
Saitama in Record of Ragnarok

What if Saitama from one punch man would participate in ragnarok. Saitama is the last fighter of humanity. Will the strongest man in the world be able to defeat the gods? Will he finally find someone who is as strong as he is?

unknow10 · Anime und Comics
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5 Chs

Chapter 5-The god of the sea

"What is impossible," Saitama asked.

He also went to the railing and looked down. Down in the center of the arena stood a young man with blue and white skin, he had blond hair and, in his hand, he held a trident. Saitama saw that many of the other gods were also afraid. He turned to Brunhilde and asked:

"Who's that? Is he a big shot here?"

Brunhilde answered, still absent-mindedly, "Yes he is, or more precisely he was. Because actually he should be dead."

"I don't understand that," Saitama countered.

Brunhilde replied, "This is Poseidon the tyrant of the seas, he was the most fearsome god and was even called the god of gods by some. In the third round of Ragnarok, he fought Kojiro Sasaki the greatest swordsman of mankind. In the beginning Poseidon had the upper hand, but in the end, Sasaki was able to win. Which is why I can't explain how this is possible, he should be dead. The souls of the fighters who fought in the Ragnarok are destroyed, so he couldn't possibly have been resurrected."

"So, he's some kind of zombie," Saitama countered.

Brunhilde just gave him an annoyed look: "Not funny."

Saitama replied, "Okay, but why was he actually so feared?"

Brunhilde sighed and began to tell: "Many years ago there was a god named Adamas, he wanted to rebel against Zeus and tried to get the other gods on his side, including his younger brother Poseidon. But Poseidon refused, Adamas became angry and attacked Poseidon. Poseidon had never looked him in the eye his whole life and treated him condescendingly, even though he was the older brother. But before he could reach his younger brother, the latter simply turned around, looked his brother in the eye for the first time and stabbed him with his trident. And so, the thirteen gods of Olympus became only twelve and the four brothers became only three. Poseidon made sure that Adamas was removed from all records because he considered him too weak. At least that is what is said. Certainly, Poseidon is dangerous, he believes in the natural superiority of the gods and considers himself the perfect being, he is ruthless and cold-hearted, and even his allies must be afraid of him."

Then she looked at him again and hissed, "Don't you dare say anything."

"I'm not saying anything," Saitama countered.

He said thoughtfully, "I see, so a god with a god complex, I think I should deal with that. Should I fight him right now, or water we doing now?"

"So, you're making bad water puns now, great," she replies sarcastically.

"No, we still have time, we'll go in first and discuss what to do next. There is something wrong with this Poseidon we have to be careful."

Then they went back into the room. Meanwhile, Hrist had gone to Göll, who had told her what had happened during her absence.

"Do you think she's right, am I really just getting in the way, am I a drag?" She asked

"No, you're not, this time she's gone too far, as soon as she gets back, I'm going to have a talk with her."

Her voice began to change and her veins stood out.

Göll interrupted her, "Calm down you're losing control again."

"Yes, you are right," Hrist replied.

She continued, "Because in the meantime, I don't think Brunhilde is telling us everything."

"What makes you think that," Göll interrupted her.

"I am her oldest sister, and I have known her the longest of all of us. She used to be very different, she was a good leader and was always looking out for our well-being. We didn't have a shout with the gods either, we were much more helpful to the humans than she was, but we hadn't planned to defeat her in Ragnarok yet. But since that incident, she has started to change."

"Wait, what incident?" asked Göll.

"I don't know exactly what happened myself, she never talks about it, but after that she was never the same. She became much colder and shortly after that she convinced us to plan Ragnarok to get rid of the gods."

"What do you mean, do you think she's doing this for revenge or what".

"I don't know, I think all the wars we've witnessed and the fates of the fighters have taken an extra toll on her. Honestly, I'm afraid she's slowly losing her mind."

"I just can't believe that, she would never do something like that would she?"

"I hope not, but I can't say for sure, you and many of the others didn't notice or ignored it."

"You never tried to call her on it?"

"Yes, but she always dodged the question. But if it is, it's partly my fault, I should have followed up harder at the time."

"Don't blame yourself, let's hope it's not. The question is what do we do now?"

"We should find out if and what Brunhilde is hiding from us."

At that moment, Saitama and Brunhilde entered the room.

Brunhilde took the floor and said, "We have a problem! Poseidon is back."

"What, but how is that possible?" cried Göll in horror.

"The how exactly is not important now, what is important is why and what conditions are required. Hrist you mentioned that some gods have disappeared."

Hrist nodded. Brunhilde continued:

"I think it's some kind of swap, Zeus sacrifices some gods and gets old fighters back. I bet Hades has something to do with it."

Göll yelled, "Damn, Quin Shi Huang almost killed him."

"Yes, but the son of a bitch still managed to save himself by a trick."

"The question is, can he revive fighters only once or multiple times."

"I don't care, I'm still going to stop them," Saitama interjected.

"I knew you were going to say that." She replied

"We have another problem, though," Hrist interjected.

"And that would be," Brunhilde replied.

Then she looked at Hrist who was now standing next to Göll. She looked at Göll annoyed and said:

"Really Göll really, do we have to make such a big deal out of this now. Does Hrist have to sort it out for you now, couldn't you have just kept that to yourself."

Hrist replied annoyed, "Could you stop talking to her like that."

"Why, if she acts like a little kid, I can talk to her like that."

But Hrist's angry look silenced her.

"All right, I'm sorry Göll, I shouldn't have talked to you like that. So now satisfied."

"It's not just now, you haven't been able to control your anger lately. I think you and I need to have a talk."

Brunhilde laughingly replied, "Now you're going to tell me about anger issues, what irony."

"I don't think that's a good comparison," Hrist countered. "I have two personalities, you're in control all the time."

"Anyway, yeah I've been a little irritable lately, it's because I've been under stress all the time. Because everything went wrong at Ragnarok, you two are bugging me about unimportant things, Poseidon is back, Zeus can apparently revive the dead, and our only fighter can't take anything seriously."

"I think I can take care of the Poseidon problem," Saitama interjected.

"You stay out of this," Brunhilde shouted at him.

He replied, "Ok ok shall I come back later."

