
Chapter 2: Magic Crystal Mine Cave

"Attention everyone, we will divide into 10 teams with 2 people. Each team brings a troly and is allowed to return if it meets the mining quota. Do you have anything to ask? " Leader Wang looked at the other miners. Then nodded his head

"Okay… If there are no questions, for the division of Kanha's first team with Roy, Jack's second team with Lan,… Joko's tenth team with Satria. Each team takes a mining map there which is marked with their respective numbers. " Leader Wang pointed to a pile of papers on top of one of the troly.

All mining teams go to pick up maps and go to their respective mining locations.

In the cave

Satria turned on the flashlight on his mining helmet and walked slowly while carrying a troly, next to him was Mr. Joko who also turned on the light while looking at their mining route. Satria looked at the cave walls and found it very creepy.

"Mr. Joko, is this cave safe?" Satria felt nervous when he pushed his troly deeper into the cave.

Mr. Joko smiled "Take it easy, this cave is safe, it's natural if you feel afraid for the first time doing this"

"Has there never been an accident during mining?" Asked Satria

"There must be accidents, it could be because the cave collapsed, ran out of oxygen, accidentally dug a water flow hole, even met monsters"

"Didn't you say this cave was safe?"

"Yes, because things like that only happened in the early years when humans entered the First Sanctuary. Nowadays such things are rare. Because this mining cave is always checked regularly every month, if there are monsters that enter, they will immediately be cleaned "

After walking for 30 minutes

"Is our mining route still far?" Satria asked, to Mr. Joko who was walking in front of him.

"Soon" Mr.Joko continued to look at the map and walked into the hallway on the left, Satria hurriedly followed him

After 5 minutes

"Ok we're here"

"Here?" Satria turned the light around, and saw that there were many stones of different colors around the cave walls. Meanwhile, Mr. Joko, took some sitting lights from the troly then turned them on, and gave some to Satria to place them around the cave wall. "You put this there" So that the previously dark cave became lighter.

"Let's start mining, if it's finished sooner we'll get an additional bonus"

Mr. Joko immediately took his pickaxe and started mining.

Satria who saw this also rushed, but when he was about to mine he just realized, there are many colors in these stones, which one to mine he was confused. "Mr. Joko, what color is the Magic Stone we mined?"

"Just dig yellow, or orange, or red, they are all fire-type magic stones, the thicker the color, the better" Pak Joko shouted.

Satria looked at the yellow, orange, red stones. Then start mining with his pickaxe.

After hours of mining.

Mr. Joko and Satria, sat leaning against the cave wall, opening the food they brought. "How are you feeling, son? After mining for hours? " Mr. Joko asked Satria, who was opening his food.

"It's very tiring ... I can't think about it, you who are old can still do hard things like this" Mr. Joko smiled at Satria's words. "If you have a family you will understand later son, all your fatigue will disappear, when you think of those who receive your return from work warmly."

"Is it true?"

Mr. Joko took out a photo of himself with his wife and son, Mr. Joko handed over the photo to Satria, then pointed to some of the pictures in the photo. "This is my wife Ani. I have known her since we went to school, and this is my little daughter Ayu she is only 5 years old, I really did not expect after our long marriage we were finally given a daughter in the form of a cute little angel"

"Yeah ..." Satria smiled at Mr.Joko's story

Satria thought of his mother and father who had passed away…, But he felt the need to work harder when he remembered his younger sister, who was still in school.

"You may have a point"

"Kreteeeekkkkk .... !!!"

"What happened!!!" Satria stood up and held on to the cave wall, he felt the ground underneath tremble, as did the walls and ceiling of the cave.

"Kretekkk kretekkkk kreteekekkkk !!!!"

"Hurry, we have to get out !!! "Shouted Mr. Joko, he had experienced something like this before. He immediately stood up and ran towards the troly to get a map of the mining cave.

Satria who heard the screams of Mr. Joko immediately ran towards him. 'Damn ... Is this cave going to collapse?' Satria felt it was really a sad day ... the first day he mined he immediately experienced this kind of disaster.

Satria immediately chased after Mr. Joko who was running in front of him. "Hurry up kid!!!" Shouted Mr. Joko

"BOOOOOMMMMM" The mass of dirt and rock in the ceiling of the cave in front of him suddenly fell

"NOOOOOOO!!!" Shouted Satria, seeing the pile of dirt and stones hoarding Mr. Joko's body who ran in front of him.

"Gurrruuuhh Gurrrrruuuhhh" The ground kept shaking, several small rocks fell.

"Mr. Joko!!! Answer me if you're still there!!! "

"Mr. Joko!!!"

"DAMN!!!" While hitting his punch to the cave wall.

Satria, who did not receive a reply from Mr. Joko, felt sad but he had to save himself. The exit before him was closed, and the earth was still shaking.

Satria ran behind, and hoped that there was still a way out of this cave behind. Satria ran and arrived at the place they were mining before. But earthquakes keep happening.

Satria looked towards another road and was about to go that way. But suddenly the ground under his feet collapsed

"Gruuukkkkkkk !!! GRUHHHH"

"AHHHHH !!!"

Satria screamed and tried to grab the earth wall around him. But he still fell.


"BOOOOMMM !!!" Satria fell into a lake in a cave

"Glgggg" Satria immediately held his breath and swam to avoid the falling debris.

"Splashh !!! Splasshh !!!"

Satria rushed to the side of the lake, where the debris had not fallen. "BOOOMM!!!" a troly filled with lots of crystal rocks fell into the lake.

Satria continued to rush to the shore of the lake, when he reached the edge of the lake, he saw this large cave illuminated by white stones that radiated light on the walls and ceiling. When Satria set foot to the edge of the lake, he felt that the earthquake had stopped, the lake water, which had been chaotic, began to become calmer again

"Hahhh ... Haaahhh ... Haahhhh" Satria continued to control his exhausted breath. "That was close, I don't know if it's my lucky day because I'm still alive or it's my bad day because I had an earthquake while mining"

Satria walked towards the big rock, leaned back there then, took off his clothes, squeezed them, and only left his pants for him to wear.

Satria then looked around, he hoped there were no monsters here, when he remembered about the monsters he looked towards the lake.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

UnderseaMortalcreators' thoughts