
Saiyan Primal Ascension

Emi is a fierce and spirited young woman, standing at 5'10" with a unique blend of Japanese and Hispanic features. She leads a life as a member of a female Sukeban gang in Japan, where her unyielding passion for combat has earned her the respect and fear of her fellow gang members. Despite her tough exterior, Emi secretly harbors a deep love for anime, particularly Dragon Ball Z. Her life takes a drastic turn when she meets Aya, the Divine Guardian of Battle, who offers her three wishes to be made within a universe centered around fighting. Emi chooses the Dragon Ball universe, her favorite anime world. ((please be aware this is a series that will head to different universes. Not just the dragon ball one))

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29 Chs

Saiyans of the Cosmos: Chronicles of Change

"Wouldn't mind testing my strength against something new," Tato chimes in, his youthful eagerness apparent, his hands hovering over the fire that was cooking some kind of Plant like meat.


"Oh, you seem like someone to get killed easily" A boy with red hair spoke more like a whisper but his voice was loud and clear to my ears.

"Come on Zebra don't go picking a fight again, they just got here," Toriko shouted at Him in annoyance. Sunn and Coco agreed with him and asked to at least give them time to get better.

"Wait what do you mean again?" I asked a bit curious about it. An odd look of shame appeared on their faces but not on Zebra. As the fire roared Toriko began to explain how Zebra had tried to pick a fight with many of the other Saiyan adults that had been sent ahead of us. Only one had agreed, it was the one that had come with the babies. Right a medic, I hadn't even checked her strength, I just figured it would be best to at least have someone who knew about medical stuff as I did not know anything about those types of things.

"While she was an interesting fighter, with that odd ability to create balls of lights as an attack, she still lost to Zebra. "She couldn't adapt to me!" He said proudly. As I took a deep breath and began to focus on the energy around me, closing my eyes as darkness surrounded me. They appeared like spots of fire in the darkness, some flames small like embers while others future away were like Roaring volcanos. So many of them some even bigger which caused my body to tremble. It was Like I was being crushed, and so I lowered my feeling range to only a few feet around me.

Compared to my own strength Hanasia and Tato were around half of what I had. It seemed their power was coming back to normal now since they had eaten. As for Sunny, Toriko and Coco they were stronger, and Zebra was stronger than them. The smell of more meat being cooked filled my nose as I opened my eyes. 

"You are very Saiyan like Zebra was it" I asked as I looked at him. Those with me who were Saiyan nodded in agreement. At the same time, Tato looked Annoyed but somewhat more excited. In comparison, I was left wondering what I should do. "What happened to the Saiyan you had fought Zebra?"

He seemed to be in thought before he began to whisper again. " First don't tell me what to do," He was extremely annoyed as he rubbed his head and he glared at me. " She is fine, the old man doesn't want anyone to die while having a practice fight. unlike you three She didn't smell like blood. just like that one over there " He pointed at Gine who still seemed to be thinking. "While the others didn't want to fight at all."

After taking so many lives, it wouldn't be a surprise if we were to smell like blood. However, I couldn't smell any such scent on myself, except maybe for some sweat. And I wouldn't even ask my companion what he meant by his statement, as it might come off as a foolish question. In this universe, where individuals possess strange and unique abilities, anything can be possible.


Gine's voice sounded slightly surprised as she asked, "So, the others are here as well? The ones I had spoken of." I noticed her gaze shift towards me, seeking confirmation. I nodded in response, indicating that the others were indeed present. Perhaps it was time for us to take a break and rest for a while, or even better, meet up with the rest of the group.


"I thought you said your race was a warrior one," Zebra spoke in a normal tone which caused my ears to be in extrem pain, while the others seemed mildly uncomfortable.

"Well, there are those of us, while extremely few don't like fighting like me," Gine said while looking a bit ashamed.

"There is nothing wrong with that." Coco said while smiling kindly at her. " Then there are people Like Celera that love fighting." Gine added.


"Jeez Zabra keep your voice down" Sunny snapped at him as he rubbed his ears.

" Maybe we should focus on the feast in front of us?" Gine tried to call the growing atmosphere.

"Speaking of feasts," Toriko begins, a spark igniting in his eyes, "there's much to sample in this world. Are you ready to taste the true essence of Food?"


"Always," I answer, feeling my hunger growing in my stomach. Though they did feed us something it wasn't enough. we Saiyan's were very big eaters.


Gine's Point of View

The embers of the fire crackle, casting a warm glow that does little to chase away the chill creeping into my bones. I sit, knees drawn up, staring into the dancing flames, their light flickering across Celera's and the other's faces. The night had wrapped the wilderness in its embrace, thankfully the others made it more bearable. As they were conversing it lightened the mood a bit.


And with them came the memories and the thoughts of my sons and mate. I missed them dearly, would my sons be okay? I could only hope Kakarot would be okay on that planet. Would he be able to survive? Would he find love and have kids? And what about my strong little warrior Raditz's? Prince Vegeta might take his anger out on him. Would he grow to be as strong as his father? Would he find his brother before we could? would he protect him? So many questions were in my mind. I know Bardock wouldn't want me to worry but I couldn't help it, would I have to fight in this new world?