"No, I think the fight is about to start, you can go down to the arena already." She replied

"Ok, sea you later then."

"Please stop that," Brunhilde replied.

"Well, I found it quite funny," he replied. "You did too, didn't you?"

He looked at Hrist and Göll who both shook their heads.

Brunhilde replied: "In Midgard I have seen that people use a certain instrument for such things. What is the name of this instrument where several drums are attached to each other and a metal disk is attached to the top?

"Do you mean a drum set," replied Saitama

"Yeah right, if you keep this up maybe I should get one." She replied.

"I mean what do you say next that mosquitos suck?"

Saitama remained silent.

"You already said that, didn't you?" She asked.

"So, Genos thought it was funny," he replied.

Brunhilde retorted, "Genos, the guy who weighs every word you say with gold."

Then Saitama turned and left, "Well, I'm going to pound this sea freak or whatever hes called for a minute, hopefully he has a better sense of humor than you do."

"I doubt that very much," Brunhilde called after him.

"We should follow him or do you want to miss the fight?" said Hrist.

After that, all four of them went outside.

Meanwhile, Hades and Zeus were talking to Poseidon, they didn't think he had a chance, but they still wanted to give him a heads up.

Zeus said, "And remember, you must be careful, a single blow from him can mean the end for you."

Poseidon just nodded silently without looking at him and walked towards the entrance of the arena.

"Hey did you even listen to us," Hades called after him.

Poseidon stopped and turned to them. He looked at them with his expressionless face, no he did not look at them, he looked down on them. Then he said:

"Don't worry, I can handle it, just leave it to your king."

"Did he just look down on us," Hades said with an angry undertone in his voice.

"I think so," Zeus replied.

He continued, "Is it my imagination, or is this guy even cockier than usual?"

"That's quite possible," Hades replied. "I already told you that the revived fighters retain part of their personality. The strongest qualities of their personality are emphasized. Since Poseidon's strongest trait was his arrogance and it was enhanced by resurrection, this is now his main character trait. Since we wanted them to be will-o'-the-wisp soldiers who will kill for you whether they were a good person before or not. In addition, especially the negative traits are strengthened, plus they take on part of the personality of their master, in this case you. So that they act according to your will and pursue your goals. And since he is quite conceited and you are quite conceited, he is now more conceited and arrogant than ever. You might think after the fight against Kojiro Sasaki he would be less arrogant, but since he was killed directly, his personality didn't have time to change."

"And it's impossible to break free from this mind control?" Asked Zeus.

Hades replied, "It's not really mind control, if the person has had similar goals to you before, as in the case of Poseidon, it doesn't make much difference. With people like Adam or Hercules, it's really like a kind of mind control. They become an embodiment of their own bad qualities, in the case of Adam arrogance or in the case of Hercules pride, and your personality. Actually, it is impossible to free yourself from it, only a person with great willpower could manage to free themselves for a short time, but they would collapse under the pressure shortly after and fall under your control again. The only moment they really have their old personality again is after they are killed the second time. The moment after they are killed and before their soul is finally destroyed, their soul is freed from our control, but then they can't do any more damage, so it doesn't matter. Actually, it's meant to make them good will-less soldiers, but in the case of Poseidon, it just made him more obnoxious."

"I don't understand, you said yourself that Poseidon's personality makes him a good king, even better than yourself." Replied Zeus

"Yes, that was also before he lost, besides, at least he had some respect for us then. But we should get out now, or we'll miss the fight." Hades replied.

Saitama and the others arrived outside, Saitama went to the railing and looked down into the arena. The arena was now completely flooded with water and in the middle was a round platform. Suddenly the water parted and a person walked from the entrance of the arena to the round platform. Saitama recognized the sea god and said:

"Did that guy really go out again just to get his big gig?"

"Down in front of the entrance to the arena you'll find a bot, you can use that to get to the platform." Brunhilde called out to him.

But Saitama ignored them and jumped straight down over the railing.

"Ey, what are you doing?" Göll shouted after him.

"He's going to fall right into the water," Hrist replied.

"Does he want to swim," Brunhilde said.

Saitama jumped down, but instead of falling into the water, he landed on the water and ran to the platform."

"Did he just walk on water?" asked Goell incredulously.

"This guy is really unbelievable," Hriest exclaimed.

"With him, nothing really surprises me anymore," Brunhilde said.

Poseidon watched the whole thing expressionless at first, then his gaze darkened a little.

Saitama arrived on the platform and asked, "So you're this sea god?"

But silence was the only answer he got.

"Not exactly the most talkative, are you," Saitama noted.

But instead of looking at Saitama, Poseidon's eyes were on Heimdall. Heimdall first wondered what was going on, but then he noticed. He had been so distracted by the whole situation around him that he had forgotten to introduce Poseidon. He gulped when he noticed that something was different. Poseidon was not looking down at him as usual, he was staring directly at him. His gaze pierced him, made him freeze in fear. His knees trembled, but he had to pull himself together. Trembling, he raised the horn to his mouth and called out:

"Hail the tyrant of the oceans, the ruler of the seas, the most fearsome god, Zeus Enalios the Zeus of the seas Poseidon!"

Just in time, Heimdall thought to himself. Normally Poseidon didn't like to be cheered, but since he hadn't introduced him as the announcer, it might come across as if he wasn't showing the sea god any respect. When he came back from his thoughts, he was shocked to see that Poseidon was still staring at him. His gaze had even darkened, Heimdall became restless, he began to sweat. He wondered what the hell he could mean. Then he said in a shaky voice:

"And the god of gods."

Poseidon seemed satisfied and averted his eyes, Heimdall exhaled in relief. But his relief did not last long. For suddenly he heard a voice beside him:

"Are you sure, he doesn't look that strong at all."

The arena was suddenly dead silent, Heimdall almost had a heart attack. Was this Baldy insane to provoke Poseidon so. He knew that the Baldy was strong, but that was suicide. Actually, at the moment he didn't even care who would win, he just wanted to get off this platform as soon as possible.

"And not really fearsome either," Saitama continued.

Poseidon didn't move and just scowled at Saitama. He grabbed his chin thoughtfully and said:

"Yes, more like a real weakling."

