
Saiyans in Marvel

A spaceship lands in the Texas desert. The person inside is not a Superman from Krypton, but a survivor of the fighting race Saiyans. The otaku with the Saiyan Revival System struggled to accept his new identity – Broly. The super boss in Dragon Ball The Movie, the legendary Super Saiyan. Afterimage Boxing, Turtle Style Qigong, Vitality Bullet, Human, Universal Capsule! Broly thought he was about to start a career of chopping wires with a kitchen knife, sparking lightning all the way, but who knew? DISCLAIMER THIS IS A TRANSLATION FIC SO YOU HAVE BE WARNED.

Artoriapendraragon · Anime und Comics
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20 Chs

Chapter 5 CIA and Alejandro

In an abandoned park five kilometers from the tire shop, Broly changed into a pair of khaki pants and a short t-shirt. Except for his strong muscles and fierce eyes, Broly looked nothing like an ordinary Texas farmer. No difference.

At that time, he was wearing combat power detection glasses, practicing Satan's combat skills, and using the glasses to monitor the tire shop from several miles away.

The tragedy at the tire store was discovered half an hour later, and the witnesses called the police right away. It didn't take long for the El Paso Police Department to turn the case over to the FBI. Such cases of alleged mutant crimes were beyond their capabilities.

There is no way an average human could push a Dodge Ram weighing over two tons more than three meters and crush three people to a pulp.

In the past few days, there have been people with above-average fighting skills wandering around the tire store. Some of them are FBI agents and some are members of the Reyes Group, all trying to find out the identity of the attacker.

Broly stopped punching, and he could see that his Satanic Martial Arts skill had reached level 9. The martial arts talent of this body is quite astonishing. Satan's fighting skills are not very complicated martial arts to begin with, but in a few days, he has reached a level that Satan has never been able to reach.

The Lv9 Satan fighting skill provides him with two passive skills.

[Satan Fighting Skills Lv4: Steel and iron bones, long and hard training has made your body tougher than the limit, Toughness +5]

[Satan Fighting Skills Level 7: Iron Fist, training close to the limit gives you strength beyond human limits, and the surging energy gives your fists destructive power beyond the limit].

Satan in Dragon Ball should only be at level 4. He survived the Cell game with his steel and iron bones. And his daughter Bidili should have surpassed level 7 and mastered the power of qi, so she could master the Air Dance technique in a short time.

Broly could feel that his muscles and skin were much tougher, and there was a destructive force within his body ready to move. It's just that in Satan's fighting skills, there's no ability to control qi, and this power can only be unleashed by fists and kicks.

Picking up the towel and wiping his face, he took the hoodie he had put aside and put it on, covering his very conspicuous long hair and the eyes that detected the combat power.

The tall body walked against the flow of people like a great white shark hunting among the fish.

Broly's target was a middle-aged man with a somewhat changeable face. His hand naturally rested on the middle-aged man's shoulder. With a little bit of arm strength, the middle-aged man was trapped, unable to move or even make a sound. The two of them walked into a secluded alley, acting like very close old friends.

As soon as he let go, the middle-aged man tried to resist. He should have received extremely strict training, be ruthless in his attacks, and be proficient in joint techniques. But under Broly's hands, he was like a baby with no resistance at all, and was easily subdued again.

"I mean no harm." Broly threw the gun back at him: "This kind of toy can't hurt me."

Alejandro awkwardly took the gun, held it in his hand and looked at Broly with suspicious eyes.

(This character is from Sicario, a very good movie)

"Are you the mutant that killed everyone in the tire store?"

Broly didn't deny it.

"I know you too, you should be from the FBI and you have a deep grudge against the Reyes group."

Alejandro is obviously a very profound person and his expression does not change at all.

"Three days ago you showed up at the scene with the FBI team, and you have been observing the scene alone for several days. You also privately imprisoned a member of the Reyes group and killed him after some torture."

Broly went on to say that through the battle detection goggles he could deduce what had happened.

Alejandro's eyes changed slightly. He was already very cautious. How was this mutant following him? Could it be that he was a spiritual mutant, but why was he so strong? Unfortunately, this person's judgment was wrong, and he was not from the FBI. He is the one doing the dirty work for the CIA.

"What do you want to do?"

He asked with a hoarse voice.

Broly took control of the conversation. Although he could rely on tracking the members of the Reyes group to their headquarters, he still wanted to find an assistant. An assistant who was skilled in closing and FBI investigation techniques could help him eliminate clues. He didn't want to reveal his identity to the FBI and SHIELD too soon.

"What did the Reyes group do to you?"

Alejandro, who seems to have a deep hatred for the Reyes Group and is even breaking FBI rules, is obviously the best partner.

"It was nothing, just a beheading

my wife and threw my daughter into a pool of sulfuric acid."

Alejandro's tone was calm, but Broly could see the anger boiling like lava in his eyes.

"Then are you ready to join forces and take down the entire Reyes group?"

Broly said looking into his face.

Alejandro's expression finally changed and he saw the possibility of revenge.

"How many mutants do you have?"

He put the gun back in his armpit holster.

Broly pointed at himself.

"Just me."

Alejandro's face suddenly darkened and he turned to leave.

"It's never numbers that determine combat effectiveness."

Broly said as he looked around and chose a sturdy fire hydrant.

"Powerful flying kick!"

Satan once used this move to kick Cell in the head. Although it had no power, it was full of momentum. When Broly used this move, the power was completely different.

The fire hydrant that was half buried in the ground was uprooted by the force of his legs and kicked into the air. The cast iron hydrant was kicked directly into a U-shape. High pressure water immediately gushed out of the underground pipes, turning the two of them into drowned rats.

"How about it?"

Even though he was a bit embarrassed, Broly still took the stance of a master.

"Let's get out of here quickly. The fire brigade will soon find the pressure changes in the fire pipes and locate it here."

Alejandro helplessly shook his head. The crime Broly had committed in the tire shop was a bit rough and left a lot of clues. If it weren't for the fact that there was no information about him in the FBI's criminal database, his identity would have been exposed long ago.

The two of them got into Alejandro's car, and he very carefully cleaned up the tracks they had left, taking the bent fire hydrant with them.

"So what's your plan?"

Alejandro asked, draping a towel over his shoulders.

"It's very simple. We follow a member of the Reyes group and find their leader. I will rush in and kill everyone I see. After killing everyone, you go in and clear out the clues."

Broly said.

Alejandro finally couldn't keep his expression. Now he regretted letting Broly get into his car. But after hesitating for a moment, he still put his hope in Broly.

The Reyes Group is not easy. The Drug Enforcement Administration and the CIA were very concerned when they launched operations against them. There is a huge force protecting this criminal organization. If there was the slightest hint of illegality, the operation would be canceled.

Everything was so difficult that he saw no hope for revenge.

"Listen, you are indeed very strong, but you can't be so reckless. I have a plan that is more feasible. We can pretend to be people from the Mata Group. I know the identities of several Reyes Group cadres, and there is information about Reyes' daughter. The Mata Group's style of killing is very easy to imitate. We used their methods to kill some cadres and then tied Reyes' daughter to the Mata Group's territory."

"These two groups have been in friction for a long time and have accumulated a lot of hatred. They will definitely go to war. When their strength is weakened by the war, it will be time for us to take action."

Broly thought for a moment and had to admit that Alejandro's plan was more feasible, and he could kill another monster from the Mata Group, so why not.