
Sakurazaka Academy

There is a new transfer student name was Fujiwara Hikaru and he had his sister who had bullied by someone inside her class but now her brother going to rescue his own sister. Background details about Fujiwara is he was ex former gang boss from top gangster in Fukuoka where is was from.

HikaruRei · Fantasie
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25 Chs

22. Kobayashi & Morita worried about Fujiwara

Once Tatsuya came to the Sakurazaka dorm and Nagi saw her brother who was here to defeat them and he just hug Nagi and he was saying it.

Tatsuya: Nagi why are you here?

Nagi: and nii-chan also why are you here

Tatsuya: Fujiwara and Jackson is my friend from the same work company

Nagi: eh? Really I didn't know that

Yuka: so how did you go with visit Japan in the first place

Nagi: wait Yuka you know my brother too

Yuka: yes of course he is the world and most famous

Tatsuya: please stop it you make me want to blush

Nagi: nii-chan please come with me I need to talk you alone inside the room

Tatsuya: oh okay later guy

When Nagi take Tatsuya into the room and they want to talk to each other and Fujiwara just wait for him to talk to his sister and we can continue the gang war together with Tatsuya.

Tatsuya: so what did you want to talk about to me?

Nagi: nii-chan you come here remember the doctor say to you right before you do anything stupid again

Tatsuya: of course I remember but this time is change

Nagi: no I won't let you do this just because you have injured your body ribs

Tatsuya: I can be careful

Nagi: you promise you can be careful

Tatsuya: I'm promise

Later once they are out from the room and we can see that Nagi is worries about her brother condition that have something that he had injured his body part but they were asking him.

Fujiwara: Tatsuya is there anything okay with your sister

Tatsuya: yes but she worried about my condition

Yuka: what happen to you?

Tatsuya: before I got some kind of accident and I had stay at the hospital for the past few week

Nagi: nii-chan please be careful out there and don't force yourself

Tatsuya: of course I won't and what about both of you

Fujiwara: I need to be careful as well because I have my sister and girlfriend are watching me

Jackson: I have girlfriend too

Tatsuya: so when they are coming here to start the gang war

Out of a sudden, the Sakurazaka gang war had start to kill them but Tatsuya with other are start to get more serious about the fight but not Tatsuya he just use some healing for them to not to die in the battle.

Tatsuya: Yuka and Nagi please ready and I will heal you but Fujiwara can heal himself

Fujiwara: of course and see you later

Once Fujiwara was killing them one by one and later Tatsuya can see that Fujiwara had his evil mode turn on and he had remember that he has the same as Fujiwara did use to help or killing someone at the place it call something more than good and evil.

Leader: Fujiwara!!

Fujiwara: Leader!!

Out of nowhere, Leader and Fujiwara had punch each other with powerful punch on them and Yuka with Nagi and Tatsuya focus on Fujiwara heath and they can see that Fujiwara is about to collapse any minute now but he force himself to get to win this round and he made it and the leader gang of the Sakurazaka gang war had dead defeat by the world most powerful former gang boss ever beat.

Fujiwara: Jackson please catch me...

Jackson: Fujiwara!!

He was catching Fujiwara and he had a lot of bruises the same as Tatsuya had before the accident but he still breathing we go back inside the Sakurazaka dorm and others can see that Fujiwara is breathing so weak and Morita with Kobayashi is holding his hand to company him.