No one dared to say anything as Poseidon slowly moved toward Saitama, holding his trident beside him as if about to attack. His gaze, however, remained unchanged.

Saitama was not irritated by this, however, and continued to speak unhindered: "I don't feel any great power emanating from you either, as from Thor, but the others consider you to be quite strong. They are very afraid of you, and somehow you have raised my hopes."

Poseidon had now reached Saitama and stopped short in front of him.

Saitama continued talking, "So please don't disappoint me now."

Before he could finish the sentence, Poseidon stabbed him with his trident, but Saitama dodged to the side, but Poseidon's trident grazed his arm and his suit was damaged. Poseidon pulled his arm back and stabbed again, this time aiming at Saitama's stomach, who dodged by jumping backwards and landing a few meters away from Poseidon. Poseidon made no move to follow him, instead he stopped in the middle of the platform. He slashed his trident sideways, removing a piece of Saitama's suit that had gotten tangled in his trident. Then, all at once, he said:

"Is this supposed to be a joke? This is supposed to be the one that all of Valhalla is afraid of, every god is afraid of, and even my brother turns tail. In front of this joker, that's just pathetic. Well, it looks like you can't do anything without me, so just leave it to your king, don't worry I'll finish this quickly."

"Says the one who lost to the biggest loser," Hades whispered to Zeus.

With these words, he approached Saitama. The latter said:

"Don't take it personally, it's not that I think you're weak. But next to Thor or Zeus, Poseidon was always pretty boring. I mean what are your superpowers that you can talk to fish. Because if you want to sic sharks on me, I should be safe as long as I don't leave the platform."

"Since when is Poseidon famous for being able to talk to fish? Could it be that Saitama knows secret stories about Poseidon that even we don't know about?" Asked Göll

"No, I just think he's mixing things up again," Brunhilde replied.

Poseidon stopped and asked annoyed, "Do you really think I'm that stupid? Do you think I don't know what you're up to?"

Saitama just looked at him confused

Poseidon continued: "You want to provoke me by playing the clown and make me become careless. So that I am blinded by rage, make mistakes and you can hit me easier with your strong attacks. That may have worked for Thor and Shiva, but you can't distract me so easily."

Saitama replied confused, "I really don't know what you mean, but if you say so."

Poseidon replied, "But I don't want to be ruthless, I'll put a quick end to your life. If you give up and keep still, I'll also try to make it as painless as possible."

"Waterever," Saitama replied uninterestedly.

Poseidon amusedly replied, "Bad water puns, really, that's your big plan to make me angry." He laughed mockingly.

Saitama turned to Brunhilde and said, "See, I told you he thinks it's funny."

But the latter only facepalmed.

"No, I don't," Poseidon replied.

"But you laughed, denial is futile." Saitama replied.

"That wasn't the reason I laughed; however, may I take that as a, no?"

"To what question again?"

"Whether you surrender?"

"No, I don't surrender," Saitama replied.

Poseidon replied, "Well, in that case, I can't guarantee anything."

With these words he jumped towards Saitama, he had his trident and stabbed, but Saitama easily dodged to the side. Poseidon wasted no time and stabbed in the direction Saitama had dodged. And so, it went on for a while, Poseidon trying to catch Saitama with his trident and the latter dodging easily. In the end, they were so fast that only the more powerful gods could follow their movements. Damn, he's faster than expected, thought Poseidon. I've got to get faster. He began to move even faster, creating several afterimages. These lined up in a circle around Saitama, then he began to run circles around Saitama, creating a huge vortex of dust. From this, he began stabbing Saitama from all sides. With my tremendous speed, the afterimages it caused, and the dust vortex, he shouldn't know where I am, he thought. In fact, the afterimages made it look like he was attacking from all sides at once, and the dust vortex made it almost impossible to figure out where he was. Saitama had no chance to escape, apropos Saitama, where was his opponent actually. Poseidon was puzzled to discover that he could not find his opponent anywhere. How was that possible? He couldn't possibly have gotten through the vortex without noticing. Suddenly he heard a voice behind him:

"Found you."

He turned around in a flash and struck behind him with his trident. But he couldn't see anyone, so he sped up again and created a smaller dust vortex. This way he wanted to keep an eye on the rest of the fighting area to find out where his opponent was. While running in a circle he searched everything, but he couldn't spot Saitama, when he arrived at the place where he heard the voice before, he heard it again, this time from the other side:

"I still sea you."

Damn, how was that possible. He turned around again and struck at the voice with his trident, but the blow went nowhere again. This guy is really starting to get on my nerves, he thought to himself. Then he heard the voice behind him again.

"Hey, I'm here!"

When he turned around, he saw Saitama standing in the middle of the arena waving at him. He shouted at him:

"You bastard, how did you do that?"

Saitama replied, "That wasn't so hard. The first time I was just faster than you, I left the dust vortex without you noticing after I got bored. The second time I just ran a bit behind you, you were so focused on the rest of the fighting area that you didn't even notice. But really, I could only do that because you're pretty slow."

"You son of a bitch," Poseidon yelled and jumped toward Saitama.

He dodged to the side as usual and Poseidon followed him. After Poseidon had tried to hit Saitama several times without success, he tried to cut off his head with one blow. Saitama dodged by ducking forward. He said:

"Ey, stop wave-ing your trident around."

"Shut up," Poseidon yelled back.

He struck with his trident in the direction of Saitama's crouched head, but the latter had long since leaned back.

"Woah Saitama seems to have made him really angry." Said Göll

Brunhilde answered: "Yes, that has its good but also its bad. As Poseidon said, if you let yourself be provoked, you become careless. To upset your opponent by taunting him is a good technique that offers many advantages. By doing so, the opponent often neglects his defense and you can hit him better with strong attacks. And Saitama is a master of this technique."

"And what's the bad part," Göll asked.

"I'm afraid it's not a technique," Brunhilde replied as she facepalmed again.

Meanwhile Saitama and Poseidon continued to fight, after a while Poseidon managed to push Saitama to the edge of the platform. Before he could fall into the water Saitama stopped, he screamed:

"I've got you now."

