down Eth." He obliged and lowered me back to the ground.

I finally turned to Amelia. "I haven't forgotten about you Lia, the one who is most loved by me-by everyone." I stretch my arm out, holding out her bag.

She took her bag, shaking. "I'm sorry, I'm such a mess!"

I sat back down beside her and squeezed her warm hand. "Don't be. Cry all you want; it makes you stronger."

She pulled out a vintage brown leather journal, bound with string and a key. Her mouth dropped down. "You got me a journal? Thank you so much!! I love it!" She beamed like a child on her birthday receiving a gift she's wanted for so long. She unwound the string and turned it to the very first page, where I had written an entry:

My Dear Lia

You were always my favourite, and everyone knew, yet they had no objections. In fact, they loved you more for it. You brought flair, sass, sweetness to our group and you never failed to make us laugh till we were in stitches, smile till our jaws ached. You are the true meaning of friendship. You are loyal, a force to be reckoned with. I know how fond you are of writing, so this is for you. You can write to your hearts content, but never stop. Write it all down, your thoughts, songs, ideas. This is yours and yours only. You said you loved forget me not flowers because they were my favourite and, when you looked at them, they reminded you of me. I pressed one for you, one that will never wilt away, or turn brass and still remain in mint condition even in a hundred years to come.

All my love


Ever so gently, she picked up the pressed forget me not, tears slowly rolling down the sides of her face. She leapt out her seat and grabbed me in a hug, holding on tight. "Thank you so much Soph! I love you, always."

"I love you too my dear."

We sat back down once again reminiscing all our moments while we waited for our hot drinks to arrive. "I'm going miss you guys so much!" I pouted. "But we should take one last group selfie to capture this moment."

We huddled together, all grinning wide and goofy for the camera. We clicked several selfies on every phone. Making sure we all had enough photos and had not missed anything. The waiter returned with our drinks. "Can I get you anything else?" He asked politely, his smile genuine.

"No thank you, that's all."

Amelia nudged me. "That Peng guy over there is eyeing... checking you out. He's been checking you out for hours now."


"Look up, he is literally opposite you." She pointed, snickering.

I lifted my head and followed her direction. My eyes locked with the stranger gazing at me. He had an irresistible smile. I couldn't help but look, it made it impossible to turn away. There was a mischievous glint in his chocolate brown eyes. The sun bounced off his light brown hair. Everything about him was captivating. He was handsome with an athletic build. I flushed red and he noticed, of course he did because he grinned. There was something charming yet devilish about that grin of his. I tucked my hair behind my ear looking back at my friends. "I'm not interested guys, plus I am leaving tomorrow for Mystic Fa-" I stopped myself. "Virginia. There is no time for love."

"Well, he seems to be gawking at you." Ethan snapped. I knew why this bothered him.

"Sophia you should totally go speak to him." Laura suggested, literally pushing me out my seat. "Have some fun before you leave." There was that playful wink of hers.

"No, she shouldn't!" Ethan barked.

"Why not?" They argued back and forth. I couldn't tear my eyes off the otherworldly man, nor did he. Ethan's reaction and attitude vexed me.

"He's a creep. Eyeing her up."

I firmly placed both my hands on the round table and cleared my throat, gaining their attention. "He's hardly a creep.... I think he's...anyways...let's just forget this and enjoy our last day together."

I could sense the stranger still looking at me. I had the intense urge to return his gaze, but I held back.


The stranger took notice of the fair lady entering the shop with her companions. He was struck, in his thousand years of existence he had never seen anything quite like her. Luscious, shiny brown hair that fell gracefully below her shoulders. Soft rosy lips, the perfect shape, the perfect proportion. An exquisite mortal. He meticulously paid close attention to her, her conversations. She had a unique way of loving. The way she spoke, articulated her words, treated her companions. The way she carried herself, he observed captivated. The way her icy blue eyes pierced through his soul when she gazed up at him, amused that she too couldn't turn her gaze away. Elated when she blushed. Everything about her was delicate. She was electrifying. A peculiar feeling stirred within him.

Using his vampiric hearing he intruded in on their conversation once again, eyes still secured on her. He took a sip of his hot drink. Hazelnut praline. Her favourite. Extra extra hot. Just the way she liked it. He gathered what he needed. Mystic Falls. A surge of anger flowed through him as he watched the tall black-haired man who he deemed as irrelevant, pick her up and spin with her. May hell reign down on any man who so much as so looked at her or touched her. He felt an intense rush of jealousy and protectiveness, as he thought of her as his. He gulped down the last bit of his hot chocolate, still hot. She had a distinctive taste and it intrigued him. He surveyed the group of companions as they stood up to leave and politely tucked their chairs in. He watched her closely, making her the centre of his universe. She was glowing. A light emanating off of her, forcing him to face his own reality.

The brunette girl whatever her name was (he didn't care for who she was, all that mattered to him was Sophia Harrington), tugged at her arm. "Soph... I think Ethan Has feelings for you."

She sighed, tucking her hair behind her ears, her hands slowly sliding down her neck. "I know he does Amelia, but I don't feel the same. I never have and I never will, hence the reason I never said anything or entertained it."

"You've never had a boyfriend or an epic love. You're missing out. That is harsh, very harsh what you said about Eth. Poor lad" She teased.

"I don't need a man; I don't need to love. I care about Ethan but not in that way and he knows that."

The stranger smirked.

He gave it a minute before he followed them out, ensuring to stay 10 feet behind as he chased them. They were walking to the car. He had no intention of letting her go without an introduction. Speeding up so he now walked in front of them, only to slow down as he put on a facade of whipping out his phone. Not a second later did she slam into him. "I am so sorry-" She began.

He spun around, catching hold of her, holding onto her arms. "Darling, you ought to be more careful." He bore into her icy blue eyes. By her expression he knew he had thrown her off guard.

"I'm sorry."

"No need to fret, darling. I confess it is partly my fault as I was the one that stopped in my tracks." He released her from his hold. She did that thing with her hair again, that very small action that seemed to make him weak.

"It's fine.... I'm in a rush to head home." She averted meeting his eyes. He was charmed by her eager attempts to avoid eye contact.

"Well, will you do me the honour in gracing me with your name?" He wasn't in any need of her name, that he already knew.

"Sophia." She responded meekly. Her voice soft and silvery.

"Sophia..." He took hold of her hand, raising it to his lips and gently pressing them on her soft, supple skin. He was chivalrous, his habits of his past lives still lingering. "A pleasure to meet you darling, I'm Kol."