
Hanakai vs. SaiOuma

Hanakaia? Whats that?

Its a disease that a person get from one-sided love

Oh? Symptoms?

The victim will stage 1: the victim will start coughing up flower petals and blood stage 2: is where the victim coughs up flower petals thorns and blood stage 3: victim all of the above including buds then stage 4: the victim coughs up all previously mentioned but the vuds are full bloom

Oh? How do you get rid of it?

Well the victim has to die or confess their love and the receiver has to return it romantically only strong friendship isn't enough

Can surgery get rid if it?

As a matter of fact yes yes it can but the victim will no longer feel their feelings for their beloved

Oh this is sad-

I know











Kokichi Ouma is a childish mischievous teenager whom attends hopespeak academy





Shuichi Saihara is a quite reserved emo kid who sits in the back and has a crush on



























Almost there







































Keep going











































Kokichi Ouma its a saiouma story what did you expect?






After awhile Shuichi got hanakai oh no what are we gonna do?!!

If you said get surgery you're wrong

If you said confess you're also wrong

If you said wait till we die then your definitely wrong

If you said pretend like its nothing and tell no one about it because worrying about me will waste someones time and act like om fine even though I'm not and im literally slowly dying refuse to get the surgery when someone suggests I do and put up a fight about confessing to my crush when it could literally save my life and have a whole panic attack when I do actually die then yes you'll be correct

And like that Shuichi Died

Coc-Kokichi cried because Shuichi died, he lost his hand and both of his legs

And the rest of the cast is confused

And Rantaro is yelling at me as we speak because Kiibo may or may not have died for definitely a reason and not for no reason at all :)

I am very bored and lazy so don't ask-

_Kokichi_Ouma_creators' thoughts