And wanted to impale Saitama with his trident, he noticed just in time how Saitama's fist moved towards him. He could just jump backwards, otherwise the blow would have hit him. He jumped backwards a few meters to get distance from the man. He felt the power coming from him, but he didn't want to accept defeat, and since he was under Zeus' will, he couldn't either. Instead, he stepped towards Saitama again and said:

"I have to admit I underestimated your speed, but I'm nowhere near using all my strength."

With these words he unleashed an attack he called Amphitrite. In this attack, he executed countless trident thrusts at incredible speed. Saitama was able to dodge most of them without problems, but a few grazed his clothes and damaged them. The last attacks he simply blocked with two crossed arms. In the end, Saitama stood there with his clothes slightly damaged, but unharmed. However, he had a bit of dirt on his skin that could easily be mistaken for scratches.

Poseidon laughed mockingly, "And you questioned my strength, funny, I haven't seen anything of yours yet. Only of your speed and your only blow so far missed. You had the chance to give up, now I will destroy you. I used only a small part of my power and you are already covered with wounds. I think it's clear how the fight will end. This fight seems to be taking a toll on you."

"No, it's not, in fact this is the most boring fight I've had in this tournament. I thought as a sea god you had a lot of cool water attacks, instead you just try to stab me with your trident, anyone can do that, you don't even have to be a god. "Saitama replied.

"I split the water; didn't you notice?" Poseidon asked.

Saitama replied, "Yes I have, but it's not that hard, I've done it before."

Poseidon was seized with rage, tightening his grip on his trident. He tensed his muscles and said:

"You dare, I even offered you a painless death. But you didn't want it any other way, prepare for your death."

He was about to stab when he was hit by a blow to the face. He let out a cry of pain and flew through the air a few meters, then he hit the ground. He still skidded to the edge of the platform, tearing off all of the heavy stone slabs that adorned the floor along the way. When he finally came to a stop, he lay motionless.

"That he can put Poseidon through that, unbelievable," Ares said.

"Does that still surprise you, after Thor and Shiva?" replied Hermes.

Ares replied, "Well, listen, that's still Poseidon. But I still wonder how Poseidon can be back, he was killed. Do you have any ideas?"

"No, I have no idea either," Hermes replied. Then he turned and wanted to leave.

"Hey where are you going," Ares asked.

Hermes replied, "I have something to do." Then he disappeared.

Suddenly all the gods began to shout:


Slowly and heavily Poseidon stood up again, all the gods continued to cheer and shout GOG, but Poseidon turned around and silenced them with a look.

He turned back to Saitama and said mockingly, "I thought you would beat anyone with just one punch, how pathetic."

Saitama replied, unimpressed, "I held back because I still want to see what you've got."

Poseidon replied, "I doubt it, I think you are in truth already at the end of your rope and are trying to cover it up."

Saitama replied uninterestedly, "If you say so. But why did you silence your fans just now? What did they call you again GOG."

"GOG, that's short for God of Gods. That's what I'm called by many here." Poseidon replied.

"Then why did you silence them? Aren't they your friends and family?" Asked Saitama

"Friends," Poseidon said with a laugh. "We gods don't need friends, we don't form groups or armies. We are perfect beings from the beginning. Alone we are strongest, those who need to gather friends around them are weak."

Poseidon observed the reaction of his counterpart, to his surprise he started laughing. Poseidon asked with an angry undertone:

"What's so funny?"

Still laughing, Saitama replied, "Nothing, it's just you remind me of a sassy lost child."

Poseidon did not expect this answer. He was angry, but tried to keep his composure.

He replied, "Oh I bet you're just jealous."

"Envious of what?" Asked Saitama

"Envious that we gods are perfect beings." He answered mockingly

But Saitama just replied, "Nah, actually I couldn't think of anything more boring."

Poseidon was dumbfounded by this answer, asking in bewilderment, "What do you mean by boring?"

Saitama replied, "What I mean by that. Quite simply, I'm already too strong and I'm bored, but if I were really perfect. I mean where is the challenge."

"What kind of challenge?" asked Poseidon, even more puzzled.

"Close the challenges that make life worth living. Without challenges, life would be boring after all." Saitama replied

"Are you saying you don't strive for perfection?" Poseidon asked, confused.

Saitama replied, "No, let me explain. Everyone has goals in life that they want to achieve, and for which they must overcome many hurdles and overcome challenges. My dream has always been to become a strong hero who can defeat any monster with just one punch. However, as I grew older, like most others, I had given up on this dream. But after I had to save a child from a monster one day, I again set the goal to become the strongest hero. From that day on, I began to train. No matter how hard it was, no matter if I spat blood, I kept on training. During this time, I also fought against many monsters, but no matter how many times I went down, I always got up again. No matter how many times I was made aware that I was not strong enough that I had not trained enough, my dream to become the strongest hero let me always get up again and overcome my limitations. Of course, I wanted to help people, but that wasn't the motivation that kept me going through the training, even though I was still injured from the last fight. The push-ups, the squats, the sit-ups, the 10-kilometer run, every monster, all the challenges I had to face during that time, I could only overcome because I had the desire to get stronger. But when I reached my goal and became the hero I always wanted to be, it was as if the fire that had been driving me for those three years went out from one moment to the next. All the things I used to feel fear, tension, friends and anger were suddenly gone, it's like In exchange for power I may have lost something that is essential for being human . Every day is the same, I get up, get ready, kill some monsters and come home unharmed. The fights I felt so much in before are now all over with a slight arm movement. Even when I get hit, I don't get hurt, I don't even feel most of the attacks. I can't even really remember the last time I was really hurt. I still train and fight monsters, but I have lost all drive. Besides, now I always have to control my power because otherwise I might accidentally destroy the world. Before, this power was all I wanted, now I just think to myself, what a shame I have become what I always wanted to be. What I want to tell you is that if you had asked me three years ago, I would have said something like yes, why not, but today I can only tell you that this is nother for me. As I said it would be the most boring thing I could imagine."

"That's an impressive story, but it still doesn't explain how he became so strong. Those monsters he fought should be nothing compared to the gods. " Said Göll to Brunhilde. The latter, however, was lost in thought.