I never liked fighting, my hands trembling as I thought about having to fight. The others always laughed at me for being different, but Bardock always did shut them up. He did have a tender side to him that he never showed others.


"Survival..." I murmur, repeating what Celera had told me. The word tastes bitter on my tongue, yet it's the only path forward I can see. Looking up to stars that were not my own, free of Frieza and hopefully of the lifestyle of fighting. I had no choice but to trust the words of a 7-year-old girl.


"Look at this place," Celera muses, her voice a low hum that vibrates in the charged atmosphere. "It's a blank canvas, Gine. A chance to redefine what it means to be Saiyan."


I run my hand along the bark of a tree, its vibrant hue unlike any on Planet Vegeta. My fingertips tingle from the contact, sparking curiosity within my heart. "A legacy without Frieza's shadow looming over us," I say, the idea unfurling like a new horizon.


"Exactly. We can be more than conquerors, more than survivors." She plucks a fruit resembling a jewel from a nearby bush, offering it to me. Biting into the fruit, a burst of flavor explodes across my tongue—a symphony of sweetness and zest that leaves me momentarily stunned. "We can teach the young ones something new since many of them are not even a year old."


"Learning to live in harmony with a world," Coco agrees, his kind eyes reflecting the glow of the bioluminescent leaves. He seemed to be someone who didn't enjoy fighting as well.


"Harmony..." I echo, rolling the foreign concept around in my mind. It presents a challenge, certainly, but I could become they could come home too.


I nod, accepting the weight of her words. Unity is an unfamiliar strategy, but if we are to forge a new path, it will be essential. My thoughts drift to my sons, to the hope of reuniting. This place could be their sanctuary, a world where they can grow without fear. Though would they want that? would they be more like their father than me?


As I sat by the campfire, I couldn't help but be mesmerized by the flickering flames, which seemed to be putting on a dance just for me. Despite the darkness that was gradually enveloping us, the warmth of the fire kept me comfortable, providing a stark contrast to the coolness of the night air. The sound of the burning wood and the mysterious symphony of nocturnal creatures within the surrounding wilderness created an otherworldly atmosphere that was both intriguing and peaceful.

The next day, Toriko led us towards a cluster of buildings that were visible in the distance. While we could have potentially reached our destination the day before, exhaustion had gotten the better of myself, Hanasia, and Tato. Thankfully, Toriko had graciously allowed us the opportunity to rest, and now we were ready to embark on the next leg of our journey. As we stepped into the large building something that I had not expected to happen happened.


"Welcome, Saiyan warriors," comes a voice, rich and inviting.


As I turn around, my eyes catch the figure of Spinela standing tall beside a few cages. Her posture emanates confidence and poise, as she steps out to greet us with a warm smile. Her smile is a fascinating contradiction, as it seems to convey both peace and an air of mystery, captivating my attention entirely. I recall meeting her once before, where she was usually unhappy, with a scowl etched on her face.

"Thank you for your welcome," I reply, my voice steady despite the churning curiosity within me. "This place... it's unlike anything we've ever known."


"Indeed, it is a world of wonders and dangers," she says, moving to stand in front of us. "I've learned so much from what Data they were willing to share with me."


"I'd hope you would understand our unwillingness to share more" Came the strong voice of the president as he walked towards us from the elevator. "Of course President"


"Your world fascinates us," Celera interjects, her gaze scrutinizing the newcomers with equal parts wariness and respect. "We're eager to learn its secrets."


"Ah, but first, let's share a meal. Nothing unites folks like good food," The president said, his voice booming with enthusiasm as he led us towards a room that was filled with an assortment of exotic dishes, the aromas enticing and foreign.


My stomach growls, betraying my intrigue even as my mind wrestles with the strange tableau before me. Saiyan's and gourmet hunters, warriors all, breaking bread in a realm untouched by Frieza's tyranny. It's surreal, yet the sensation of camaraderie weaving through the air is undeniable.


As we partake in the meal, laughter and stories are exchanged, each bite revealing flavors that send my senses into overdrive. The food is unlike anything back on Vegeta; it's complex, and invigorating, and somehow, it feels like it's healing more than just physical exhaustion.


Amidst the jovial atmosphere, my thoughts drift to those I've lost, to the haunting void that gnaws at my soul. But then, I glance around at these new faces, their expressions alight with hope and determination, and something shifts inside me.


"Here's to new friendships," I toast, raising a piece of fruit that glows like a captured star.


"To new beginnings," Spinela echoes, her voice soft yet firm, resonating with a strength I recognize all too well.


"Tomorrow, we face the unknown," I though to myself, the anticipation bubbling within. "But today, we celebrate our unity."


As we laughed and celebrated, the whispers of other Saiyan's joining us from a different room could be heard as they walked in to eat. Many of them eyed Celera with destaining but lighting when they saw me. They were my coworkers from the food division, who had been rescued by Celera. It was a moment of joy and relief. Finally, we were free from the shadow of Frieza and could begin to build a new future for our race. We were determined to create a new story for the Saiyan race, one that went beyond just being fighters. We wanted to be something more, to leave behind the old ways that had caused so much pain and destruction. This was a fresh start, a chance to redefine ourselves and our place in the universe. And we were ready to seize it with everything we had.