Poseidon was now angrier than ever. He jumped into the air and screamed:


He then used an attack he called Chione Tyro Demeter, executing an almost endless series of trident thrusts from above on his opponent. Due to his high speed, he created countless afterimages. Saitama, however, only smiled, easily dodging the attacks. Finally, he grabbed Poseidon's trident and threw it backwards along with Poseidon, but the latter managed to land on his feet. Saitama said:

"I thought about what you said, and it's not true. Look around, all the gods here have come together as a group, there's even a council of gods, so you're not loners after all."

"The others are not as perfect as I am. That's why I'm the god of the gods." Poseidon replied.

"But that doesn't make sense again, I thought Zeus was the supreme god. And when I think about it, I'm not even sure if you are the king of the ocean. There are gods from all different cultures living in this place, and each culture has its own sea god. How am I supposed to know if Poseidon or Neptune is the true god of the ocean. Or."

He looked questioningly at Brunhilde, who looked in and said:

"Oh, Aegir or Chalchiuhtlicue."

"Exactly Aegir or the guy with the unpronounceable name," Saitama said. "How do I know that one of them isn't the real sea god? Even I defeated a deep-sea freak who said he was the king of the ocean."

Poseidon sighed and replied, "These are all my subordinates, I am the only true king of the ocean and Zeus is not what he used to be either. Wait, you have defeated the deep sea king, he used to be a general of my subordinates."

"How dare he," Zeus grumbled. "He can't instigate a coup, can he?" he asked.

Hades replied, "No he can't, he can't go against your will. However, that does not change his arrogance."

Saitama replied in confusion, "Just so I understand now, you consider yourself the god of gods because you sit alone in your palace all day instead of meeting with others. That's kind of sad. I think you're just lonely.

Poseidon replied, "What no I'm not, I was just born special. Ever since I was born, I haven't looked anyone in the eye."

"So, you were neglected as a child, interesting." Saitama replied thoughtfully.

"What, no!"

Saitama looked up at Zeus and said, "Hey Zeus, your brother is lonely and alone. That was your brother, wasn't it?" Zeus nodded.

You should invite him to family gatherings more often."

"I will," Zeus replied.

Poseidon gave him an angry look.

"Tit for tat," said Zeus.

"You're talking nonsense!" Shouted Poseidon.

Saitama ignored him and said, "I think he needs a hug."

Poseidon said, "I'm going to kill you!"

"So, you want to kill me, then try it you chicken."

Poseidon also smiled and said mockingly, "Don't make me laugh. You know, the last person to make fun of this was Kojiro Sasaki, the biggest loser of mankind. But I think I just found a new contender for that title."

"Hadn't you lost the fight," Saitama asked.

Even Brunhilde couldn't help laughing, to keep from laughing out loud she held her hand over her mouth. When she looked up again, she saw Hermes standing in the upper part of the arena and gave her a sign. Immediately she left the tribune and went on her way.

Göll asked, "Hey, where are you going?"

But Brunhilde only replied, "I have something to do." And disappeared as well.

While Göll concentrated on the fight again, Hrist was lost in thought. She had seen Hermes and was staring thoughtfully after her sister.

Poseidon replied angrily, "Kojiro Sasaki, was lucky. I had held back because I still wanted to play with him. But in the end, I had underestimated him, if I had wanted to kill him in the beginning, I would have done it."

"Boo, bad excuse," Göll yelled from the stands.

Poseidon looked in her direction and said, "You their little girl, if you don't shut up right now, after I win, I'm going to give you to my brother as a gift at the next family reunion. Do you know what my brother does when he sees a woman, judging by your shocked face I think so. And believe me your age is the last thing he cares about."

Goell was shocked and yelled, "Saitama please kill this guy, he scares me."

"Hey little one, one more word and I swear to myself, I'm going to skin you and dice you into a million little pieces. And I'm gonna put those pieces in a box, a glass box that I'm going to display on my mantel. Right under the lamp with the lampshade I made out of your skin."

Göll was shocked and hid under the railing.

Poseidon continued, "So now that there are no more interruptions, we can move on. Aren't you going to say anything about it?"

"No, you said yourself that you wouldn't do anything until you beat me."


"I'm not going to lose."

"You're pretty confident, for the biggest loser in humanity." Poseidon replied mockingly.

Saitama replied, "I thought about what you said again, and since you lost to the biggest loser, aren't you the biggest loser then."

Some of the gods in the audience began to discuss, one said:

"He's kind of right about that."

"Right," said another.

But Poseidon only looked angrily towards the stands and silenced everyone.

"This doesn't look good for you somehow, you're not the god of gods, you're not even the only sea god. Then who are you anyway?" Saitama continued.

"I am still the most fearsome god," Poseidon replied.

Saitama replied, "Matter of opinion, personally I think the guy with the eye patch up there, much scarier."

He looked up and waved at the god, "Oh, must not be the most talkative either."

"This is Odin, the father of Thor," Poseidon explained.

Saitama said, startled, "Oops."

Then he shouted, "I'm sorry about your son, but he wanted a fight to the death."

But Odin only remained silent. Saitama said thoughtfully:

"Maybe I shouldn't have said anything."

But he was jolted out of his thoughts when he noticed, out of the corner of his eye, a trident moving towards his head. He reacted quickly and was able to dodge it, but Poseidon tried a few more times before finally giving up. Poseidon smiled at him, but something was different, he no longer looked expressionless. There was a hint of murder in his eyes.

He said, "Hey, are you getting distracted, our fight is not over yet."

Saitama replied in surprise, "Oops, sorry, I almost forgot about you, so where were we again?"

"You had called me a loser and exposed me before all the gods." Said Poseidon in an almost psychopathic voice.

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you in front of all the gods and destroy your reputation. But to be fair, you insulted me first. I just wanted to tell you that I think it's stupid that you think you're special just because you don't have any friends." Saitama tried to justify himself.

Poseidon, who had regained his composure, said, "In that case, I just want to ask you one question. Do you have any friends?"

Saitama thought for a moment then said, " Does it have to be friends, or do stalking students, self-proclaimed archenemies, and acquaintances count too?"

"No, just friends." Answered Poseidon, while the self-confidence slowly returned to his face.

Saitama answered after a short time: "Ok, no I didn't and that's not bad. But it's nothing to be proud of or brag about. You'll understand when you're older."

"I am older than you, I am even older than the universe itself." Poseidon replied.

"Really, you sound like a edgy teenager though." Saitama replied.

Poseidon shouted angrily, "Zeus does not deserve to be the king of Valhalla! I am the king of Valhalla! I reign supreme over everyone here! I am the Golden God of this place! I reign supreme! I! I!"

"But you're blue and white," Saitama countered.

Poseidon shouted angrily, "That's enough, I'm ending this now! Any last words?"

Saitama said thoughtfully, "Hmm, let me think for a minute, oh yeah, can you really talk to fis."

But before he could finish, Poseidon threw the trident at him, and he dodged it by moving his head to the side. He watched as the trident flew past him in time lapse, but suddenly something hit him in the face. Poseidon had only used the trident as a distraction to sneak up on Saitama unnoticed and hit him in the face. The force of the blow sent Saitama back a few feet, but otherwise did him no harm. Meanwhile, Poseidon had retrieved his trident and was preparing for his next attack.

"Any real last words," Poseidon asked.

"Yes, what abilities does this trident have?" Saitama asked while holding Poseidon's trident in his hand.

"When did you?" Poseidon asked, puzzled, looking at his now empty hands.

Saitama grabbed the trident with both hands and pretended to shoot with it and asked:

"So, it can shoot lightning or water jets?"

"No, he can't and now give him back," Poseidon retorted angrily.

Saitama replied, "It's okay, you can have it back. I just wanted to see if, if you can't do anything, at least the trident can do something. But it looks like it's just a normal trident."

With these words he threw the trident back to Poseidon, who caught it and stared at it for a short time. Then he said:

"A normal trident! I've contained my rage for as long as possible, but I think it's time to unleash my furry upon you like the crushing of a thousand waves! Begone bald man begone from me! A normal trident, this is a king's trident a trident of the gods, the golden god! I am untethered and my rage knows no bounds!"

"I think he broke him," Hades said.

"Definitely," Zeus replied.

"Stop being so salty," Saitama said, punching his opponent in the face.

This flew through the air and landed on the other side of the fighting area. This time he was bleeding, he stood up heavily and spat blood. Then he grabbed his face with his hand, when he saw the blood, he stroked it into his hair and grinned. Then he started whistling in surprise.

"Why are you whistling now?" Saitama asked.

But Poseidon did not answer him, instead he went to the edge of the platform and dipped his trident into the water. Then he said:

"What was that again? You want to see cool water attacks. You're welcome to that."

With these words, he pulled his trident out of the water, held it in front of him and spun it quickly in a circle with both hands. This also created a ring of water around the spinning trident, from which Poseidon created water projectiles that flew towards Saitama. Saitama simply deflected them with his hand, sending them flying in all directions and destroying part of the arena. All the spectators took cover to avoid being hit. One of the projectiles made a hole in the upper wall of the arena, much like Saitama's serious blow had done in the fight with Thor. Poseidon did not pause.

He shouted, "Feel the power of the ocean!"

He moved his arm from right to left, summoning a wave that cut through part of the battlefield and crashed into Saitama. Then he moved his arm from left to right, causing a similar wave to come from the other side. However, these waves did nothing except get Saitama wet. Then Poseidon charged at Saitama and attacked him. Saitama, however, was able to dodge the trident again with ease. There was one difference, however. The tips of the trident were now surrounded by water, and whenever Poseidon struck at him with it, the trident drew a trail of water after it. Saitama wondered if this would strengthen his attacks. However, he did not have much time to think. For Poseidon suddenly leapt into the air near the edge of the platform, two columns of water rising one to his right and one to his left, forming to dragons. He pointed his finger at Saitama and the two dragons pounced on him. Saitama struck once to the right and once to the left, turning both back into normal water, which now rained down from above. Saitama heard a noise from the side and turned his head. Poseidon had leapt into the air again, a larger column of water rising behind him, from which a water dragon more than twice his size was forming. He pointed his trident at Saitama and the dragon swooped down on him. This time Saitama used a stronger blow, which wiped out the dragon along with the water. However, he did not notice that Poseidon had used this as a distraction to sneak up on him. Poseidon stood only a few meters away from his opponent, screaming:

"Have you forgotten about me!"

Then he thrust his trident into the ground, causing the part of the fighting surface Saitama was standing on to detach and crumble into many small pieces. This caused it to fall into the water. Poseidon scooped with his fingers, creating a whirlpool in the water that pulled Saitama into the depths. Poseidon was about to jump in to make sure that Saitama really drowned, when he suddenly jumped out of the water, the resulting air pressure was so strong that the water was pushed back a few meters on all sides. Saitama landed a few feet away from Poseidon on the fighting surface, he held his breath. Then he released his nose, spat some water and said:

"That was close, first I almost suffocate on the moon and now I almost drown. Luckily I held my breath both times."

"You know, it's no use holding your breath when you're already underwater and you've already inhaled." Poseidon interrupted Saitama's loud thoughts.

"But you did better than I would have given you credit for. Unfortunately for you, however, that was far from my strongest attack."

With these words he jumped again into the air, again a column of water rose from the water.

"The same attack again," Saitama asked, bored. "Didn't you realize that this is useless?"

"Don't worry, it's not the same attack." Poseidon replied in a voice that would immediately freeze the blood in anyone's veins.

"Where did all these new attacks come from? And why didn't he use them against Kojiro?" Asked Zeus.

Hades replied, "Poseidon doesn't like to fight with water, he just prefers to fight with his trident and speed. Against Kojiro he thought he had the upper hand until the end, so he didn't think it was necessary. Against Saitama, however, everything else has no effect so he gets creative."

Poseidon was right, this time the water column around him deformed. The water dragon that emerged was larger than all the previous ones. The biggest difference was that this time Poseidon was inside the dragon, hiding in the mouth of the dragon, pointing his trident at his opponent. Then he screamed:


And swooped down on Saitama with the dragon. Saitama jumped towards him and threw a punch. When the two attacks collided, water sprayed throughout the arena and both fighters were thrown back by the impact. Saitama was only slightly thrown back and landed on the platform, at first, he had trouble keeping his balance, but eventually managed to do so. Poseidon, on the other hand, was thrown back further, his trident slipped from his hand and he fell into the water. For a short time, everyone thought he was defeated, but then he reappeared. He had his trident in his hand again and his lower body was completely wrapped in a wave. This allowed him to move faster than ever in the water. At first, he tried to catch Saitama from the water with his trident, but it didn't work. Saitama only dodged boredly from time to time, but suddenly he appeared behind Saitama and struck. Saitama, however, was able to dodge by jumping into the air. Poseidon looked up angrily and created water projectiles again from the wave surrounding him, pointing his trident at Saitama, who was then hit by the water projectiles. With the help of the water surrounding him, he created a column of water that carried him upwards. He hit Saitama, who was able to dodge without any problems. Finally, he had the idea to trick the Baldy, he hit Saitama from above with his trident. He ducked, but Poseidon had only been waiting for that and hit Saitama in the stomach with his fist. Since both were still in the air, Saitama was thrown back and flew towards the water. Before he fell into the water, Poseidon was already there and tried to hit him with his trident. After a few seconds, Poseidon suddenly noticed that Saitama was no longer there. Was that just an afterimage, he thought.

"Where are you," he yelled.

"I'm right here," he suddenly heard a voice behind him.

Then a karate chop hit him in the neck and he fell into the water. He jumped out of the water in a rage and looked around for Saitama.

"Hey, here I am," he heard a voice behind him again.

It was Saitama who was swimming calmly in the water. Poseidon became angry and pointed his trident at Saitama while shouting:

"Feel all the power of the ocean!"

Then huge masses of water shot towards Saitama. The latter, however, looked at the whole thing only bored and said:

"Killer Move Serious Series, Serious Squirt Gun!"

The water measures caused by the serious Squirt Gun easily pushed back Poseidon's waves. Poseidon tried to push against it, but was eventually swept away by the tidal wave caused by Saitama. Impossible, the power of the ocean and my control over the water defeated by a Squirt Gun, he thought. Saitama tried to jump back on land, but was intercepted in mid-air by Poseidon, who rose from a column of water. He shot more projectiles at Saitama, knocking him back. Poseidon followed him and tried to hit him with his trident, but Saitama was able to dodge. He screamed:

"A Squirt Gun, that's all you needed to surpass my power!"

Saitama replied, "After all, a serious squirt gun. Believe me, not many of my opponents survive a serious attack. Well, not serious in the sense of really serious, or with full force. But rather a bit more force than normal. Mostly I call the attacks serious, if I want to make it a little more exciting for me, or I want to show the opponent a little respect. So, he doesn't feel bad when he realizes that his attacks have no effect."

Poseidon angrily struck at Saitama again, but he dodged again. In his mind he wondered why he was so angry at the bald man. He had completely lost his composure in this fight, which had never happened to him before. Normally he killed his opponents without even looking at them or exchanging a word with them. But in this fight, he had discarded this tactic after a short time and by now he was sure that this was a big mistake. When Zeus told him how the bald man had killed Thor and Shiva and by what training he had gained this power, he had to laugh. Thor didn't surprise him a bit, but when he heard that Shiva had gone berserk, he had to laugh. He could guess why Shiva had snapped. Shiva had probably been angry that even he, the laziest of all gods, had to work harder for his powers than this Baldy. He had no pity for Shiva, because a god who had to work hard for his powers was not a real god in his eyes. Maybe this Baldy was a forgotten demigod who was actually more of a god than most here. He thought that this Saitama might resemble him, a real god who was almost perfect and might respect the man to some extent, even if he killed him in the end. He would never have reckoned with the truth. In Poseidon's eyes, everyone should strive for perfection, and try to be as perfect as possible. But this man preferred a normal life as a human being to divine perfection. This man preferred a life in which he could feel pain, anger or fear to a life in which he was invulnerable. He even wanted to lose his powers and work all his life to improve himself rather than be perfect. Such a thing was incomprehensible to Poseidon. It wasn't the first time he met someone with such views, but usually they had been weak people he could just kill. But Saitama was different, he was stronger, he was better, he was more perfect than him. Someone like that just didn't fit into his world view, someone like that was not allowed to exist. And then he realized that not only Shiva had worked hard. He had worked for years to build up his image as a perfect being, as a god of gods, on whom every god should take an example. He had even killed his own brother to protect the real gods from the weak gods who were not real in his eyes. And then this person comes here, ridicules him in front of everyone, destroys his image as a perfect being and even dares to teach him. At first, he thought he hated him, but he was wrong. Shiva hated him, he hated Kojiro, but this man. He wanted to see him dead, no he wanted to see him suffer, he wanted to rip out each of his limbs one by one. He refused to coexist with this man in the same universe. Either him or me, one would die today.

Poseidon shouted angrily, "Do you think this is funny? Is the only point of your existence to make fun of hard-working people like me!"

"What does he mean by hard-working people like me? That description is more like Shiva, isn't it?" Said Huginn one of Odin's ravens.

Munnin the other raven replied, "Well, they are kind of similar."

"But that's only half true." They suddenly heard a voice behind them, and when they turned around, they saw Loki leaning against a wall.

"Yes, the two are a bit similar, both are quite cocky, but their motivations are completely different. Poseidon is not fighting for his people, his family, his friends, or his honor as a fighter. Poseidon fights for his self-image."

"Dude, chill out," Saitama said, knocking Poseidon back to the fighting area.

A few seconds later, Saitama also landed back on the platform. Poseidon slowly stood up again and wiped the blood through his hair.

"Give it up, this is getting really boring. So far, you've done nothing but make me wet." said Saitama

But to his surprise, Poseidon started laughing.

"Wet, you say! I don't think you even know what we really mean! Do you know where it's really wet? In a storm, not a thunder storm like my brother or Thor would have created. But a real storm, maybe flood is a better description, take your pick. A storm of trident stabs raining down on your head, impaling your body parts piece by piece, piercing your organs so hard you think your heart will stop beating until it is finally impaled. Tell me, have you ever been in a storm like that?"

Zeus was getting impatient and shouted loudly into the arena, "Stop talking shit and kill him already. That's an order!"

"What do you think I'm doing right now!" Poseidon shouted back angrily.

Then he turned back to Saitama, "Alright Saitama, I think it's time to show you my strongest attack."

Poseidon appeared directly in front of Saitama, moving so fast that it looked to weaker gods as if he had teleported. But Saitama just watched the whole thing bored, he didn't even look his opponent in the eye. But instead of stabbing as expected, he screamed:

"Medusa Alope Demeter!"

With these words, he unleashed his strongest attack. Also known as the 40 Days and 40 Nights of the Flood. Within milliseconds, a huge dome of afterimages formed around Saitama, who reacted quickly and used one of his own techniques.

"Killer Move Serious Series Serious sideway-jumps"

He jumped so fast from left to right that he created dozens of afterimages himself. Poseidon's afterimages were outnumbered, but it was enough to avoid his attacks. Poseidon screamed:

"You really should have given up when you had the chance! You humans are inferior to the gods, you should really know your limits!"

"Nonsense, the way I see it, with humans you've just created weaker versions of yourselves, there's not much difference. And what limits are you talking about, created by whom, based on what?" Saitama replied.

"I fear he has lost his mind, yet I had the highest hopes for him because he was able to retain most of his personality. What a disappointment," said Hades.

Eventually Saitama got bored and he said:

"Killer Move Super Serious Series Super Serious Sidewave Jumps!"

With these words, he began to jump back and forth even faster, creating more afterimages. Finally, these afterimages were moderately superior to Poseidon's, and he was thrown back by the force of the attack. However, Poseidon did not give up and jumped again toward Saitama. He shouted:

"The boundaries that ensure humans never rise to the level of the gods!"

But Saitama simply caught the trident with his hand and broke it.

"You're right, no human is born as strong as a god. We are not super strong, super-fast or almost invulnerable, but that doesn't mean we can't get to that level. Do you think any of the human fighters here were born that strong? No, they have all trained to become stronger. The limits you speak of do exist, but that doesn't mean they can't be broken. They may be born at a higher level than humans, but that doesn't mean a human can't reach that level."

"That's impossible," Poseidon replied.

Saitama replied, "No, it's not. You've just never done it before. You are one of the strongest gods by birth, you have never had to work hard for your powers since you are already so superior to most gods. And since you've never fought an equal opponent, you haven't trained to become stronger. That's why you think you're perfect, but the truth is you've just never had to fight properly. Because the truth is perfection doesn't exist, no one is perfect, not me, not you, not anyone, whether God or man."

Poseidon took the two broken halves of his trident in his hand and stabbed with the front one. He screamed:

"Liar, I am a perfect being!"

He tried to stab Saitama in the side, but the tips just shattered against his body. Saitama just looked down at him in frustration and said:

"You're a spoiled brat and nothing more."

Then he gave Poseidon another blow in the neck, knocking him to the ground. Then he turned to Zeus:

"I don't know what kind of magic you're using, but the fight is over, you can order him to stop now."

But Zeus only replied, "Believe me, what my brother is saying or doing right now, he is doing largely of his own free will. And I will not interfere with that."

Poseidon took the other half of his trident and tried to stab Saitama, this time aiming at his head. But Saitama just dodged the attacks without looking at him once. Suddenly Brunhilde ran to the stands and screamed down:

"Saitama, he is just a will-less soldier. He will not stop and Zeus will not stop him either. He is only made up of his negative qualities now, there is no reason you can appeal to. If you really want to help him, you have to kill him."

Poseidon attacked Saitama again while he was distracted, but the latter simply knocked him away without even giving him a glance. Poseidon flew through the air and hit the ground. He quickly stood back up and glared angrily at Saitama. He hadn't even looked at him, and he knew why. The bald man didn't respect him, he didn't even see him as a real opponent, his attacks were far too weak to deserve his attention. This idea made him angry, he screamed:

"Look me in the eyes you bastard!"

And jumped towards Saitama. He finally turned around and looked him straight in the eye. This surprised Poseidon, but he didn't let himself be distracted, but just before he reach Saitama, he suddenly disappeared before his eyes. He was confused and turned around only to see a huge fist coming straight at him. He could see the word death flash before his eyes, he braced himself to be hit, but suddenly he no longer saw a fist. Instead, he saw a trident piercing him, his trident and he looked into his own cold eyes, then the trident was knocked backwards and he flew into a wall. So that's how you felt Adamas. Those where his last thoughts before his soul was finally destroyed. He didn't know that the fist had hit him long ago and these were the last thoughts his now liberated mind had. Saitama, however, did not notice any of this. He had used a punch similar to the one he had used against Genos, but this time he had not slowed down beforehand. The shock wave of the blow was so strong that the water was divided on the way to the exit. He looked briefly at his still smoking fist and said:

"Man, this guy really couldn't take a joke."

Then he walked toward the exit. The aftereffects of his blow displaced the water long enough for him to leave the arena. He thought to himself, I told you it wasn't that hard. When he reached the exit, he thought aloud:

"Man, that was really the most boring fight so far."

Warning: This chapter is a bit more brutal than the others. More specifically, violence is described in a bit more detail.

Actually, I wanted to bring out the chapter already on June 10th, but then something came up and then I was not satisfied and have revised the chapter again. I am still not completely satisfied, so it may be that I revise the chapter again. But I wanted to finish the chapter before I go on vacation. Otherwise, have fun with the new chapter, feel free to write a comment if you like it, or what you did not like. So that I know that and can perhaps change it.

Oh, and in this chapter are a few references to a certain TV series. I'm curious how many will find them.

Note: They are not really hidden.

This time actually no cliffhanger. (don't get used to it)

Again a chapter that became much longer than I had originally planned. At the beginning I just wanted Poseidon to make his attacks, Saitama to dodge them and then break the trident. I mean Poseidon's only strengths are his trident and his speed, which don't help him against Saitama. Then I had the idea to make the fight more interesting by making up my own attacks for Poseidon. Feel free to write me a review if I succeeded or if you didn't like the water attacks. And in the end somehow this came out. For all those who have been talked too much, I can promise that in the next chapter the action will be in the foreground. Because with the characters, that will be the opponents of Buddha I have no idea what to write.

unknow10creators' thoughts